Dr. Komarovsky about the benefits of the salt cave


Diseases of the respiratory system in children are common. Recently, pediatricians state that the number of chronic respiratory ailments in babies has increased. Among the numerous recommendations for such children the name “speleochamber” often sounds. It is useful to visit the salt room and whether it is possible to cure respiratory diseases with its help, says the well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky.

A bit of history

Procedures associated with the inhalation of clean air in the salt room, called halotherapy. This method was widely used in the late 80s of the last century. However, the properties of salt to disinfect the air was known in ancient Greece, where quite a lot of natural salt caves.

This method was the first in Europe that the Poles tried, who tried to build a hospital that mimics the climatic conditions of salt mines.

The first artificial chamber in which it was possible to breathe salt spray, appeared in Perm in 1982. The USSR Ministry of Public Health officially adopted and approved the methodology in 1990. Now speleokamery can be found in almost any decent sanatorium, in some clinics and health centers.

Operating principle

In speleokamer, they try to create conditions as close as possible to the natural climate of salt caves and mines. Dry salt aerosol, according to experts, dilutes bronchial secretion, with which the human body leaves allergens, toxins, bacteria. The ciliated epithelium recovers faster, which is why respiratory ailments, such as bronchial asthma, bronchitis, allergic respiratory diseases and some others, can be cured more quickly.

The fact is that dry sprayed salt has a high penetrating ability, and even in small quantities, microscopic salt particles penetrate deep into the respiratory organs and tissues. Salt on the walls and ceiling contributes to the creation of a completely allergen-free space.

Usually a person is in a speleochamber for 10-15 minutes. The duration of the average course is about two weeks. Such procedures can be prescribed to children not only in case of diseases of the respiratory system, but also after a strong emotional shock that the child has suffered, with certain skin problems, as well as during the recovery period after surgical operations.

Tuberculosis of the lungs, ARVI or flu in the acute period, as well as children up to 3 years.

Komarovsky on the effectiveness of speleological chambers

Parents who have long been struggling with chronic respiratory diseases in children or with childhood allergies are ready for any procedures that promise them relief. Halotherapy is no exception.

At the same time, few adults pay attention to what the room itself is. Now there are quite a lot of non-accredited "health resorts", which sometimes are made right in apartments, having overlaid walls and ceilings with layers of salt. Such places can not be considered speleokamerakami. Without a device producing sodium chloride aerosol, there can be no talk of any effect.

As for the accreditation and aerosol chambers, Yevgeny Komarovsky believes that they are very helpful, but only to their owners, who have built a profitable business on this. The cost of one session on average in Russia is from 500 rubles.

According to the doctor, the salt chamber in no way affects the immunity and does not have a preventive effect. Alternatively, equivalent in effect, we can consider a walk in the fresh air. Only you don’t have to pay for it.

Serious diseases of the respiratory system, according to Komarovsky, salt chambers are not treated. But children with allergies in it really breathe easier. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to live life without leaving the salt room. Outside the camera, the child again enters the environment with a mass of allergens around and the effect disappears.

Spend money on halotherapy or save it and buy a child humidifier in the room that will help create excellent conditions for the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases - to decide parents.

About the benefits of the salt cave, see the transfer of Dr. Komarovsky.

You will learn more about halotherapy by watching the next program.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


