Allohol children
To improve liver function, normalize the formation of bile and prevent the appearance of stones in the biliary tract, adults are often prescribed choleretic drugs, among which Allohol is very popular. But is it possible to give such medicine to children at the age of 2, how does the children's body react to this drug and how to take Allohol correctly in childhood?
Release form
Allohol is produced in tablets that have a dense yellow or white film coating. They are convex on both sides, round in shape, and if you cut such a pill, its contents are distinguished by a gray-black shade, sometimes with light dots. Packages of 10, 24 or 50 tablets are available.
Allohol contains several active substances:
- Dried animal bile, which is obtained from cattle. Each tablet contains 80 mg of bile. This ingredient reflex stimulates the liver (the secretory function of its cells), and also affects the entire digestive tract.
- Activated carbon. From each tablet, the patient receives 25 mg of such a sorbent capable of binding toxic compounds that are present in the digestive tract, and then remove them from the body.
- Extract from leaves of dioecious nettle. This substance contains 5 mg per tablet. It has not only a choleretic effect, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
- Garlic Bulb Extract. One Allohol tablet contains 40 mg of this ingredient. Garlic-derived substances have the ability to stimulate the secretion of bile, as well as the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract.
Auxiliary ingredients are magnesium oxide, silicon dioxide, calcium stearate, talc, starch, hypromellose, dyes and other substances.
Promotional video of the drug Allohol in Ukrainian:
Operating principle
Allohol is referred to herbal remedies, the main property of which is the activation of bile secretion. Taking this drug leads to:
- Stimulation of smooth muscle cells in the biliary tract.
- Strengthening the secretory function of liver cells.
- Reflex stimulation of the motor and excretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Reduction of fermentation, as well as putrefaction processes in the intestine.
As a result of taking Allohol, the flow of bile improves, which prevents its stagnation in the biliary tract. In addition, the drug helps to produce bile throughout the day evenly. All active ingredients of the drug normalize the formation of bile, restore liver function and have a positive effect on the activity of contractions of the gallbladder.
Through treatment with Allohol, both electrolytes and water from the bloodstream more easily penetrate into the bile, so the flow of bile inside the bile ducts is facilitated. Because of this, the inflammatory process, if it is present in the bile duct, becomes less pronounced and intense, and also does not spread further.

Due to the intensification of bile excretion, the secretory function of the other digestive organs is also reflexively enhanced. The result will be a more active production of digestive enzymes, which has a positive effect on the absorption of food. As a result, fermentation or rotting in the intestinal lumen decreases, which determines the effectiveness of Allohol with constipation and bloating.
Another effect caused by an improvement in the separation of bile will be antispasmodic. It is this action that causes Allohol to relieve pain in the right hypochondrium.
The release of the program of Dr. Komarovsky, which discusses the health of children's liver and gallbladder:
The use of Allohol is recommended in such cases:
- If the patient has dyskinesia of the biliary tract.
- If cholecystitis has developed.
- In chronic form of hepatitis.
- If cholangitis is diagnosed.
- If you want to eliminate the effects of gallbladder removal or other operations on the biliary tract.
- If the patient has constipation. In particular, Allohol helps eliminate atonic constipation.
At what age is it allowed to take?
The instructions attached to the package Allohol said that these pills are recommended for children who have already turned 7 years old. This is due to the child's ability to swallow a whole pill of medication. However, it is possible to give Allohol to children at an earlier age, for example, at 3 years or 5 years, if there are indications for such treatment.
In this case, prescribe Allohol babies, despite the fact that the components of the plant means, should only a doctor. He examines the child, will be convinced of the need to take choleretic drugs and the absence of contraindications. Then the doctor will determine how often, at what dose, and how long to drink Allohol. Giving such a medicine to children under the age of seven without consulting with a specialist is fraught with many problems, because there are situations where Allohol can harm.
Instructions for use Allohol prohibits treatment with this drug:
- When hypersensitivity to any ingredient of medication.
- With calculous cholecystitis, if the size of the stones present in the gall bladder is more than 10 mm.
- With obstructive jaundice, if the bile ducts are blocked with stone.
- If the child has developed acute hepatitis.
- With liver dystrophy.
- In the case of acute pancreatitis.
- With ulcerative lesions of the gastric or duodenal mucosa.
- If the child has acute enteritis or enterocolitis.
Side effects
Taking Allohol can cause a thinning of the stool, belching, abdominal distention, or heartburn. Also, in some children, this medicine provokes an allergic reaction. If the child has such negative symptoms, treatment with Allohol should be abandoned.
Instructions for use and dosage
Allohol give the child, offering to swallow the medicine and then drink it with water. Treatment often lasts three to four weeks (if the process is chronic) or 1-2 months (if exacerbation of chronic pathology is treated), but the duration of therapy can be changed by the doctor in a big way or shortened if the doctor sees this indication. Repeated use of Allohol is possible 3 months after the previous course. An earlier appointment is undesirable.
The drug is always drunk after meals, even if it is a very small amount of food. Even a small snack, such as an apple or a sandwich, is acceptable, because It is important that the tablet is not taken on an empty stomach. This is due to the ability of the drug to stimulate the secretion of hydrochloric acid (if the stomach is empty, then the risk of ulcer damage increases).
A single dose and frequency of medication, depending on age, will be as follows:
Child under 7 years old |
A whole pill if chronic pathology is treated. Half a pill if the chronic process has escalated. |
Child over 7 years old |
2 tablets for the chronic process. One tablet for exacerbation of chronic disease. |
Allohol frequency will be as follows:
- If Alloholom treats the exacerbation of a chronic process, then the medication is prescribed daily, two or three times a day.
- If a child has chronic pathology, then you need to take the drug 3 times every day.
If you drink Allohol in more quantities than prescribed by the instructions or prescribed by the doctor, it can provoke nausea, diarrhea, severe heartburn, as well as itchy skin.
Interaction with other drugs
- While prescribing Allohol and other herbal or synthetic cholagogue preparations, we can expect an increase in their overall effect.
- If you give Allohol and a laxative drug, it is very effective for eliminating the usual constipation.
- Allohol improves the absorption of vitamins that are fat soluble (D, E, A, K).
- If the child is prescribed aluminum-based antacid medications, this will worsen the absorption of Allohol, which will affect the effectiveness of treatment with such a choleretic agent.
- Allohol is well combined with antiseptics or antibiotics, therefore such combinations of drugs are often used in inflammatory and infectious lesions of the biliary tract.
Terms of sale
Allohol is available in most pharmacies in our country, and there is no need to present a prescription when buying it. Packaging of 24 tablets costs an average of 60 rubles.
Storage conditions and shelf life
Allohol storage temperature should be within 15-25 degrees Celsius. The place where the pill packaging will lie should not be accessible to children. Do not keep Allohol in too wet a place where humidity will exceed 60%. Shelf life of the drug is 4 years.
Parents generally respond positively to the treatment of Alloholom children.. The main advantage of the drug, which is noted in most reviews, is the quick action of Allohol. According to moms, the effect of its reception appears very quickly. The medicine helps to get rid of discomfort and pain in the abdomen, and also often helps with constipation, bitter mouth, pain in the hypochondrium or bloating.
Other advantages of the drug are the parents who call the plant base Allohol, the small size of the pills and the low price. As for the cons of the drug, then most often complain of such side effects as headaches and nausea. At the same time, in most children Allohol does not provoke any unpleasant symptoms, and the medication is mainly well tolerated.
If, for any reason, the use of Allohol is not possible, the medicine may be replaced by a doctor with other medicines that have similar effects and the same indications. A child can drink instead of Allohol one of these drugs:
- Hofitol. For the manufacture of such drugs used sheets of artichoke. This tool with choleretic action is represented by both coated tablets and a solution that can be taken orally. The tablet form is given to children who have turned 6 years old, and the oral solution is prescribed from the age of 12 years. There is also an injection form of Hofitol, but it is not used in childhood.
- Flamin. This popular adult cholagogue tablet on the basis of flavonoids from the flowers of immortelle is available for children in the form of granules packed in separate bags. Of them prepare a suspension, which can be used in the treatment of children older than 1 month.
- Holagol. The base of this choleretic medicine, produced in drops, contains essential oils, substances from turmeric, olive oil and other components. The tool is used in pediatrics from 12 years of age.
- Cholenyme. One of the components of these tablets, as in Allohol, is dry bile. It is supplemented with powder, which is obtained from the mucous membrane of the small intestine and the pancreas of cattle. The drug helps with hepatitis, pancreatitis or inflammation of the gallbladder. Such tablets are given to children over 12 years old.
- Holosas. Such a medicine with a choleretic effect is made from rosehips. It is represented by a sweet syrup and is prescribed from the age of three.