Treatment of atopic dermatitis in children folk remedies


Recently, pediatricians are increasingly diagnosed with atopic dermatitis. This problem becomes truly universal, the number of diseased children is growing rapidly, and the course of the illness itself becomes more severe. Treatment of childhood eczema (this is the second name of atopic dermatitis) can be both medicamental, traditional, and based on folk remedies. The most effective is the combination of these two methods. In this article, we will consider which remedies from the arsenal of alternative medicine alleviate the child’s condition.

Symptoms and signs

Atopic dermatitis, which many parents call “diathesis,” is not a skin disease, as moms and dads mistakenly believe. The problem lies in the allergic reaction to one or another antigen. Most often the true reason lies in food allergies, in response to flowering, pollen, animal dander, and medication. There are also cross allergies when there are several reasons.

Therefore, atopic dermatitis is difficult to consider an independent disease. Rather, it is a violation in the metabolism, when protein-antigens, leaving the child's body through sweat, with urine or exhaled air through the lungs, causes a certain reaction.

To recognize such a problem in a child is not difficult:

  • He has a rash. It can be red, pink, with watery "heads" and without them. Sometimes the rash is so thick that it forms a hard crust, scab. The dislocation of the rash - the face (especially the cheeks and forehead), arms, legs (especially the infant skin folds), buttocks. Atopic dermatitis is extremely rare on the chest and back.
  • The child has severe itching. The areas of skin affected by the rash are unbearably itchy and sometimes even hinder normal sleep of the crumbs. Older children are able to talk about their feelings, babies are incapable of it. They will cry and scream, behave restlessly, even when they are full, even if they really want to sleep.
  • Digestive disorders, lack of appetite.

And now we will listen to the release where Dr. Komarovsky touches on the topic of dermatitis in children, including atopic.

Doctors say that there should be appropriate genetic prerequisites for the occurrence of atopic dermatitis. If one of the parents suffers from allergies, the child’s chances of facing this problem are high. Usually the disease affects children from birth to one year. The babies that the mother breastfeeds, suffer from this disease less often than the crumbs that feed on milk formulas.

In most cases, according to the well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky, atopic dermatitis in children goes away independently with time, that is, the child “outgrows” this disease. But there is a small percentage of children who have this diagnosis in the course of a lifetime.

When folk methods can not do?

There are actually a few such situations. A qualified medication treatment, sometimes even in a hospital, is required when atopic dermatitis in a child is extremely difficult and relief does not come after home treatment in the home.Traditional therapy is indicated, if the area of ​​the affected skin is extensive, and the age of the baby is small, it is better to alleviate the suffering of the child in this situation with the help of pharmaceutical preparations prescribed by the doctor.

If a child often has relapses of the disease, it is also not worth treating them with folk remedies, the baby needs a thorough medical examination to determine the true cause of the rash and itching.

Folk treatment is contraindicated in children under one year, as it can aggravate the situation. A nursing baby should be treated exclusively by a doctor.

Any folk remedies for atopic dermatitis in no way cure the problem, they only temporarily alleviate the condition of the child, reduce discomfort. Although doctors are increasingly saying that, in principle, no treatment for childhood eczema is needed, it is enough to eliminate the source allergies, create a toddler favorable environmental conditions and follow a hypo-allergenic diet.

According to the established practice, doctors usually prescribe children with complex atopic dermatitis ointments and gels, which are classified as glucocorticosteroids. They facilitate the skin manifestations of the disease, with a relapse the doctor may recommend antihistamines.

Some doctors believe that infants with eczema for children needs additional support for immunity and prescribe immunomodulators. Such an appointment causes a protest of most modern scientists and doctors, who believe that any forcible impact on the immunity of newborns and babies brings only harm.

And now an interesting video from our user how they coped with atopic dermatitis in infants.

Folk remedies

Means of traditional medicine for children's eczema are well known to our grandmothers, some 30-50 years ago they were used widely and everywhere.


It is the most popular remedy for itching among parents. Babies from 1 year old can make lotions with extract of Hypericum (a tablespoon of dry grass per 200 g of boiled water). Children from 3 years old can make stronger medicine for Hypericum. To do this, 60 grams of butter must be melted in a water bath, let cool for a little and add about 20 ml of fresh St. John's wort juice. Mixture stored in the refrigerator. Apply topically to affected areas twice daily.

Glycerin with milk

For the preparation of a moisturizing ointment, you need fresh milk, glycerin and rice starch. All ingredients must be taken in equal proportions. In a glass or ceramic container, mix everything thoroughly until smooth. Store in the refrigerator, apply to the affected skin once a day, before going to bed at night. Ointment to leave on all night.


Ordinary potatoes, which are in every home, you need to wash, peel and grate. Gruel folded in cheesecloth and applied to the sore spot. According to parents, this method shows high efficiency and allows you to save the child from the rash in the shortest possible time. However, doctors warn: potato starch, which is rich in this medicinal juice, can be an independent allergen, and, quite strong.


The juice and pulp of this indoor plant is mixed with honey in proportion, which implies the presence of 2 parts of vegetable gruel and one part of honey. Mixture should be stored in the refrigerator. Apply to reddened itchy areas several times a day. Doctors are categorically against such a prescription, since honey in a child predisposed to allergies, which, of course, is the baby with a diagnosis of atopic dermatitis, can cause a sharp deterioration in well-being.

Celery root

From this plant should squeeze the juice (about 50 grams). Mix juice with a small pinch of salt and a few drops of apple cider vinegar. With this mixture, you can make lotions for sore spots.Keep - about five minutes, and the procedure is recommended to repeat every 3-4 hours.

Juice squeezed from celery root can also be taken orally. But for children under 3 years of age, such treatment is absolutely contraindicated. Children up to 6 years old with exacerbation of childhood eczema can be given 20 mg of juice twice a day before meals. Children over 6 years old - 40 mg.


Common fresh cucumber squeeze is not difficult. The resulting juice can quite successfully remove the peeling and inflammation on the skin of the child, as well as moisturize it. Treat areas with a rash every two hours. For each procedure, you should use fresh juice.

Chamomile and linseed oil

A teaspoon of dried chamomile inflorescences (you can buy them at the pharmacy in the form of a ready-made plant), mix with 100 gr. flaxseed oil. Hold the mixture in a water bath for about 20 minutes, cool and strain. The resulting preparation to lubricate the irritated itchy skin of the child three times a day. It is advisable to avoid contact of the smeared areas of the skin with the clothing fabric, since chamomile-flax oil substance does not wash off at all.

Pumpkin and its juice

This recipe is one of the most ancient and reliable. It is easy to prepare and very effective. Raw pumpkin pulp can simply wipe the sick skin, and to achieve faster action, treat the rash in a child better with juice, which can be squeezed out of the pumpkin pulp. Treatments can be done every two hours until relief.


This is a houseplant that helps against a multitude of skin ailments. Leaves, flowers and stalks of geranium should be crushed with a regular kitchen knife and mix the grass mass with sunflower oil (50 grams of vegetable mass per 150 grams of oil). To insist such an ointment should be at least five days. After that, it is treated with the skin of the child 3-4 times a day.


The fleshy succulent leaves of this well-known plant must be cut off and held in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Then get them out and finely chop them. In the resulting slurry add two tablespoons of peach or almond oil. The resulting tool can handle a strong and extensive rash in childhood eczema. According to parents and doctors, this tool reduces the formation of new lesions and softens the already affected skin. Itching is already 2-3 days after the start of the procedure.

Pure aloe juice can also be used to lubricate redness on a baby’s skin.

In addition, parents of children suffering from atopic dermatitis, do not interfere with having at home tar soap, pharmaceutical collection of the series (for bathing), collection of chamomile flowers (for making fitovans), as well as special herbal teas for children with allergic tendencies.

Self-treatment danger

Self-treatment of atopic dermatitis may worsen the condition of the child. This is really the case if parents will use herbal remedies to eliminate the rash and itching, which will additionally have an allergic effect.

The reaction of a child with childhood eczema to a particular weed or spine is unpredictable. That is why it is important to examine the kid at the doctors and find out what exactly he is allergic to.

And now let's listen to a lecture on proper skin care for atopic dermatitis.

What can not be done?

  • The skin of children's eczema is quite dry, so in no case should burn the rash with alcohol and alcohol-containing liquids. It will dry and irritate the affected areas even more.
  • Do not remove the dry crust-crust or squeeze out a rash with watery heads. This can lead to infection, as bacteria can penetrate through the damaged skin that causes severe inflammation.
  • When bathing, you can not rub the eczema with soap or other detergents, it may contribute to an additional reaction with the components of cosmetics. It is advisable not to wet the affected areas.


  • Treatment of atopic dermatitis always, in all cases without exception, should not begin with lapping and compresses, but with the correction of the baby’s diet. Artificial artist should reduce the concentration of the mixture. If the baby is breastfed, the mother should consume less fat to reduce the fat content of breast milk.
  • A child who, by age, eats everything, should be excluded from the diet. the nuts, chicken eggs, soybeans, citrus fruits and fish and significantly limit the consumption of cow's milk and dairy products, baking.
  • When treating, avoid access to allergens. Baby clothes should be from natural fabrics without factory textile dyes. Do not clean with chlorine-containing means, all cosmetics for the child should be marked "hypoallergenic". It is advisable to give relatives and friends (at least temporarily) pets - cats and dogs.
  • You can not overfeed a child with atopic dermatitis. About this in more detail tells Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky. In addition, you should be attentive to the child’s chair. The emptying of the intestines of an allergenic child should be regular, daily. If problems occur, parents should use mild lactose-based laxatives, such as "Duphalac».
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


