Is Smecta effective for vomiting in children?


When a child develops vomiting, it causes the parents to worry. And they really want to help the baby as soon as possible. Is it possible to use for this purpose Smekta, which is often in the first-aid kit?

Indications for use

Smektu is recommended to drink with:

  • Food poisoning.
  • Intestinal infection.
  • Diarrhea caused by different reasons.
  • Flatulence, bloating, heaviness and discomfort in the stomach.
  • Food allergies.
  • Dysbacteriosis.

Is it effective?

The drug is effective. With intestinal infection Smecta not only will help eliminate vomiting, but also reduce the manifestations of diarrhea. Due to the nature of the drug, Smecta will begin to reduce intoxication, which will help to stop vomiting.

Baby looks up
Smecta is quite safe and effective for vomiting

The advantage of using Smekta is the fact that such a medicine does not inhibit the normal microbial flora in the intestine.

The mechanism of action on the body

Smectu belongs to the group of sorbents, in its action this tool resembles activated carbon, but it acts softer and envelops the mucous membrane. Getting into the human digestive tract, its active substance (it is called smectite) creates a special protective film, so that toxins and bacteria are not absorbed in the intestine and stomach.

Due to the fact that the tool is not able to be absorbed into the blood, it acts only in the digestive system. This makes Smektu a safe drug.

From what age can I give?

Smecta approved for use immediately after birth, so this tool is often assigned to the newborn. It is only important to comply with the dosage of the drug.


Among the contraindications are hypersensitivity to the drug, intestinal obstruction, glucose-galactose malabsorption, as well as fructose intolerance and sucrose-isomaltase deficiency.

The baby is reaching out
Contraindications to taking the drug is quite small


The form of release Smekta are portioned bags, each of which is diluted before use in water, tea or a mixture. For one sachet you need 50 ml of liquid.

  • Children younger than one year are advised to take one sachet per day for three days, and then, while maintaining the symptoms of the disease, continue using the product, but not more than seven days. After dilution with water, the preparation is given every 10 minutes in 5 ml.
  • Children between the ages of 12-24 months are prescribed one or two sachets daily in the same way.
  • A child older than two years can be given two or three sachets per day, after 3 days the daily dosage can be reduced.

The remedy is given until the symptoms of gastrointestinal tract disappear.

Reception features

Usually the drug is prescribed for 3-7 days. In case of poisoning, before giving Smektu, it is recommended to wash the stomach. Then the drug will work more efficiently.

It is important to remember that Smecta slightly reduces intestinal motility, so an overdose means can lead to constipation. If, even at the usual dosage, constipation still appeared, the Smecta dose is reduced. In a situation where the baby suffers from chronic constipation, this drug is not prescribed.

Curly girl
For constipation, do not give the child Smekt

Tips for parents

  • It is important not to forget that in case of diarrhea or vomiting, the main remedy that should be given to the child is Regidron or another rehydration drug.Smektu use only as an additional impact.
  • Before giving the baby Smektu, it is still worth talking to the pediatrician, since there are quite a few reasons for vomiting and some of them cannot be cured by sorbents, and time may be lost.
  • To completely dissolve the powder, you can use a blender or a mixer. When you prepare the drug, leave it to infuse for a short time, and mix before use. Use the solution prepared for the day during the day and do not leave it for tomorrow.
  • It is not necessary to insist and inject the baby by force. Offer medicine in small portions.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.