Vinpocetine to children
Neurological pathologies in children are dangerous because of their consequences, for example, hypoxia during childbirth can manifest itself in a 6-month-old child with a developmental delay. And therefore, in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system using effective drugs. One of them is Vinpocetine. But is it possible to give this medicine to infants and why is Vinpocetine administered in childhood?
Release form
A drug called Vinpocetin is available in pill form. They have white color, round shape and no smell. One pack contains 50 tablets. There are also forms used for injections.
The active substance in the drug is a compound with the same name. Each tablet contains 5 mg of vinpocetine. It is supplemented with corn starch, lactose and magnesium stearate, as well as talc and silica. These substances provide the shape and hardness of the tablet.
Operating principle
Vinpocetine refers to the means that affect metabolic processes and blood circulation in the brain tissue. Due to the expansion of blood vessels, the drug activates cerebral blood flow, which leads to a greater flow of oxygen into the nerve tissues and nutrients important for the brain (first of all, glucose).
In this case, treatment with Vinpocetine does not impair the blood supply to other tissues (the medicine does not cause a "robbery" syndrome). In addition, this tool has the ability to thin the blood, so Vinpocetine prevents the formation of blood clots.
Neurologists prescribe Vinpocetine for circulatory disorders in the brainfor example, after a stroke, trauma or encephalopathy caused by a hypoxic condition. Indications for taking such medication are also represented by hearing impairment and eye diseases affecting the retina and choroid. Drug can improve the condition of people with hearing loss, glaucoma or tinnitus. As a means of adjuvant therapy, Vinpocetin can be prescribed for epilepsy, autism, or manic-depressive psychosis.
Vinpocetine is contraindicated:
- With hemorrhagic stroke.
- With arrhythmias.
- With increased intracranial pressure.
- In case of hypersensitivity to its ingredients.
Also contraindicated in children age up to 18 years.
Can I take children?
Giving Vinpocetine in children can only be prescribed by a doctor.
Although the instructions for use and contains information on the prohibition of the use of this drug until the age of 18, however, if there is evidence, such a drug can be administered even to children up to a year.
Neurologists often prescribe this medicine to 3-month-old babies if the crumbs have a hypoxic brain damage. Wherein Vinpocetine treatment must necessarily be monitored by a specialist, and giving the drug without medical prescriptions is unacceptable.
Side effects
If you do not exceed the dose of Vinpocetine, the occurrence of side effects is rare. Perhaps an increase in the rhythm of the heartbeat and the appearance of extrasystoles, as well as changes in the cardiogram. In some patients, sleep is disturbed, general weakness occurs, and sweating increases.Headaches, drowsiness and dizziness are also possible. Occasionally, allergic skin lesions occur, and the digestive system can respond to Vinpocetine with heartburn, nausea, and dry mouth.

Instructions for use and dosage
The drug is prescribed after meals three times a day. The tablet must be swallowed and washed down with water. The average daily dose for adults - from 15 to 30 mg, but Pediatric dosage must be individually tailored by the doctor.. It may be a quarter, a third tablet, or another amount of the drug. After a week from the beginning of the reception, the therapeutic effect will be noticeable, but in most cases the medication is prescribed for a long time (2-3 months or longer).
Cases of Vinpocetine overdose have not yet been registered, but in case of exceeding the permissible dose, the stomach should be flushed, the patient should be given a sorbent and symptomatic treatment should be prescribed.
Interaction with other drugs
Vinpocetine has virtually no effect on other drugs. it means cannot be combined only with Heparinbecause it will lead to increased bleeding. If this medicine is prescribed to Methyldopa, a more pronounced hypotensive effect is possible. Administration of an anticoagulant or antiarrhythmic drug to a patient taking Vinpocetine should be carried out with caution.
Terms of sale
To purchase Vinpocetine at a pharmacy, you need a prescription from your doctor.
Storage conditions and shelf life
Keep the packaging away from direct sunlight so that the child cannot reach the pills. The optimal temperature conditions for Vinpocetine are from 15 to 30 degrees Celsius. From the moment of production, the medicine should be used within 5 years.
Doctors reviews about Vinpocetine mostly positive. Neurologists often prescribe this medicine for CNS lesions during labor, noting that the drug helps to quickly eliminate the effects of encephalopathy by stimulating blood flow in the brain. Vinpocetine is also in demand from otolaryngologists, psychiatrists and ophthalmologists. Komarovsky calls Vinpocetine an effective remedy that does not harm the child if the indications were for his appointment, and the dosage was picked up by an experienced doctor.
Reviews of parents after applying Vinpocetine there are different. Someone does not risk giving this medicine to a child, for example, if he is 4 months old. Others rely on the experience of the attending physician and give the pill in the prescribed dosage. They mainly note the effectiveness of such a drug and a low incidence of side effects.
Vinpocetine for the treatment of a child may be replaced by a drug with the same active ingredient, for example:
- Cavinton.
- Bravinton
- Telektol.
- Vincentin
- Korsavin.