Cavinton for children
To normalize blood flow in brain tissue, doctors often prescribe Cavinton. Such a drug is in demand for neurological and mental pathologies, as well as in the practice of ENT doctors and oculists, as it helps to normalize hearing and vision. But is it possible to give it to children under one year old and how to take Cavinton correctly in childhood?

Release form
Cavinton is produced in such variants:
- Tablets with an active substance 5 mg (50 pieces in one pack) or 10 mg (Cavinton Forte tablets of 30 or 90 pieces per pack).
- Ampoules. They are available in different capacities - 2 ml and 5 ml (10 ampoules per pack), as well as 10 ml (5 ampoules per pack). One milliliter of this form of release contains 5 mg of active ingredient.
There is no such form of release as syrup in Cavinton.
The active ingredient in this Hungarian drug is vinpocetine. In tablet form, this compound is supplemented with lactose monohydrate, corn starch and silica, as well as magnesium stearate and talc. Ampoules in addition to Vinpocetine contain water, ascorbic and tartaric acid, sodium disulfite, as well as sorbitol and benzyl alcohol.
Operating principle
The drug expands blood vessels in the brain, increasing blood flow to its tissues, so that the brain receives the amount of oxygen it needs. In addition, the supply of nutrients in the nervous tissue is also increasing. As a result, metabolic processes in the brain are improved, and blood clots and clots are not formed. This has a positive effect on mental abilities, attention and memorization. The use of Cavinton also stimulates the formation of neurotransmitters and protects brain tissue from various harmful factors, such as free radicals.
Is it possible to give children
Instructions for use Cavinton contains information about what the medicine does not give to children under 18 years of age. It is more often prescribed to elderly people, for example, electrophoresis with cavinton is performed on the cervical region, and glaucoma or atherosclerosis is treated.
However, many neurologists prescribe this drug even at an early age, for example, at 2 months. They base such a decision on their own experience and necessarily take into account all the risks, arguing that there are diseases in which Cavinton showed high efficiency and its use brings more benefits than harm. Since such pathologies can be diagnosed even in children aged 3 months or 1 year, Cavinton can be prescribed to the infant by doctors.
About how nootropic drugs, to the group of which Cavinton belongs, affect brain activity, says Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, neurologist N. Schneider:
Dr. Komarovsky calls this medicine quite effective. He notes that Cavinton can be used for a long time, if the child has indications for prescribing this medication, and the dose is chosen by the doctor. How the dosage of Cavinton and other drugs should be correctly selected, see below:
The appointment of Cavinton in childhood is justified in such situations:
- If the child is diagnosed with encephalopathy. Especially often such a pathology is provoked by hypoxia during childbirth or birth trauma of the head, but it can also be in schoolchildren or teenagers. The disease is manifested by dizziness, sleep problems, memory impairment, inattention, frequent headaches and other symptoms. Assigning Cavinton helps to restore the work of the brain tissues that have suffered a lack of oxygen. Without its use, the child may remain changes until the end of life.
- If the baby has a hearing loss. Cavinton is included in the complex of medicines to combat this problem. It improves the blood supply to the nerve tissues and prevents spasms of blood vessels in the brain, therefore, it is effective in vascular lesions and in toxic effects on the ear.
- If after a brain injury there is an increased risk of developing convulsive syndrome. Cavinton in such children helps prevent cramps.
- If the child has vision problems associated with the vessels.
- As an additional drug in the treatment of epilepsy. In children with this disease, the use of Cavinton can reduce the intensity of seizures, as well as lengthen the periods between seizures.
Cavinton should not be taken when:
- Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.
- Hemorrhagic stroke.
- Arrhythmias.
- Kidney disease.
- Pathology of the liver.
Children under the age of 18 are also a contraindication to the use of Cavinton. This is indicated in the instructions for the drug, so only Cavinton should prescribe Cavinton at 1 year old, at 8 years old, or children of a different age.
Side effects
In most cases, the drug is well tolerated and does not cause any side effects. Very rarely, the drug provokes sleep disorders (insomnia or drowsiness), as well as problems with the digestive tract.
If a child has cardiovascular disease, the appointment of Cavinton may cause a decrease in blood pressure and tachycardia. Headache, redness of the skin, dizziness, nausea, increased sweating, heartburn, weakness or dry mouth are also among the rare side effects of this medication.
Instructions for use and dosage
Cavinton is used only after prescription. Independent use of the drug in children without expert advice is unacceptable. In addition, the dosage in each case is set individually.
Cavinton tablets are given to children after meals. The drug in ampoules before intravenous administration is diluted in saline or glucose solution. Without dilution enter Cavinton impossible. In addition, the drug should flow into the vein of the child slowly (drip).
There is no data on the use of excessive dosage of Cavinton, but in such a situation, gastric lavage is always recommended, as well as the use of sorbents.
Interaction with other drugs
The simultaneous use of Cavinton in the solution for injections and Heparinbecause these drugs are chemically incompatible.
Terms of sale
Pharmacies sell Cavinton with a doctor's prescription. The cost of tablets is about 230-250 rubles per pack, and the solution for injection is sold for an average of 300 rubles.
Storage conditions and shelf life
Keep the drug in a place where the sun does not fall and children can not get. The optimum storage temperature is from + 15 ° C to + 30 ° C. Since the release of the drug is valid for 5 years.
Cavinton gets very mixed reviews from parents. Someone is sure that the drug is unacceptable to give in childhood, so they immediately refuse treatment with Cavinton. Other parents rely on the experience and competence of a neurologist and give this medicine to their children. At the same time, reviews of the drug are mostly positive, noting the rare occurrence of side effects, good tolerance and improvement of the child’s condition.
Replace Cavinton can drugs that have the same active substance, for example:
- Pills Vinpocetine. Such a domestic drug is completely analogous to Cavinton, has the same indications and causes the same side effects.
- Pills Telektol. This is also a Russian drug, each tablet of which contains 10 mg of active substance.