Summer with a child: how to spend it fun and useful


Summer, as you know, a little life. And for the child and his parents this time is filled with adventures and new discoveries. And in the summer, the teachers in most kindergartens go on vacation, and the crumbs need to devote much more time than usual. Warm months can be spent fun and profitably, you only need to make a clear plan of action and diversify the program!

Do not give up mode

We are all used to the fact that in summer you can relax and sleep late. But even if you have such an opportunity, it is better not to do it.

It will be easier for everyone if the family remains within the framework of the usual regime. With a strong change in the rhythm of life, not only in children, but also in adults, mood and well-being become less stable.

Therefore, if you notice that your whole day is filled with childish moods, try to normalize your daily routine. Hardly this will completely solve the problem, but it won't be oversimple. A daytime sleep, kept in the kindergarten schedule, will also help parents free up time for their own holidays. Some advantages!

Teach your child new and useful (for you) cases

The summer months, free from kindergarten, are a great time to get your child homework. Of course, it’s not worth waiting for the three-year-old to immediately start washing floors to shine. At first, he will not get anything, but he will develop a habit of helping his mom and dad. And this, you see, is well worth it.

In addition, many child psychologists claim that it is these “exercises of practical life” that best help a child to prepare for the future.

A piece of beef will not be cut into pieces, but it may well (try) to pour the rice from the bag to the jar, bring a mug from the room to the kitchen, mix the already sliced ​​salad. Yes, you may then have to vacuum the rice all over the kitchen, wipe the puddles in the hallway and eat half the salad, picking it up from the table. But by the end of August, be sure, your little rogue will turn into a real helper!

Update your collection of toys, play educational games

Toys help children to get acquainted with our world, learn to interact with it. Therefore, it is important to approach their selection with attention and love, to choose what will definitely benefit.

So, for children from two years old, designers who develop fine motor skills, visual motor coordination, logical and imaginative thinking, and much more will be perfect. And with a good designer you can always play a role-play and help your child acquire the first social skills.

For example, along with the set Lego® DUPLO® "Big Playground" (art. 10864), parents will be able to show the kid how to behave on the playground and communicate with other children.

Walk (walk a lot!)

In the summer, many prefer to go with their children out of town. However, even if you do not enter their number, do not miss a single opportunity to walk in the fresh air with the whole family!

Choose a more or less free park and try to diversify the promenade: collect a snack basket and have a picnic or grab a camera and organize a small but memorable photo session.

Do not forget to grab extra clothes in case of a cold evening and a small toy, for example, a minifigure from the designer, so that there is something to occupy the baby on the way back.While hiking, listen to the desires of the child and remember that the most important thing is to get the most positive emotions from your adventure!

Go to baby activities

When, if not in the warm summer months, acquaint the child with something new! For example, a children's theater. Choose an interesting but simple setting in a pleasant place.

It is desirable that the hall where the show will take place was not very large. And best of all, when the production is not very popular - it will be easier for the parents with the baby if less people come to see it.

Scarce, in your opinion, is not yet ready for a full-fledged theater? Choose something else. Parks, cafes and restaurants often host interesting events for children of different ages - master classes, small shows, etc. Stop at what suits you and your child, and you will have a great time!

Arrange a swimming pool at home or take a trip to it.

While the summer heat has not yet come, you have time to get an inflatable pool from the mezzanine and put it in order. Water amusements are an obligatory and very beneficial part of the summer program! If at home there is nothing better to equip the bath, go with the baby to the children's pool. Play with him in the water and slowly learn to swim - this is useful for immunity, and for well-being, and for mood!


