Cocoon for newborns
The modern market for baby products offers many devices that make it easier for parents to care for newborn babies. One of the useful goods is a cocoon, in which a crumb is laid or wrapped in the first months after birth.
Most often, the cocoon is acquired for a premature newborn with a lack of weight. They are also used for traveling with baby (carrying the baby in the hands and transporting in the transport) and for feeding the little ones.
The purchase of such baby cocoons is interested in the first months of a baby’s life, since they are designed for ages 0-4 months.
Why is called the cocoon nest?
This name is associated with a special anatomical shape of the cocoon, completely repeating the curves of the body of an infant. Staying in this “nest” gives the baby a sense of calm and security. This helps the baby to more easily adapt to life outside of my mother's abdomen.
Cocoon for an infant of early age is represented by such species:
- Mattress. The most common is Cocoonababywhich is produced in france. This mattress cocoon was created specifically for babies of the first four months of life and, depending on the weight of the child, is presented in 3 sizes. Polyamide and polyurethane are used for its manufacture, and the product is covered with a white cotton pillowcase on top. It weighs 1 kilogram, its length is 69 cm, the height of such a mattress is 19 cm, and its width is 40 cm.
- The envelope. This option is very comfortable and warm, so it is often bought for a cool season. The baby can stay in it at home in the cold, leave the hospital or walk in the stroller. Outwardly, this cocoon resembles an envelope. For its sewing use wool, fur, fleece and other materials. The product is zipped or with buttons.
- Carrying. This option is used only for the purpose of carrying the newborn. Carriers are often sold in the configuration of strollers, can withstand the weight of a child up to 8 kg and can be used up to 10 months of age. It is equipped with durable, comfortable handles and a rigid base, PVC is used for its manufacture, the product weighs 1300 g.
- Diaper. It is a cotton velcro. Such diapers are designed for different age and height of babies.
Features and benefits
- Gently envelops the body of a newborn baby, repeating its shape.
- The kid inside such a device feels protection and comfort, so the sleep of the crumbs will be longer and more restful.
- Able to facilitate the newly-fed mother feeding process, since the baby will stay close in a comfortable position for him.
- Being in it has a positive effect on the formation of the correct shape of the infant's skeleton.
- Use prevents the development in the baby of the first months of life painful intestinal colic.
- The use of cocoon mattress makes it easy and convenient for a child to have a place to sleep in the parent's bed.
- Due to the stay in the cocoon, the muscle tone of the child decreases.
- Mattress cocoon can be used while bathing a newborn.
- Thanks to the fixation of the child staying in it, the mother may not worry that the baby will accidentally roll over and fall out.

How to choose the best?
- First of all, decide whether you want to buy a cocoon or intend to make it yourself. Many expectant mothers knit or sew a baby cocoon while waiting for the crumbs, selecting the density of materials depending on the season of birth of the child. For example, if a baby is born in the fall, then wool or flannel is used for it.
- Next, determine how you will use it. If you are going to put the baby in the baby cocoon only at home, the best choice would be a mattress. Those who buy it for travel with a child, you need to look at carrying or envelope. A good option would also be to buy the baby several types of cocoon at once, since each of them is good in its own way and is used for different purposes.
- It is important to take into account the weight and height of the infant, since the cocoons are presented in several sizes - for premature babies, for small babies (for example, from multiple pregnancies) and for babies of the first months of life with a weight of 3-5 kg.
Maximum time for transportation
Baby cocoon is often used to transport a baby in the first months of life.
It is important for parents to know that the duration of their stay in it during transportation should not exceed 1.5 hours. These restrictions are associated with the risk of damage to the still not strong spine of the baby from the vibrations of a moving vehicle.
Reviews of parents and doctors
Pediatricians speak of mattress cocoons only positively, considering them to be the main advantage of the anatomical structure. They confirm that its use can facilitate the care of a premature or weakened baby. In this case, the mattress will improve the shape of the skull and ensure the safe position of the spine.
The effectiveness and benefits of such cocoons are confirmed by medical practice; therefore, modern perinatal centers are equipped with such devices.
As for the cocoon diaper, doctors note practicality and ease of use, but do not advise using it too often. Most pediatricians recommend using a diaper only for the period of sleep, so that it does not interfere with the physical development of the crumbs.
On the cocoons carrying most parents respond positively. Many are looking after a stroller for a child, in the configuration of which there is such a device. Moms emphasize that it is convenient to walk with the baby to the clinic or to the store.
Many mothers recommend the cocoon mattress as a very convenient device for feeding babies. They note that there is no difficulty with feeding the baby in it. Mothers of premature babies call it simply an indispensable device.
Cocoon diaper also quite popular. According to reviews of moms, it is much more convenient than a regular diaper, since the baby does not unwind on its own. In addition, it is easy to do it yourself.
In relation to the envelope-cocoon mums differ opinions. Some confidently say that he helped them in the winter during walks and stays in the clinic, others point out some difficulties of use. Many claim that he has almost no advantages over a regular blanket.
How to do it yourself?
If a mother wants to make a cocoon for a newborn by herself, she has several options:
- Tie the product with needles.
- Sew fabric.
- Tie with a hook.
Any of these methods can make a diaper-cocoon or envelope-cocoon.In this case, the product will be exclusive and unique, and most importantly - mother's love will be invested in it.
To create a homemade cocoon should be taken measurements from a baby. To knit a product that fits a newborn, you need about 100 grams of yarn. It should be soft to the touch and contain a minimum of synthetic fibers. You can decorate it with ribbons, beads or other decor. For a contrasting cocoon, you can pick up a yarn of several shades.
If you want to sew a cocoon of flannel, fleece, thick knitwear and other soft fabric, take the standard dimensions - width 60 cm, length 85 cm. If you want to make a diaper with lining, duplicate the pattern and then sew the fabric. Velcro is attached to the finished product for reliable fixation on the baby's body.