AntiFlu Kids (for children)


Many mothers face a cold or flu in a child every year, so medicines that alleviate the sneezing, coughing and feverish condition of the baby are very popular. One of these drugs can be called Antiflu Kids. What is included in its composition, how does this drug work and in what dose is it used in childhood?

Release form

Antiflu Kids is produced in powder, from which an ingestible solution is prepared. The medicine has a white tint and is represented by loose crystals that smell of raspberries. They are packaged in portion bags weighing 12 grams. One pack contains 5 or 8 bags. After adding water to the powder Antiflu Kids, a pale pink opaque liquid is obtained, which also has a pleasant raspberry smell.


In each package of Antiflu Kids there are three main ingredients:

  • Paracetamol. It contains 160 mg in one package.
  • Chlorphenamine maleate. This compound is presented in a dosage of 1 mg per pack.
  • Vitamin C. Its content in each package is 50 mg.

Additional ingredients in Anflu Kids powder are red dye, raspberry flavor, titanium dioxide, corn starch, Na citrate, Si dioxide, powdered sugar, Ca phosphate, citric acid and sucrose.

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Operating principle

Children's anti-flux is a combination medicine, because there are several active compounds in its composition:

  • Paracetamol is an analgesic, which has a fairly good antipyretic effect and a slight anti-inflammatory effect.
  • The main effect of chlorphenamine maleate is the blocking of histamine-sensitive receptors. Thanks to this, Antiflu Kids has an anti-allergic effect, which helps to cope with symptoms such as itching in the nasal cavity and eyes, runny nose, or watery eyes.
  • In ascorbic acid, noted the property to increase resistance to infectious agents. In addition, this vitamin has a positive effect on the tolerance of paracetamol.

Receiving a child Antiflu quickly helps to reduce body temperature, eliminate muscle and headaches, as well as sore throat. The medicine also effectively fights rhinitis.


The main reason for giving Antiflu Kids to young patients is a cold, acute respiratory infections or flu. The drug is prescribed for severe rhinitis, sore throat, fever, sneezing, headache, myalgia and other symptoms of ARVI.

AntiFlu Kids helps to cope with cold and flu symptoms in a baby

At what age is it allowed to take?

Restriction for taking Antiflu Kids is 2 years old. If the child is not yet two years old, such a drug should not be given to him.


Instructions for use for children prohibits child anti-flu when:

  • Hypersensitivity to any of its ingredients.
  • Pronounced disorders of the kidneys.
  • Serious problems with liver function.

Side effects

The most frequent negative actions provoked by Antiflu Kids are drowsiness and inhibited reaction. For this reason, within four hours after the child has taken the medicine, it is not necessary to give him tasks that require increased activity and concentration of attention.

Rare side effects of taking children Antiflu are called:

  • Stomach ache.
  • Problems with blood formation.
  • Allergy.
  • Nausea
  • Loose stools.
  • Attack of vomiting.
Drowsiness - the main side effect on AntiFlu Kids

Instructions for use and dosage

Antiflu Kids need to be taken orally, and the effect of meals on such medicine is absent. The contents of the bag are stirred in warm water taken in a volume of about 150 ml. For a child who is between two and 5 years old, a single dose is considered one packet of Antiflu Kids. If the child is already 6 years old, then at one time he is recommended to give the contents of two packages.

If required, the drug is repeated with a pause from 4 to 6 hours, but the daily dosage should not exceed 3 packages for children 2-5 years and 6 packages for children over 6 years.

Treatment Antiflu Kids can be carried out for five days. If during this time the child has not recovered, you should consult a doctor about the continuation of the use of the drug.


Too high a dose of Antiflu Kids can worsen the work of the kidneys, as well as the liver. And therefore, if a child is accidentally given a medication in an amount greater than the recommended age, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Interaction with other drugs

It is not necessary to combine the treatment of Antiflu Kids and the use of sedatives or hypnotic drugs. Also, you can not simultaneously take children's Antiflou and drugs, which include ethanol.

Terms of sale

To buy Antiflu Kids in a pharmacy, a prescription from a pediatrician is not required. The average price of a package with 5 sachets of this drug is 200 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The place where Anflu Kids bags will be stored should be inaccessible for small children. It should also be dry, and the optimal temperature for storing this medicine is the range of + 15 + 30 ° C.

Antiflu Kids should be used before its expiration date, which is three years. The solution prepared from the powder is recommended to drink immediately, although if necessary it can be left for several hours.


On the use of Antiflu Kids in children with acute respiratory viral infections, mothers leave mostly good reviews. They note a rather rapid effect from the medication (the temperature decreases already 12-15 minutes after ingestion) and a pleasant taste, which children often do not protest against. Adverse reactions to this medication are rare.


Instead of Antiflu Kids can be used Antigrippin, because this analog has the same active components. However, they are presented in a higher dose, so this medicine is allowed only from 15 years of age.

The replacement of Antiflu Kids for a child can be such drugs with a similar effect:

  • Fervex for kids. Such a preparation containing paracetamol, ascorbic acid and pheniramine, is also available in powder, packaged in separate bags. The drug is prescribed from 6 years of age.
  • Efferalgan with vitamin C. The basis of this drug is a combination of ascorbic acid and paracetamol. The tool is represented effervescent tablets, approved for children over 8 years old.
  • Coldrex Junior Hot Drink. The main components of this tool are phenylephrine, vitamin C and paracetamol. The drug is available in bags, the contents of which are mixed with hot water to get a lemon yellow drink. The drug is given to children older than six years.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


