Doctor Komarovsky about the quartz lamp


Many parents believe that buying a quartz lamp will help them raise their child stronger and healthy. However, a huge number of models that are on sale, puzzling. The question of the effectiveness of quartz treatment remains open. About this tells the famous children's doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky.

What it is

A quartz lamp, or as official medicine calls it, a germicidal lamp is a device that needs no introduction. Everyone has ever seen them in hospitals and clinics.

The device is designed for disinfection of premises, food, a wide variety of items. In addition, the quartz lamp has found wide application in medicine for local exposure to ultraviolet rays on the affected areas of the body, postoperative stitches.

Today you can choose a lamp for any purpose. Some are intended only for use in areas where there are no people or animals. Others can be bought and hanged at home. The main thing is to pre-weigh the benefits and harms from this (not the cheapest) acquisition.

Benefit and harm

Everyone knows about the benefits of quartz treatment - it helps to destroy pathogenic microorganisms in the atmosphere and on the surface of objects. Everyone also heard about the harm, but what exactly is difficult to establish, since hospital attendants in hospitals usually do not like to talk about this topic too much.

The main harm of a quartz lamp is in ozone, which is saturated with air during the operation of the device. The fact is that ozone is poisonous, and therefore, after quartz treatment, it is always recommended to ventilate the room. Improper operation can cause burns to the organs of vision, if you try to look at it for some time while working.

Household quartz lamps can be used in the complex therapy of some diseases, such as bronchial asthma, adenoids, rickets and a number of others. Babies in the maternity hospital who were born from Rhesus-conflict pregnancy are given tanning sessions under such a lamp. But there are also contraindications. Therefore, if there are people in the house with cardiovascular diseases, tuberculosis, kidney failure, frequent bleeding, you do not need to buy such a device. All of these diseases are contraindications for treatment with ultraviolet radiation.

You should not purchase and install the device in the room of a child who has an increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

Dr. Komarovsky about the lamp

Quartz lamp - a source of ultraviolet radiation, and quite powerful, says Yevgeny Olegovich. This radiation helps to destroy a large number of known viruses in the air of a particular room, be it a group in a kindergarten or a nursery in your home.

If a child enters a room that was recently treated with a quartz lamp, and all the viruses in it seemed to be destroyed, then he rather quickly “saturates” the atmosphere with pathogenic agents. Much time is not needed - according to Evgeny Komarovsky, five minutes is enough.

Where are needed?

The beneficial properties of quartz lamps are absolutely indispensable in the conditions of hospitals, operating theaters, where healthy people are trying to help the patient with a non-communicable disease. In the conditions of gardens and at home for the disinfection of premises from viruses, it is better to use simpler methods - airing. Maintain proper air humidity and room temperature.In still and dry air, viruses retain their activity for several hours, and in conditions of moving air, viruses quickly lose their destructive properties.

Quartz lamp does not cause any harm, says Yevgeny Komarovskaya, if, of course, it will not include it in the presence of children.


  • After quartzing, always ventilate the room before the child enters.
  • Do not allow your child to turn on the device independently and uncontrollably.
  • If the question is whether to buy a quartz lamp home, try to start a less expensive way to “improve” the atmosphere in the apartment - wet cleaning and often airing. The optimum temperature of the air in the nursery is 18-20 degrees, the humidity of the air is 50-70%. In such an environment, viruses also die.

More on quartz lamp will tell Dr. Komarovsky in the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


