Micrazim for children: instructions for use


Micrazim is a medicine containing pancreatin, therefore it is often prescribed for adults with pancreatitis or digestive disorders. But is it possible to use it in the treatment of children and how to properly give such an enzyme agent to a child?

Release form and composition

Medicament produce in gelatin capsules. Their color is different depending on the dosage - the drug, which contains 10,000 IU is represented by brown capsules, and the medicine with a dosage of 25,000 IU has a dark orange cap. Inside the capsule are round microgranules that have a peculiar smell and brown tint. One pack can contain from 10 to 50 capsules.

The main component of Micrasim is pancreatin. It is presented in a medicine with a lower dosage amount of 168 mg, and in a preparation with 25,000 U, a dose of 420 mg. This component is the source of the following enzymes:

  • Lipase, the activity of which is taken into account at the dosage of the drug (it is this enzyme that contains 10,000 or 25,000 IU in each capsule).
  • Amylase, the activity of which in capsules of 10,000 IU is 7500 IU, and in a preparation with a higher dosage - 19,000 IU.
  • Proteases the activity of which is estimated at 520 IU for capsules with a smaller amount of lipase and 1300 IU for capsules containing lipase in a dose of 25,000 IU.

Talc, colloidal silicon, simethicone, methylcellulose and other compounds are used to form pellets that are able to dissolve in the intestines. The capsule shell is made from water, gelatin and dyes.

More on pancreatin - in the next video.

Operating principle

Micrazim is a source of natural enzymes that are derived from the pancreas.

The effect of the drug begins to appear approximately half an hour after the capsule enters the digestive tract.

The gelatinous shell dissolves in the stomach and the released pellets are mixed with food, and then pass into the small intestine. There, their shell dissolves and under the action of enzymes the digestion of protein molecules, fats and carbohydrates from food passes more quickly and completely.


Micrasim is prescribed:

  • With chronic inflammation of the pancreas.
  • With errors in nutrition (irregularity, the use of very fatty foods, excessive amounts of food).
  • When cystic fibrosis.
  • With diarrhea caused by non-infectious factors.
  • With flatulence.
  • If you have problems with the assimilation of food associated with the operational treatment of the organs of the digestive system.
  • After removal of the pancreas.
  • With impaired chewing function.
  • With a long stationary state.
  • In preparation for the examination of the gastrointestinal tract (ultrasound, X-ray).

From what age is prescribed?

There are no age restrictions for children to use Mikrasim. The drug, if necessary, can be used even in newborns and infants up to a year.


The drug is not given to children who have identified intolerance to pancreatin or another component of the capsules. Also, the drug should not be taken for acute inflammation of the pancreas, or if exacerbated chronic pancreatitis.

Side effects

In some children, Micrazim may provoke an allergic reaction.


Instructions for use contains the following items:

  • The capsule must be swallowed, washed down with fruit juice or water. For small patients, it is allowed to open the gelatin shell and mix the pellets with liquid food (yogurt, fruit puree) or a small volume of liquid (water, juice).
  • It is necessary to mix the contents of the capsules only with such food / liquid that the child will not chew, because chewing the pellets will destroy their shell and make the enzymes inactive.
  • The dosage of the drug must be selected by the doctor, because its calculation is carried out depending on the weight of the patient and his age.
  • A child under 1.5 years of age should not exceed 50,000 U, and for children older than 1.5 years they give no more than 100,000 IU per day.
  • If a single dose is 1 capsule, it is recommended to swallow it during meals. If the dosage is more than one capsule, half of the prescribed medication is given to the child before meals, and the second part of the dose - during the meal.
  • The duration of Micrazim is from several days (for example, in violation of the diet) up to several let (for example, during replacement therapy).

Overdose and interaction with other drugs

Very high dosages of Micrasim provoke diarrhea (or, on the contrary, constipation), abdominal discomfort, nausea, and an increase in uric acid levels. The drug is not recommended to give along with iron preparations, as enzymes interfere with their absorption.

Terms of sale and storage

Micrazim is an over-the-counter medicine, and the price, depending on the dosage and number of capsules, ranges from 200 to 700 rubles. Keep the medicine at home should be at a temperature below 25 degrees. Shelf life of capsules - 2 years.


There are many good reviews about the use of Mikrasim in children. The drug is praised for effective action, affordable cost and the ability to give a child of any age.


Instead of Mikrazim, children can be given another remedy with the same active compound:

All of these drugs are available in tablets in a shell or capsules and are used in children of any age.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


