The use of sea buckthorn oil in the treatment of children


Perhaps it is difficult to imagine a more useful product than sea buckthorn oil. It contains a huge amount of vitamins, has a lot of beneficial effects. For adults, the range of use of such a substance is very wide. But parents often have doubts about the children's use of sea buckthorn. In this article we will try to figure out together when and how to give children sea buckthorn oil and what ailments can be treated with it.

Beneficial features

Sea buckthorn oil is obtained either by cold pressing or by extraction, by heating the raw material to a certain temperature using vegetable oil, a well-known sea buckthorn product is obtained with a specific smell and easily recognizable delicate orange color. Stunning healing properties due to the huge amount of nutrients:

  • Carotenoids;
  • Sterols;
  • Tocopherols;
  • Vitamins E, A, K and others, except vitamins of group B, which are absent due to the lack of fiber in the berries of the plant;
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • Flavonoids.

And now a video about the beneficial properties and method of application of sea buckthorn oil.

The medicine is extracted from different raw materials - from sea-buckthorn berries and from its seeds. In the first case, a substance rich in carotenoids is obtained, which is why it is colored in a rich orange color. In the second case, the oil is clear and colorless. It is rich in fatty acids. Most often, these two oils are mixed together, such a sea buckthorn duet gives the maximum benefit to the human body.

By the number of valuable substances, sea buckthorn is a real record-breaker; it has left most vegetables, fruits and berries far behind.

Application for treatment

Sea buckthorn has long been used in the treatment of various conditions. It helps to quickly and effectively solve many health problems:

  • Promotes the elimination of toxins.
  • Excellent heals wounds, abrasions, burns, damage to mucous membranes.
  • It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect.
  • Helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Strengthens the body's immune defense.
  • Accelerates hair growth.
  • Lowers cholesterol and blood sugar.
  • It is used as an excellent cosmetic for skin problems.
  • Helps to cope with diseases of the respiratory and hearing.
9 a photo

Sea buckthorn oil can be given to children, provided that the baby does not have an allergic reaction to this product. It is used in a variety of ways:

  • Outwardly. With atopic dermatitis, with prickly heat and diaper rash in babies, with skin irritation caused by allergies, chemical burns, with boiling water burns, abrasions, callosities, etc.
  • Nasal and local. When stomatitis with sea buckthorn oil, the child is treated with sores and ulcers in the mouth. At a cold, this product is instilled into the nose to avoid drying out of the mucous membrane. In angina, the larynx is smeared with a useful substance, the oil disinfects, softens and anesthetizes rather quickly. When adenoids are treated tonsils. When coughing, especially when dry, unproductive, sea buckthorn oil helps alleviate the condition of the child and stimulates sputum discharge.
  • Inside. Sea buckthorn oil can and should be drunk for diseases of the stomach, for constipation. It is often given to weak and regularly sick children to improve and strengthen the immune system.
  • Candles. Rectal suppositories with sea buckthorn oil are used for intestinal diseases, as well as in complex therapy for many ailments as an analgesic natural and very effective means.

Where to buy and how to do?

Oily substance from the sea buckthorn to cook yourself is not as easy as it seems. But in any pharmacy in any city in all regions of the country there is a ready-to-use product packaged in vials. It has been incorporated into many child care products, including ointments and creams, soaps and bathing foam. In addition, rectal suppositories are available, which must be used with great care and only with the permission of the pediatrician.

Despite the numerous medicinal properties, a specialist can find contraindications to the use of sea buckthorn in your child, and therefore you should not trust the reviews of other parents on the Internet, you need to trust your doctor.

See the following video for the benefits of sea buckthorn for mom and baby.

How to use?

  • Diaper rash infants up to one year old are smeared with damaged skin several times a day. You can use a special cream with sea buckthorn oil "Live-Ka!".
  • Burns and abrasions a child of any age needs to moisten wipes with a product and gently put it on a sore area of ​​skin for a few minutes. It is necessary to repeat such lotions at least 6-7 times a day.
  • With nasal congestion Sea buckthorn oil can only be dripped if the child is already one year old. You should first make sure that you are not allergic. The usual dosage is 1-2 drops in each nostril no more than 3 times a day. The maximum course of treatment is no more than 10 days.
  • For the throat remedy is used as an antiseptic and anesthetic. A child older than one year in case of sore throat can lubricate the throat with sea buckthorn oil up to 5 times a day until the complete disappearance of pain when swallowing.
  • For the treatment of bronchitis, bronchotracheitis, whooping cough, with the complex treatment of pneumonia it is allowed to use sea buckthorn oil in inhalation. With a strong cough, you can use drugs based on the healing product inside. Specific dosages prescribed by the doctor, given the age and accurate diagnosis of a small patient.
  • With stomatitis, gingivitis Sea buckthorn oil gently with a cotton swab treat wounds and inflamed gums. It is recommended to do this procedure several times a day. After treatment, do not let your child drink and eat for half an hour. Oil contributes to the rapid healing of ulcers and wounds in the mouth.
  • With synechia (conditions in which there is a fusion of organs and tissues between themselves) Sea buckthorn oil is used externally, neatly lubricating the spliced ​​areas. According to numerous reviews of parents, it is very effective, especially with synechiae in girls, when the labia mating occurs.
  • With adenoids Inflamed enlarged tonsils lubricate 3-4 times a day, it numb and partially relieves swelling. Also, sea buckthorn oil, doctors recommend the use and for some time after the operation to remove palatine tonsil.
  • When gastritis, gastric ulcer children are given half a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil 15 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day.

  • With bacterial intestinal diseases prescribe baby candles with sea buckthorn dosage and according to the scheme specified in the instructions for use.

  • With otitis Sea buckthorn oil is slightly warmed up and buried 2-3 drops in the ears, then the ear canal is closed with a dry cotton swab for half an hour. The course of treatment is 5-6 days.

  • To strengthen the immune system Special preparations based on vitamins and minerals, in which pharmacists have introduced sea buckthorn oil, are optimally suited.

Age restrictions

In general, sea buckthorn oil can be used to treat children from birth. However, this applies mainly only for external use.Nobody here binds his hands to his parents, if there is a desire to use sea buckthorn to treat the skin problems of a baby - good luck!

Oil intake is not recommended for children up to 10-12 years. Abundance of carotenoids can cause jaundice or severe allergies.

Rectal candles with sea buckthorn are usually not recommended by a doctor for children who have not yet turned 2 years old.

Vitamin complexes, in the composition of which there is this product "VitaMishki", "Pomogusha" are intended for children after 3 years.


Sea buckthorn oil should not be given to children with kidney and liver diseases, especially if the children are currently experiencing a phase of exacerbation of a chronic illness. It is not necessary to give the child to drink the healing substance, if he currently has diarrhea and indigestion, vomiting. Oil is contraindicated for problems with the gallbladder and pancreas. Outwardly sea buckthorn oil is not applied to deep open wounds.

Doctor Komarovsky about sea buckthorn oil

The well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky highly appreciates the amazing natural properties of the “royal berry” oil (sea buckthorn). He recommends adding it to saline when rinsing the nasal cavity in the treatment of rhinitis of various etiologies. This is done to ensure that saline solutions and subsequent instillation of drugs with antibiotics or vasoconstrictor drops do not cause the nasal mucosa to dry.

However, Yevgeny O., recognizing the benefit of sea buckthorn oil, warns parents against self-treatment of various diseases only by this folk remedy. So, with some diagnoses, while moms and dads are enthusiastically rubbing and burying sea buckthorn, the precious time needed by doctors to save a child and prevent the disease from becoming chronic and undesirable serious complications go away.

Sea buckthorn, according to Komarovsky, is very good. Especially if with the permission of the doctor and wisely.

And now the issue of Dr. Komarovsky is dedicated to the topic "Adenoids", where everyone will tell us about sea buckthorn oil.

You will learn more about the wonderful properties of sea buckthorn oil and how to prepare it yourself by watching the “Live Healthy” program.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.