Treatment of allergies in children folk remedies


Doctors and scientists state that allergies are sweeping the planet by leaps and bounds. Causes weight: ecology, product quality, etc. In recent years, the number of children suffering from an allergy has increased by 25%. This figure is rather approximate, since the Ministry of Health is still unable to calculate the exact number of patients.

The reason is that many adults themselves are treated for allergies with folk remedies, and their children are treated the same way. Whether such treatment is justified, and whether it is possible to save the child from allergies with the help of home therapy, we will try to find out in this article.

Symptoms and signs

Allergy is a complex immunopathological process, during which antibodies are produced on a foreign protein - an antigen, it is also called an allergen. During the reaction at the cellular level, the first contact with the antigen produces a large amount of specific secretion. Upon repeated contact with the allergen, the body immediately gives an immune response. The body produces inflammatory mediators - histamines, prostaglandins, etc. They irritate receptors, stimulate the production of mucus, hence allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, lacrimation, and many other unpleasant symptoms.

The tendency to allergies is inherited: if mom or dad is allergic to something, then with a probability of 40% the child will be allergic, if both parents are sick - the risk increases to 80%. Even if the parents are healthy and do not complain of allergies, they can still be born baby with a predisposition to allergic reactions. This probability is at the level of 15%.

The most common allergens are well known to doctors: these are pollen of plants, animal hair, dust, mold fungi. Of the drugs most often cause a negative reaction sulfonamides, antibiotics, penicillins, local anesthetics, anesthetics. Food allergies often occur on nuts, seafood, eggs, milk, citrus and honey. The most "allergenic" insects are wasps and bees, but it is not they themselves who are dangerous, but their bites. In addition, often children's allergies associated with household chemicals, laundry detergents, detergents, especially if they contain chlorine. There are also rare cases of individual allergies - to snow, sunlight, etc.

The external manifestations of allergies are quite bright, noticeable and characteristic. A child may have a rash on the face, on the body, and during the food route of the antigen ingestion - on the elbow folds, abdomen and groin, runny nose, allergic cough, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes. In severe cases, babies can have bronchospasm, shortness of breath appears, breathing becomes whistling. Less common in children with allergies is indigestion. stomach upset the chair.

Most often, an allergy is accompanied by a runny nose, on this exciting topic of moms and will tell Dr. Komarovsky in the next video.

What is the danger

Predicting how an organism will behave when it encounters a second antigen is quite difficult. No one, even the best, the doctor will not undertake to build such predictions. It is in the spontaneity of reactions that the main danger of allergies in children lies. For example, yesterday a small urticaria and a small runny nose appeared on the baby pollen.And after a few months, the same allergen protein may cause a more serious condition - up to an acute allergic coronary syndrome, in which the activity of the cardiovascular system, coma and death is disrupted.

Doctors consider anaphylactic shock the most dangerous complication of allergy. It develops quite quickly, begins with the appearance of itching, quickly complicates breathing, lowers blood pressure, the pulse becomes filiform. If the child does not help in time, there will be swelling of the lungs and brain, which is fraught with death.

When folk methods can not do

It is rather difficult to write something intelligible about the treatment of allergies, since all modern medicine, with all its achievements and high technology, learned to treat allergies, did not understand the essence of the processes, and therefore did not develop a single medical drug that would cure the child from allergies .

All existing medications only temporarily alleviate the condition of the child, relieve symptoms, but do not eliminate the problem itself. This also applies to well-known traditional medicine.

While the most effective treatment is considered to reduce the dose of antigen. In other words, find the source of inadequate reaction and do everything to eliminate it. Until this is done, the symptoms of allergy will not decrease, the disease will only progress.

On the use of alternative medicine you should not even think about when severe systemic allergy with a severe course. In this case, doctors may prescribe an immunotherapy for the child, in which they will be given small doses of antigen, gradually increasing them until the body stops responding to the allergen at all. This treatment is carried out only under medical supervision.

Folk remedies

Allergy is not an acute disease, it is always chronic, and therefore therapy should be at least long-term, and better systematic. It should begin with a change in the environment surrounding the child. The first thing is eliminated allergen. If it is animal hair, then there should be no cats and dogs in the house; if you are allergic to a certain type of food, you should not take it. If the child becomes covered with a rash and sniffles from the pollen in the spring, you need to buy filters - air purifiers in the apartment and limit walks for the time of mass flowering.

In the house where an allergic person lives, it is often necessary to do wet cleaning, to prevent dust from accumulating. Household chemicals should not be chlorine-containing, and baby clothes should be washed only with special children's powders. This way of life in the family should become habitual and permanent, it will significantly reduce the number of allergic attacks in a child, and may bring them to naught.

Should I treat allergies folk remedies according to Dr. Komarovsky can be viewed below.

Recipes of traditional medicine are relevant to reduce the manifestations of an allergic reaction. And all funds can be divided into several groups according to the method of their use:

  • Outdoor With skin manifestations of allergies, rashes, urticaria, atopic dermatitis, babies make lotions and baths with decoction of healing herbs.
  • Internal. Broths and infusions are taken orally for symptoms associated with impaired activity of the gastrointestinal tract, nasal and instilled in the eyes with allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, used as a gargle for throat.


Flowers of ordinary pharmaceutical chamomile can be used to make a decoction, which is aboutdinakovo effectively help relieve pruritus when applied topically and allergic manifestations in the internal. A tablespoon of dried flowers is brewed in a glass of boiled hot water and brought to readiness in a water bath for 15 minutes.The broth should be cooled, filtered and given to the child to drink in different doses: babies under one year old - a teaspoon three times a day, children under 2 years old - two tablespoons at a time, three years old and older - one third of a glass, children 6 years old - half a glass.

A decoction of chamomile is added to the bath for bathing children from birth to 3 years. Later - decoction is used as a local compress on the affected skin.


The decoction of this plant is intended to alleviate the manifestations of allergy in children older than three years. Three tablespoons of herbs should be boiled with boiling water and allowed to brew for half an hour. Single volume of drink - 100 ml.


This plant is used for making baths for babies with atopic dermatitis (diathesis) and for rinsing the throat with a strong dry allergic cough. Two tablespoons of the herb is mixed with the same amount of chamomile or tansy, brewed with boiled water and left under the lid for about half an hour. Rinse throat possible every 2-3 hours.


The juice of the root of this plant helps to relieve hay fever symptoms. To do this, chop the root, squeeze out the juice and give it to the child in a tablespoon at a time. Children under one year of this remedy is contraindicated.


This recipe will help alleviate the condition of a child with food allergies. Take a bunch of freshly picked dandelions (flowers and leaves) and place in a blender. After grinding, the slurry should be diluted with cooled boiled water in a ratio of 1: 5. A single dose for oral administration - a tablespoon.

The tool turns out quite bitter. If your baby is not allergic to sugar, you can add a couple of pieces of refined sugar to the juice.

Rosehip and Laurel

Prepare broth hips in a thermos and add there a few leaves of laurea. It is necessary to insist the remedy for at least five hours, and then give the child to drink an allergic to one third of the glass.

Aloe juice

Aloe juice can be instilled into the nose in case of allergic rhinitis, but it can be instilled into the eyes when diluted 1: 3 with inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Self-treatment danger

Allergies should not immediately begin to treat folk remedies just because then it will be quite difficult to establish the true antigen. Reasonable parents must first show the child to the allergy specialist. The doctor will conduct skin tests, take blood on the study of antibodies to antigens. Will give recommendations to eliminate the identified source of allergies.

With self-treatment, such a diagnosis is impossible, parents can only guess at what the child has a rash again or why he is coughing again. The probability of an erroneous diagnosis is high, which means that severe allergic complications are possible.

Many traditional medicine recipes are based on plants, which themselves may be allergenic. Naturally, self-treatment by them will only worsen the condition of the child.

About allergy medications and the dangers of self-treatment will tell Dr. Komarovsky.

What not to do

  • You can not ignore the attacks of allergies, believing that everything will pass by itself and the child will "outgrow" the disease. Indeed, sometimes a childhood allergy fades away with age on its own, but the absence of symptomatic treatment and suitable conditions for the life of a child prone to allergies increases the risk that the disease will remain with the person for life.
  • You can not uncontrolledly give your child medicines for allergies, although they are sold without prescriptions. It is also not necessary to lubricate the rash with alcohol-containing compounds.


  • Allergic child needs an increased amount of calcium. Give him crushed egg shells or Calcium Gluconate.
  • If you are allergic to important foods, such as milk, during treatment, the allergen is not given at all, and then, when the symptoms recede, they inject the product into the diet in very small doses, gradually increasing them.
  • Buy a humidifier. Too dry air in the house increases the risk of developing a small allergic asthma.
  • A child with allergies is needed wash in the shower after each return from the street. After that, always change his clothes in clean clothes, so the risk of “bringing” an additional dose of antigen from the walk will be reduced.
  • Allergic Parents you need to carefully choose the child's clothes and toys. All underwear should be only from natural fabrics, white, without textile dyes. Toys - only from trusted manufacturers.
  • Manifestations of allergies will be less if the child sweats less. Wear it for the weather, do not allow excessive sweating.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


