Gel "Viferon" - instructions for use for children
Viferon is quite popular drug used in childhood for the prevention of various viral infections, as well as in their treatment. The most common dosage form of Viferon are rectal suppositories. They are in demand, as they are safe and can be used in newborns even with prematurity. However, Viferon is also produced in the form of a gel.
Features of the gel as a release form
- Viferon gel is produced in an aluminum tube, in which 12 grams of medicine are packaged.
- Inside the tube is an opaque homogeneous mass. The gel is marked white, which may have a gray tint.
- The gel, like other forms of Viferon, has an antiviral effect, and also has an immunomodulatory effect. It enhances the local production of antibodies and prevents the reproduction of pathogens.
- 1 gram of gel contains 36000ME of the main active substance represented by interferon alpha-2B (recombinant).
- Additional substances are a-tocopherol acetate, a solution of serum albumin, citric acid, water, 95% ethanol, sodium chloride, glycerol, benzoic acid, and other compounds.
- Interferon from Viferon gel is poorly absorbed by the skin and does not have a systemic effect on the body, limited only by local effects.
- Due to the gel basis, the effect of the drug is prolonged, because 30-40 minutes after the treatment of the skin or mucous membrane, a thin film appears on it. It is not necessary to wash it off or peel it off before the next application of a portion of the gel.
- The drug rarely causes side effects in the form of an allergic reaction.
- Store gel Viferon need in the refrigerator up to one year. If the tube is opened, its shelf life is reduced to two months.
The use of Viferon gel is recommended for prophylactic purposes and for the treatment of:
- The flu.
- Bacterial complications of SARS.
- Stenosing laryngotracheitis.
- Infection of the mucous or skin with the herpes virus.

Instructions for use
To use gel Viferon should be outwardly:
- With SARS or flu, the nasal passages are cleaned, and the nasal mucosa is pre-dried, after which a gel up to 5 mm is applied to it. The treatment is carried out for five days 3-5 times a day, and, if necessary, the treatment is prolonged.
- In the acute period of stenosing laryngotracheitis, gel in the form of a strip up to 5 mm in length is applied to the tonsils half an hour after meals five times a day for 5-7 days. For application, use a cotton swab, trying to prevent its contact with the tonsils (only the gel should come into contact with them). When the acute period passes, the frequency of treatment is reduced to 3 times a day, and treatment is continued up to 3 weeks.
- When infected with herpes gel treatment begins with the first signs of activation of the virus. Using a cotton swab or spatula, a strip of the preparation with a length of up to 5 mm is applied onto the dried infected surface. Processing is performed 3 to 5 times daily for 5-6 days or longer.
- For the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections in the season of incidence process palatine tonsils or nasal mucosa twice a day. The surface is dried, and then greased with a strip of the drug with a length of up to 5 mm. Apply the product can be within two to four weeks.
- To prevent recurrence of stenosing laryngotracheitis, the tonsils are treated twice a day with a cotton swab or spatula. This course of three to four weeks is held twice a year.
Features of use in infants up to a year
Unlike ointments, this form of Viferon, like rectal suppositories, can be used in the first year of life. In this case, the indications and dosage of the drug should be established by a doctor. Independent use of gel Viferon in infants is not recommended.
Instead of Viferon gel for herpes infection and ARVI, you can use an external remedy. Infagelwhich also contains interferon.
Read more about the drug Viferon, see the following video.