Diet for urticaria in children


A disease in which red itchy blisters appear on the skin is called urticaria. Usually, a dermatologist deals with the treatment of this disease. Mandatory components of treatment for hives of any origin is the appointment of a special diet.

Causes of

Urticaria can appear on the skin for multiple reasons. The most frequent are:

  • The appearance of blistering after eating some food provoking skin rashes. This is the so-called food urticaria.
  • Chemical option. It occurs after contact with various chemical and industrial substances (for example, household chemicals or hygiene products). The brighter the colored liquid in the bottle, the more likely it is that the baby will have itchy blisters on the skin. This problem may occur after using some medicinal ointments or creams.
  • In the cold season, with a sharp decrease in ambient temperature may be a cold option. With this variant of the disease, more exposed areas of the body are more affected by wind and frost. In young children, the thermoregulation system is not yet perfect. Even with not very severe frost, but in the presence of individual sensitivity to cold, the first symptoms of the disease may occur.
  • The reverse option is the thermal version of the urticaria. It usually occurs when the temperature rises. It is also important to note here that the manifestations may appear with relatively small deviations - for example, when the temperature rises by a couple of degrees. Often this variant of the disease occurs in the warm season, when solar insolation is strongly activated. Where the sun's rays fall, red sore spots appear there.
  • A rather rare variant of urticaria is the cholinergic variant. It occurs with allergic diseases in the baby. The formation of blisters on the skin contributes to a number of biologically active substances that are triggered during autoimmune diseases. This variant of the disease occurs no more than 10% of all cases of urticaria.
  • Recently, the occurrence of cases of aqua urticaria has become more frequent. Manifestations begin after contact with skin fluid. It can be any: after the rain, flowing from the reservoirs. Fluoridation of water by an industrial method greatly degrades the quality of the liquid. This leads to an increase in the incidence of such a variant of urticaria in children.

Different types of urticaria can manifest in a child at any age.

Often they are provoked by unhealthy diet, strong physical and emotional stress, which leads to stress, inadequate sleep and rest.

What products cause blistering of the skin?

Healthy nutritional food is one of the key factors in the fight against urticaria. The first allergenic products can enter the baby’s body as early as 6 months. At this time, mothers begin to give babies first lures. After the introduction of each new feeding, pay attention to the skin of the child. It should be clean, with no signs of scratching or red spots.

The products that can cause manifestations of urticaria include:

  • All chocolate coated pastries. Cocoa beans and cocoa butter are strong allergens.Even in small quantities, they can trigger a large release of histamine. This biologically active substance triggers a variety of chemical reactions within the child’s body. The outcome of these reactions on the skin is red big blisters with gray or even reddish contents. They itch a lot and bring great discomfort to the baby.
  • Sweet soda, packaged juices, and ready-made milkshakes. They contain a huge amount of chemical additives and dyes that cause food urticaria.
  • Strong black tea. Unscrupulous manufacturers of tea can add dyes to it, which, when brewed, give the drink a beautiful color. Pay attention to whether the teacup is stained when washing after brewing tea. If a dark patina remained on it, most likely a dye was added to the tea. Such drinks should be discarded.
  • A variety of nuts. Of course, nuts are considered to be very useful. In their composition, they contain a lot of essential fats, which are necessary for the children's body for the proper functioning of the nervous system. However, children with allergic reactions eat nuts anyway. They can contribute to the exacerbation of skin manifestations at the urticaria. It is better to replace nuts with other sources of healthy fats. This is a red fish (for children older than three years), as well as vegetable oil, which can be filled with vegetable salads. It is also added to porridge.
  • Fruits and vegetables are red. Be careful when adding red vegetables and fruits to your baby’s diet. Often children have an allergic reaction. It is better to give preference to green vegetables. Yellow and white berries and fruits are considered less allergenic products. They can be used in the menu more often.

Basic Postulates

To understand what kind of diet at the urticaria to give preference, it is necessary to determine the cause that led to the development of the disease. Given that a significant percentage of causes are related to the ingestion of food (allergens), one should choose a hypoallergenic diet.

This is a diet without foods that cause itchy elements on the skin.

Pediatricians recommend to exclude all highly allergenic products. Emphasis is placed on the inclusion in the diet of lean meat, cereals and green vegetables. You can use fresh dairy products (in the absence of a child's lactase deficiency).

The rules that should be followed so that the urticaria does not appear to the baby:

  1. Exclude all foods that may become allergens. They provoke an inflammatory process, increasing the appearance of itchy blisters on the skin. This rule is more applicable to the food and cholinergic variant of the urticaria. It should be noted that provocateurs should be excluded for life! Even after many years, if an allergen product is introduced into the body, inflammation may begin again. Lymphocytes - the cells of the immune system - are responsible for this. Even once met with an allergen, they remain sensitive to him and remember it for life.
  2. Sufficient drinking mode. Water cleanses the body of toxic products that are formed during allergic reactions. Adequate use of clean water activates the kidneys and stimulates the activity of the excretory system. All metabolic products are easily eliminated from the body.
  3. Balanced nutrition. Basically, this diet should include 30-40% of proteins, 50% of carbohydrates and about 20% of fats. Daily caloric content is calculated according to age tables. All products must be of high quality and free of chemical additives. Children who are prone to allergic reactions, more shown natural products. It is better to cook at home and not to abuse food in catering establishments. There are usually added to the dishes spices or seasonings that can trigger a new attack of bubbles.
  4. Regular inclusion in the diet of fresh vegetables and fruits (mostly green). Prefer fruits that grow in your area of ​​residence. The fiber contained in plant foods has an excellent cleansing effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It gently removes all formed toxins and removes them from the body. It helps to cleanse the skin from blisters and rashes.

Following all these easy rules will help reduce the risk of developing food and cholinergic urticaria.

In other cases, this food will help speed up the process of recovery after the appearance of rashes. Exclusion from the diet of allergen products is a necessary measure for the prevention of new exacerbations at the urticaria.

What to cook for the baby?

With a hypoallergenic diet, give preference to recipes with a minimal combination of different ingredients. Adding seasonings and spices is unacceptable. Limit yourself to a small amount of salt or sugar.

Chicken stuffed broccoli patties

Take chicken breast from a single chicken. Remove all skin. Then, using a blender, prepare the stuffing. Pour one egg into it, salt a little and mix well until smooth. Soak a piece of white wheat bread in milk. When the bread is well soaked, carefully squeeze it and mix with the minced chicken.

Boil broccoli in boiling water (for 5-7 minutes).

Finely chop with a knife, but do not turn into mashed potatoes. Take a little stuffing in your palm, put a little broccoli inside, then again stuffing. Form small patties.

Cutlets can be baked in the oven or cooked in a slow cooker - to your taste. Do not fry in a pan. The dish goes well with boiled rice or buckwheat porridge.

Read more about cooking in the next video.

Diet for various skin diseases (including urticaria) is the basis of a complex of therapeutic measures. It aims to remove the aggravation, which caused the formation of itchy blisters on the skin.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


