Baby Vaseline


Vaseline can be called one of the safest skin care products for adults. It is also separately available for children. What is the peculiarity of the Children's Vaseline and when is it used?

Composition and release form

Vaseline is obtained from the processing of oil, which undergoes special treatment, and then refined. As a result, several types of vaseline are formed - medical (used for manipulating and treating the skin), liquid (it is called petroleum jelly), technical (used to protect metal, impregnating fabrics, producing lubricants), boric (due to boric acid in the composition of this tool has astringent, antimicrobial and antifungal properties), cosmetic, food, and others.

Baby Vaseline is one of the cosmetic options. Its feature is the presence in the composition of chamomile extract. The drug is available in a round metal box, inside of which is 10 grams of soft substance of white shade. In the fridge, this mass hardens a little, and softens at room temperature.

Beneficial features

  • At Children's Vaseline celebrate softening effect on the skin. Such an ointment will protect the delicate skin of babies from external influences, for example, from low temperatures or sunlight. The resulting film protects the skin from dehydration.
  • Due to the addition of chamomile extract, the product acquires not only a pleasant smell, but also anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Lubrication with this remedy will quickly soothe irritated skin, help get rid of peeling and inflammation.
  • The use of ointment is allowed from birth, because it harmless drug. Treating the skin with such a substance helps eliminate small cracks and the effects of wind or frost. For this purpose, you can smear this tool and lips.
  • As it is hypoallergenic agent it can be used even in children with allergies. The drug acts only locally and is unable to penetrate deep into the tissue or be absorbed into the blood, so it does not cause any side effects. It contains no preservatives or alcohol.
  • Vaseline you can handle the nasal mucosa, if it has dried out or you need to protect it from dust or allergens.


  1. Compared to baby cream, it does not moisturize the skin, but only prevents moisture loss, so you should not replace it with vaseline.
  2. Since the product does not dissolve in water, it is difficult to wash it with skin and hair.
  3. Although extremely rare, but such a substance can provoke an allergic reaction.


Vaseline can be used in children:

  • For treating very dry skin, such as your knees or feet.
  • To protect the skin and lips from frost, scorching sun or very strong wind.
  • With cracks in the skin, burns, rashes and irritation.
  • With atopic dermatitis.
  • For lubrication of the flaky and reddened skin of the nose with a cold.
  • To remove seborrheic crusts.
  • When diaper rash.

Terms of purchase and storage

Baby Vaseline is a non-prescription drug. It can be freely bought in pharmacies and in large or small stores, paying about 20 rubles for one jar.

Keep the ointment at home should be at a temperature below 25 degrees Celsius. An excellent option would be to place the jar on the door of the refrigerator. The shelf life of the sealed drug is 24 months, and after the first use it is reduced to 12 months.


Vaseline with chamomile mom mostly praise, calling this tool effective, inexpensive, affordable and convenient to use. They note that ointment treatment of children's skin quickly eliminates dryness and promotes the healing of minor injuries. Like parents and the fact that the drug is allowed from birth, it smells good and does not cause negative reactions.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.