Akatinol Memantine for children: instructions for use, reviews


In cases of impaired memory, perception and other brain functions, adults may prescribe a drug called Akatinol Memantine. But is it allowed to use this medicine in treating children?

Release form

Akatinol memantine is available in tablet form. Such tablets have a film cover, differ in an oblong form and white color. There is a risk on each side of the tablet, so if necessary it can be divided. In drops, this German drug is not produced, but the liquid form occurs in analogs with the same main ingredient.

Tablets with 10 mg of the active substance are packed in 10 blister packs, and one pack contains 30 or 90 pieces. Tablets, each of which contains 20 mg of the active ingredient, are placed in a cellular package of 14 pieces, and a pack may contain 2, 4 or 7 blisters.

Akatinol memantine is available in tablets only

The manufacturer also offers Akatinol Memantine packaging with 28 tablets with different content of active ingredient - 7 tablets each with 5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg and 20 mg of the active compound. The use of this form of medication is convenient at the beginning of treatment when it is necessary to gradually increase the dosage of the drug.


The active ingredient of the drug is memantine hydrochloride, which tablets contain from 5 to 20 mg. Auxiliary components are magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide, as well as talc, microcrystalline cellulose and milk sugar. The tablet shell is made of simethicone emulsion, Na lauryl sulfate, methacrylic acid copolymer, triacetin, talc, and polysorbate 80.

Operating principle

Akatinol memantine because of its effects on the central nervous system is called a nootropic drug. This drug affects certain receptors in the brain, resulting in changes in ion transport and the potential of brain cell membranes, as well as the performance of nerve impulses. Taking medication with memantine has a positive effect on cognitive processes and the patient's daily mental activity.

The drunk tablet immediately begins to be absorbed and 2-6 hours after taking the medicine reaches its maximum concentration in the bloodstream. If the work of the kidneys is not impaired, the drug will not accumulate, but gradually (in 2-3 days) will leave the body with urine.

The action of Akatinol memantine is aimed at improving the functioning of the brain

From what age give children?

Instructions for use of the drug Akatinol Memantine contains in contraindications children age up to 18 years. The reason for such a ban is the lack of research on the safety of the effects of such a drug on the children's body.

However, many neurologists in their practice prescribe Akatinol Memantine for children and note a positive effect.

Therefore, if the child has indications for taking such a therapeutic agent, the drug can be used up to the age of 18 years old, even at 3 years old, but only after a medical examination and a thorough examination, as well as in an individually selected dosage and under the constant supervision of a specialist.


The reasons for prescribing Acatinol Memantine to adults are Alzheimer's disease and dementia caused by other pathologies. In childhood, this medicine is often prescribed for the development of speech, if the child is diagnosed with delayed speech development. Akatinol memantine is also used in children with autism.

You can learn more about this serious pathology by looking at the release of Dr. Komarovsky’s program:


To appoint Acatinol Memantine is impossible with:

  • Intolerance medication.
  • Severe renal dysfunction.
  • Severe liver failure.
  • Carrying a child.
  • Breast-fed babies.

The medicine is given with caution if the patient has:

  • Epilepsy.
  • Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.
  • There were past convulsions.
  • Heart failure.
  • Infected urinary tract.

Side effects

Frequent negative symptoms when taking Akatinol Memantine are:

  • Headaches.
  • Sleepy condition.
  • Constipation.
  • Dizziness.

More rare adverse reactions to the drug are called:

  • Nausea
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Confused consciousness.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Fungal infection.
  • Thrombosis of the veins.
  • Vomiting.
  • Broken gait.

Very rarely, the drug provokes the appearance of hallucinations, inflammation of the pancreas and convulsions.

Instructions for use and dosage

Acatinol Memantine tablet in the right dose is given to drink during a meal. The dosage of the medicine is determined by the doctor for each child individually. As a rule, for children it is much lower than for older patients, for example, 1/4 pill.

Begin treatment with a lower dose than prescribed by the doctor to check the tolerability of the drug. Then within one week, the dose of Akatinol Memantine is increased to the required one. The completion of the medication should also be carried out gradually, lowering the dosage every day. The duration of therapy is also set individually.


If you drink Acathinol Memantine in too high a dose, it will cause increased side effects from the drug., for example, fatigue, nausea, drowsiness, gait disturbances and others. In such a situation, it is recommended to flush the stomach, take an adsorbent or other drugs to eliminate negative symptoms.

Interaction with other drugs

Treatment with Akatinol Memantine enhances the action of anticholinergic drugs and levodopa, and, on the contrary, reduces the effect of the use of antipsychotics or barbiirutats The drug should not be prescribed together with ketamine, hydrochlorothiazide, cimetidine and some other drugs.

When delayed speech development is sometimes prescribed Akatinol memantine

Terms of sale

To purchase Acatinol Memantine at a pharmacy, you must have a prescription from your doctor. The price of a set of Akatinol memantine tablets with different content of the active substance is about 1,700 rubles. Approximately the same cost of a package of 30 tablets containing 10 mg of memantine. For 28 pieces of Akatinol Memantine with 20 mg of the active substance you need to pay about 2700 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The packaging of Akatinol Memantine tablets is stored in a place inaccessible to small children, where the temperature will not exceed + 25 ° C. If the shelf life is out (it is 4 years from the date of production), the drug can not be used.


Parent reviews on the use of Akatinol Memantine in their children are very different. Someone praises this medicine, noting that it helped a lot with ZPRR, and someone did not see the effect of such treatment. For many children, Akatinol Memantine improved attention and mental performance. Children with ZRR during treatment began to talk more, it is better to memorize words and less to be distracted from classes.

Reviews of doctors about this medicine are mostly good. However, the absence of a result or even the negative effect of Akatinol Memantine on a child is often encountered. Among the side effects of the drug, many mothers have noted the appearance of hyper-excitability, but in some children this medicine causes drowsiness.


A substitute for Akatinol Memantine can be drugs in which the same active substance, for example:

  • Pills Noodzheron, which are produced in Poland.
  • Spanish drug Memantal, also represented by the tablets in the shell.
  • Domestic pills Maruksa.
  • Tablets from Turkey Memorel.
  • Tablets in the shell Memantine from domestic manufacturers.
  • Russian tablets Memantinol.
  • Memantine canon coated tablets, which are also produced in Russia.
  • Domestic medicine in drops of memaneirin.

In contraindications of all these drugs, you can read a child's age, but the drug may be prescribed by a doctor if an urgent need arises.

Also, instead of funds with memantine, you can take other drugs that have a positive effect on brain function, for example, Glycine, Kogitum, Piracetam, Pantogam, CortexinFezam other. To prescribe any of these drugs, too, should only be a doctor, because each drug has its own indications and warnings.

The opinion of the doctor about whether children should be given nootropic drugs, see the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


