Dr. Komarovsky about the nursing mother's menu for months


The baby has a rash or flushed cheeks, he has a tummy "puff" or he sleeps badly. Impressive mothers immediately write off all the problems of the first months of life on food and blame themselves, of course, on everything. Some mommies get on the strictest diet, so that the crumb would not get something harmful with their breast milk. Eating oatmeal five times a day on the water, they quickly bring themselves to neurosis, however, like a child.

Surrounding (girlfriends, grandmothers, neighbors) enthusiastically give advice on what to eat and what to eat. Information comes in different, mom gets tired of experimenting, and the child does not get better. Famous children's doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky tells how to eat a nursing mother so that both her and the child feel good and comfortable.

Special features

Yevgeny Komarovsky claims that the number of products equally useful and safe for both mother and baby is quite large. There is no need to go on a diet, which is recommended by "all-knowing" friends. Diet is stress for mom, and this stress is immediately transmitted to the baby, hence the increased anxiety, poor appetite of the child, tearfulness.

Komarovsky urges moms not to experiment and not to mock themselves. The basic principles of nutrition for nursing mothers have long been formulated and are not yet subject to revision.

The main thing is to exclude potentially allergenic products - chocolate, citrus, strong coffee, a large amount of red berries (strawberries, raspberries).

Almost everything that a mother takes in food is contained in one or another quantity and is present in breast milk, recalls Yevgeny Komarovsky. And therefore you should not eat that which is capable of worsening the taste and smell of milk. These products include garlic, pepper, a large number of onions, do not eat spicy, sour, bitter.

The qualitative composition of breast milk can change if a woman eats products that change it. It is no secret that legumes and white cabbage are excellent products for overcoming constipation. But they spread the laxative effect on breast milk, and therefore the baby may begin to suffer from colic due to increased gas formation, it may begin diarrhea. Such products sensible mother will also be avoided.

What should be the food of the mother during the feeding period of the baby. A short commentary by Evgeny Komarovsky on this question.

There is a common misconception - the fatter milk is, the richer it is, the better it is for the baby. It is not, says Yevgeny Komarovsky. Fat milk is more difficult to decant, the crumbs have to make much more effort to suck it, and the little body needs to try very hard, so that excess fat can be absorbed later.

It is for this reason that mom you should not succumb to provocations and advice, specifically to increase the fat content of milk, eating large quantities of sour cream, butter, cream, pork.

In general, it will be useful for mom and child if women include milk and non-dairy cereals, at least 500 grams of fresh vegetables and fruits per day (except for those that are “taboo”), low-fat meats and poultry in baked , boiled, stewed.

Common sense should be the best adviser for a nursing mother, Komarovsky said. If there is any doubt whether to eat something or not, it is better to eat this product quite a bit and carefully observe the reaction to the product in the child. If his appetite does not change, he does not get covered with a rash and does not start to sleep badly and suffer from abdominal pains, then the mother’s product can be eaten.

Whether to drink a large amount of liquid is a purely individual matter. Doctors in this regard have not yet reached a consensus. Some experts believe that the amount of liquid drunk by a woman does not affect the amount of breast milk, others (including moms themselves) claim that an extra cup of tea or water helps to increase the amount of breast milk.

Komarovsky advises to assess their abilities on the situation. If there is enough milk for a child, and it still remains, then it is not worth drinking something special to enhance lactation. But if the baby is clearly not enough milk, mom should try to drink more.

From drinks Evgeny Olegovich advises to give preference to sweet green tea with the obligatory addition of milk, compote from dried fruits. Juices can be drunk, but not in liters or even in half-liter circles, but moderately. Among them is to give preference to carrot, apple and grape juices.

Milk choose no fatter than 2.5% and be sure to boil it. Dairy products are welcome, as well as baked milk.

Meals for months

To keep mom from fussing over trifles, Komarovsky recommends making an approximate menu in advance for several months in advance, so that you can start eating right after birth.

What kind of milk the child receives can greatly affect the state of his health, because it is in the first months that the digestive system is formed and “tuned”, the production of enzymes is established, and the baby’s own immunity begins to form.

The first month

Under the ban - fatty broths, pork, lard, yeast pastries, pickled foods and canned food, whole cow or goat milk, cocoa and coffee.

It is best to eat vegetables, and in boiled and baked form too:

  • Fruits can be eaten after heat treatment - baked apples are perfect.
  • Soups - on lean broth and on broth, made from lean beef or chicken breast.
  • Every day you need to eat milk or dairy-free cereals with a moderate amount of butter.
  • Bread is better to replace the crackers or biscuits.
  • Compotes are very useful.

Second month

Starting from the fifth week of the baby’s life, the mother can gradually introduce low-fat meat in boiled, stewed or baked form, as well as sea fish, quail eggs and chicken cooked in similar ways into her diet (in small portions). Yeast bread, chocolate, alcohol, carbonated drinks remain banned.

Third month

During this period, the mother can gradually begin to eat soups in fatty broths. It's time to cook borscht, cabbage soup, but you shouldn’t be especially zealous with cabbage, put it in a smaller one.

With tea, mother can eat jam in small quantities and jam, if there is no allergy from the mother herself, then a small amount of high-quality fresh honey is permissible.

You can enter in the menu of vegetable salads, as well as fresh fruit, excluding citrus. Mom can already afford a small amount of pasta.

Fourth month

Still prohibited are pastries and yeast dough bread, fat cow's milk, hot spices, spices, garlic, chocolate and cocoa. But the diet can be expanded slightly by adding to all that you can eat, fresh greens, a small amount of onions and sugar (very moderately!).

Fifth month

Baking can now be eaten, but only yeast-free and home-made, for example, cookies. In the soup mom, you can already add a small amount of spices. You can eat and steam burgers.

Sixth month

Mom can safely add fried minced fish cutlets to authorized products, and by the end of the sixth month you can make chicken breast cutlets.

After half a year

In the diet in small quantities, you can enter legumes, which were previously banned, fatty meats (pork and lamb). This does not mean that you can already eat bacon and garlic.

Pork should be cooked without frying in oil, it is better if it is stewed.

Mom can now eat seafood.

Under the ban for up to a year, alcohol, chocolate and coffee, as well as all kinds of canned food, remain.


A child will be able to get the maximum amount of vitamins, fats, proteins and carbohydrates if the mother knows the main principle of organizing a healthy diet when preparing the menu: every meal should contain all components without exception - fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Example: for breakfast, mother eats a dairy rice porridge with butter, from which a sufficient amount of carbohydrates and animal fats come into the milk. Therefore, there is no need to eat this porridge with crackers or crackers.

But we can’t confine ourselves to porridge, because this breakfast will not contain fructose and proteins. Therefore, it is necessary to add one green apple (source of monosaccharides) and 100 gr. low-fat cottage cheese (the same missing protein).

It is advisable to keep a food diary, in which the mother will indicate everything she ate and drank. So it will be easier to find the "culprit" inadequate reaction of the child to some product. If a rash appears or a gastric disorder is observed, the cause must be sought in a new product introduced very recently.

If the child has certain problems, for example, acetonemic syndrome, the mother should plan her diet in such a way that she does not receive products with crumb's milk that have an additional negative effect on the liver.

With acetone in children, mothers should eat turkey meat, boiled rabbit meat, and buckwheat and corn preference should be given from cereals. It is better to refuse spinach, cauliflower, baking, fatty broths and everything fried.

A child with atopic dermatitis, which is popularly called “diathesis,” should not be deprived of breast milk just because he has an unhealthy reaction to him. Mom should reconsider the diet, exclude everything that may be allergenic. In rare cases, supplementation of a lactose-free, hypoallergenic infant formula may be required. But such a decision must be made only with a pediatrician who observes the child.

After giving birth, the life of young parents is on its way. There is a time of holidays and feasts. But now nursing mother is not enough that you can eat from the holiday table. After all, it can turn into a problem for the child. Especially for such cases - recipes for salads with chicken.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


