Is it possible to use Taufon eye drops for treating children?


Numerous electronic devices have an adverse effect on the organs of vision, greatly increasing the load on them. The growth of visual load leads to an increase in eye diseases. Our article is devoted to the use of drops "Taufon" for the treatment of children.

Application in pediatric ophthalmology

Drops "Taufon" can be called a universal remedy for the treatment and prevention of diseases such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism. Their periodic use prevents the occurrence of many problems.

Eye drops “Taufon” are prescribed to restore eye tissue, if the changes are metabolic and dystrophic. The release form of the 4% solution is a bottle with a volume from 1.5 to 10 ml. The cap can be made both in the form of a dropper, and without it, which requires the use of an eye dropper. Taufon is also produced in tubes, so the patient can choose the type of packaging that is more convenient for him to use.

1 ml of solution contains 40 mg of taurine - the main active ingredient. The solution can be both colorless and yellowish colored. Taurine is an amino acid formed in the body. But in modern conditions, a person is almost always in an electromagnetic field, slowing down its synthesis.

Taurine slows down the formation of cataracts, improves regenerative processes, stimulates nerve impulses. With a sufficient amount of it in the cells of the eye tissue increases the supply of potassium, calcium, lipid metabolism is improved, the extracellular membranes are not destroyed. Taurine enters the blood in microscopic doses and practically does not oxidize in the body. Excreted through the kidneys.

Why does the body need taurine?

The substance is well studied, it is successfully used in the production of milk formulas for baby food. Taurine is especially necessary in infants up to 3 months of age, since it participates in the construction of the nervous system and the brain, the eye retina. Taurine improves the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and vital elements such as calcium and magnesium. Its presence in the blood increases the body's defense against antioxidants, helps strengthen the immune system.

Although no clinical studies have been conducted on the effects of Tauphone on children, practicing ophthalmologists often prescribe this drug to young patients. Indications for the appointment of the drug "Taufon" children may be:

  • eye damage caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • damage to the mucous membranes of the organs of vision;
  • injuries (including burns - chemical and physical) that carry the risk of damage to the optic nerve;
  • the presence of foreign bodies;
  • glaucoma.

Also, the drug is prescribed, if the child has dystrophic changes in the cornea or retina, a cataract begins to develop.

Contraindications to receive and analogues

Do not take "Tauphon", if there are allergic reactions to the drug: itchy and reddened skin, tears flow strongly, begin bouts of dry cough, stuffy nose. "Taufon" is not recommended for use in such children, who often have low blood pressure or have a history of diseases in the field of psychiatry and neurology.

If any symptoms appear, stop taking the drug and visit the doctor who will adjust the prescription.

If Taufon is prescribed during combination therapy with other drops, it is necessary to take a pause of at least 15 minutes between instillations in order to allow the preparation to absorb better.

There are analogues of "Tauphone", it is:

  • "Cytochrome C";
  • "Okulohohel";
  • "Katahrom";
  • Ergotex Ji;
  • "Taurine";
  • "Hrustalin";
  • Quinax;
  • "Adgelon";
  • "Emaxipin";
  • SISTEIN (gel and drops);
  • "Okoferon";
  • "Hilo-dresser";
  • "Slezin" and other drugs.

The cost of analogs can be much higher than the price of "Tauphone". In addition, they have significant contraindications. Therefore, before buying a consultation is necessary pediatric ophthalmologist.

How to bury the drug for children?

The course is treated by an oculist; parents should in no case, at their discretion, bury the Taufon for children. If you have any eye problems, you should visit a doctor. If the examination reveals pathology, a pediatric ophthalmologist will write out a prescription indicating the dosage and duration of the course of treatment.

Drops must be used in the form of heat. Since it is recommended to store them in the refrigerator, before using the drug should be heated to room temperature, dropping the bottle in a cup with hot water. Instill the drops directly into the conjunctival sac.

The instruction informs that Reception of "Taufona" is allowed from the age of 18. But on the Internet there are often positive reviews about the use of the drug in the treatment of children. Parents should not worry if the doctor has written a prescription for these drops.

The manufacturer’s recommendations are based only on the fact that no clinical studies have been conducted on children. The experience of doctors proves the positive effect of the drug on the young organism.

Can I use during the treatment of other diseases?

There are no restrictions on the simultaneous use of Tauphone with drugs for other diseases. This is explained by the fact that the drug acts locally, it does not enter the main blood stream, which eliminates the interaction with oral medications.

Very often, prescribing "Taufon", oculists recommend additionally taking dietary supplements and vitamins, made on the basis of blueberries. This valuable berry helps restore vision and is used as a prophylaxis of eye pathologies. Great benefit will bring porridge and jelly, made from wheat germ, green soup of nettle.

Combination with physiotherapeutic methods

Physical therapy has firmly taken its place in the treatment of many diseases, including eye diseases. To improve the effect of the drug, it can be administered using a physiotherapeutic procedure such as magnetophoresis. The drug is injected into the eyes by using a low-frequency magnetic field. With this method of treatment on the organs of vision affects not only the drug itself, but also a magnetic field. The drug is administered in the dosage prescribed by an oculist.

In addition to physiotherapy, children should receive vitamins, antioxidants and microcirculation-enhancing drugs, especially if progressive myopia is diagnosed.

On how to bury eye drops for children, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


