Thuja oil at a cold in children


Runny nose in childhood is a frequent symptom of colds and viral infections, preventing the baby from breathing. To eliminate such an unpleasant symptom, medications are used, and folk remedies. One of the gifts of nature, used against the common cold, is thuja oil.


The oil obtained from Tui has pronounced vasoconstrictor propertytherefore, it effectively copes with a prolonged rhinitis when the mucous membrane is thinned and overdried. More thuya oil has tIt has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. In addition, this oil mark bactericidal, antiviral and antiseptic properties.

Release form

It is sold in the form of a 100% essential oil, as well as a homeopathic preparation in which the thuja oil is combined with petroleum jelly.

Homeopathic Thuja Oil
Balsam with thuja extract

In addition, such oil can be prepared by yourself Bay 1 part washed, dried and chopped needles ten pieces of olive oil. The mixture is covered with a lid and kept in a dark place for ten days, and after filtering used in the treatment of prolonged rhinitis.

Self-made oil - guaranteed quality product


Thuja oil has proven itself in the treatment of:

  • Chronic purulent rhinitis.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Hypertrophy of the adenoids.
  • Chronic rhinitis, flowing in atrophic form.

In addition, this drug is used to get rid of warts, polyps in the nose, periodontal disease, acne, aphthous stomatitis, otitis media and diseases of the joints.

When can not drip?

The use of Tui oil should be careful in any case, but there are situations where such treatment is contraindicated:

  • With individual intolerance.
  • In case of acute rhinitis.
  • With serious problems in the cardiovascular system.
  • If a child has asthma.
  • With epilepsy.

To determine if the child is allergic to such a remedy, it is recommended to slightly dilute the oil and rub the skin behind the ear or on the wrist. The appearance of redness or swelling will tell you that thuja oil cannot be used in the treatment of rhinitis in this child.

Also it is important to observe the dosage and treat with oil of thuja only if there is evidence to such a remedy, otherwise the use of such a drug may result in depression of the central nervous system, asthma attack, interruptions in heart rhythm, vomiting, tingling sensation and severe dryness in the nose.

In the absence of evidence, oil of thuja is not recommended

Instructions for use

To prepare a solution from thuja oil that can wash the nasal passages, you should take 100 ml of chamomile infusion and sage. For its preparation take 1 tsp. herbs and pour them 100 ml of boiling water, then insist for several hours, and after cooling it is filtered. In this herbal infusion add up to 20 drops of thuja oil (most often 10 or 15 drops).

A sick child is instilled at least one drop in each nasal passage. Maximum children can bury up to 3 drops in each nostril. The frequency of the procedure - 2-3 times a day.

Rinsing ends when symptoms of chronic rhinitis disappear. If the indications for the use of thuja oil are enlarged adenoids, the instillation is carried out in courses - a spout is instilled for 2 weeks, then a break is taken for 2 weeks, and then the drug is dripped for another 2 weeks.

For more information about the use of useful properties of Tui, see the video:

How to apply essential aroma oil?

The use of Tui essential oil is permissible only in the aroma lamp. Due to the saturation of the air with such aroma oils, the premises will be disinfected, destroying pathogenic viruses and bacteria.

If the flavor is unsaturated, its inhalation will stimulate the immune system, as well as non-aggressively disinfects the mucosa of the nasopharynx and reduce the swelling of the respiratory tract.

It is recommended to saturate the air with Tui essential oil vapors once or twice a day.. This is justified not only during the illness of the child, but also with a preventive purpose in the season of an ARVI epidemic.

Inhalation of thuja vapors helps to relieve nasal pharyngeal edema

An excellent solution - decoction of thuya needles

Such a decoction affects the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract even more effectively than thuja oil.. In this case, it can be dripped to children and with the normal state of the mucous membrane, and in the secretion of mucus.

Before use, the child must blow his nose., and only after that, 3-4 drops of broth are instilled into each nasal passage.

To make it, dried or green branches of thuja (a tablespoon) are poured with boiling water (0.5 l) and infused for one hour, then filtered.


Some parents refer to the homeopathic tui oil with distrust, because the thuja oil in such a preparation is highly diluted, the remedy itself does not even smell, and the effect is often invisible.

However, There are quite a few supporters of homeopathy who are sure that it is better to bury such thuja oil than to use synthetic vasoconstrictor drops. They like the lack of side effects and addiction, and the minuses of Tui butter include only its high cost.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.