Folk remedies for constipation in children


Every third child systematically suffers from constipation. Every second constipation occurs from time to time. And absolutely every baby had at least once experienced difficulties with emptying the intestines. This problem is quite delicate, and not always the parents go with it to the doctor. It is then that they are puzzled by simple and harmless home ways to cope with child constipation. In this article we will talk about folk remedies designed to help solve the most delicate problems.

Symptoms and signs

Before talking about constipation as such, parents should be aware of the existing norms in medicine of bowel movements in children of different ages.. Newborn babies go to the toilet quite often, sometimes after each feeding, up to 12 bowel movements per day are considered normal. This applies to babies who are breastfed, artificially go to the toilet less often, they can talk about constipation, if the infant did not empty the bowels for a day.

Children under 1 year of age walk large 1-3 times a day, and babies from one year to 2 years old - 1-2 times in 1-2 days. After two years, the stool in children is quite formed, the stools are decorated, he can go to the toilet 1 time in 1-2 days. Defecation, which occurs less frequently than the indicated norms, may well indicate constipation.

The main symptoms of constipation are:

  • The lack of a chair.
  • Possible pain and discomfort in the abdomen.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Headache, signs of general intoxication.
  • Bloating and increased gas formation.

The reasons for children's constipation can be a great many, because the digestive system of the crumbs is still imperfect. Most often, a child cannot normally go to the toilet because of an imbalance in his or her own diet or mom's menu, if he eats breast milk. Constipation often occurs in babies who drink little liquid, who have a sharp introduction of complementary foods or a new product, as well as in babies who are under severe stress or are in a state of psychological discomfort.

What is the danger

When constipated suffers immunity child, the composition of his blood, and this directly affects the general condition. The absorption of nutrients in the intestines in case of constipation is impaired, which means that the body will not receive enough of a large amount of vitamins, microelements, anemia may begin. Through the intestinal wall, decay products enter the body, which causes lethargy, apathy, symptoms of intoxication and appetite deterioration. In general, constipation greatly harms the condition of the child.

You can learn more about all aspects of the dangers of child constipation by looking at the next release of Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

When folk methods can not do

Before treating constipation with folk remedies, it is necessary to exclude more serious causes of difficulties with defecation than banal eating behavior. Frequent constipation can be signs of anemia, intestinal dysbiosis, food allergies. So worm invasions and disturbances of activity of a thyroid gland can be shown. In addition, chronic constipation can be the result of congenital abnormalities, bowel development defects. Some of these conditions require surgical intervention, and almost all are treated with traditional medicines.

Folk remedies will help alleviate the condition of the child, but will not eliminate the root cause of the difficulties.That is why it is so important to report a delicate problem to a doctor, and, if necessary, to undergo additional examinations.

You should not even begin to be treated with alternative medicine, if you notice blood fragments in the feces, if the pains in the stomach are quite intense, there are traces of a small amount of liquid stool on the child’s underwear when the constipation is stable. All these problems require prompt treatment to the doctor, and not home practice with grandma's recipes.

Folk remedies

Vegetable and fruit juices

Especially effective carrot juice, cabbage and peach. They should be without preservatives, ideal - squeeze them yourself. You can take juices several times a day.

Vaseline oil

This remedy can be used for chronic constipation with severe manifestations. Before bedtime you can give a child 1-2 teaspoons, in the morning he should go to the toilet. This method is not suitable for children under one year.

Flax seeds

Of these, you can cook not too beautiful, but very effective laxative. To do this, a teaspoon of seeds should be poured with a half cup of boiling water and infused for a quarter of an hour. It turns out the substance is very reminiscent of mucus, and that's what you need to give the child half a teaspoon before each meal.

Dill water

This remedy helps not only from infantile colic, but also for constipation and increased gas formation. You can buy in the pharmacy ready mass for dilution with water, and you can prepare the product yourself. You will need dill seeds in the amount of two teaspoons and one cup of boiling water. If there are no seeds, you can use dill, but its effectiveness is slightly lower. The grass must be thrown into boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Then strain, cool and give the child to drink before meals.


Pharmacy chamomile can be used to prepare a remedy that will ease the condition of a child with infrequent and relatively minor constipation. You will need a tablespoon of dry collection and two glasses of hot water. The broth should be held in a water bath for five minutes, and then cool and strain. Take a quarter cup three times a day before meals. The given dose is optimal for a child who is already 3 years old. Those who are younger are given a tablespoon four times a day.


Grains of oats (150 g) need to be filled with boiling water (250 ml) and left in a thermos for the night. The resulting oatmeal "milk" is given in the morning, after waking up on an empty stomach. Usually, the laxative effect of the use comes within 4-5 hours after ingestion. This tool should not be given to children who have not yet turned 2 years old.


This useful product is indicated for older children. Prunes can be given whole or cooked from it a decoction with figs, taking equal amounts of both ingredients. After the liquid has been simmered for about half an hour, it should be cooled and given to the child half a cup three times a day.

Kefir drink

Take 200 grams of kefir any fat content, add two tablespoons of chamomile broth and a teaspoon of sunflower oil. Divide the resulting volume into two parts. Give one drink in the morning, the second in the evening before dinner.

An Apple

The flesh of this fruit is rich in pectin, which has a laxative effect. Peel one medium-sized apple, lightly sprinkled gruel sprinkled with sunflower or olive oil. If the child already has 3-4 years old, you can add some honey. Such a "medicine" kids usually eat with great pleasure. A day should be given 2-3 times, before each use mashed potatoes should be redone.


If the child is small, he needs to make a decoction. On a tablespoon of raisins you will need a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to insist on the remedy for at least 3 hours, and then give the children 2 teaspoons 2-3 times a day. If the child is already 4 years old, ask him to just eat raisins.Give a handful three times a day and do not forget to drink plenty of water or milk.

Self-treatment danger

A medical approach to treating constipation includes determining the cause and selecting a drug to eliminate it. That is why different laxative drugs have different effects: some increase the amount of fecal masses, others accumulate fluid in the intestinal lumen, thereby facilitating the excretion of feces, and others are irritating to the intestinal walls, causing reduction and defecation.

With home treatment, parents find it difficult to navigate the true causes of the unpleasant state of their baby, they just have to try different recipes from the arsenal of traditional healers, and by trial and error to choose the right one. Any experiments on a child are not humane and criminal, especially if you consider that the reason may lie in diseases that need medical therapy and as soon as possible.

What not to do

Some popular recipes offer a rather aggressive effect on the intestinal wall.. I want to encourage parents to prudence. You do not need to enter into the child's rectum pieces of laundry or other soap, as advised on the Internet, as the alkaline formulations that are in soap can cause serious irritation of the delicate mucous membrane.

You should not even try to do an enema with apple cider vinegar, it is fraught with burns of the mucous membrane and bleeding. In some situations, with such lesions, doctors are forced to remove part of the rectum, the child becomes disabled.

And the advice of the "experienced" to dunk a baby in a honey baby and give it to a child is dictated by anything, just not common sense, because even people far from medicine understand that honey is the strongest allergen and the newborn's body is unable to digest such a product.

Adult laxatives should not be given to children, even in smaller doses.


  • A glass of water at room temperature is what morning should begin with. If you teach a child to drink water immediately after waking up, he will not have constipation, and he will also develop a good habit of going to the toilet at about the same time, preferably in the morning.
  • As much as possible movement and physical activity for a child with constipation, this is the most correct thing parents can do. The more intensively the baby moves, the more he runs and jumps, walks, goes in for sports, the more actively his intestines work, the metabolic processes take place faster, and hence the risk of constipation decreases significantly. Babies recommended massage of the tummy in a circular motion clockwise.
  • Enemas with folk remedies, as well as with pharmaceutical drugs, should be a measure of emergency response. You can not make enemas systematically, as it causes serious damage to the intestinal microflora and can cause quite severe dysbacteriosis.
  • Provide plenty of drinks for your child. and the problem of constipation will be solved due to the natural softening of fecal masses.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate.At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


