Baby Carriers
As soon as the crumb is born, the parents have a lot of questions related to the care and organization of the daily routine. To facilitate their decision, created numerous items used in the first weeks of life baby. One of these items is carrying. So called a special device for moving a child, in which the crumbs are comfortable, warm and safe.
If parents are important safety crumbs when moving, they definitely need to think about buying a carrier in advance. Staying in the carrier while traveling by car, the child will be protected from sudden braking of transport and possible accidents.
The use of carrying options with handles allows you to carry the child without causing discomfort to the crumbs and without putting a heavy load on mother's hands. In such carriers, the kids are not freezing and are protected from both precipitation and the bright sun, as well as from unwanted views of strangers.
In those types of carrying, which are fixed on my mother's body, the baby feels safe and easily adapts to the new life outside the mother's womb. In addition, the use of such carriers also frees mom's hands.
This type of carrier is very common and is often attached to the stroller as an optional accessory. This is a portable device, which has a flat dense bottom and high sides, as well as a protective case and seat belts. Such a carrying is suitable for transporting the baby in the car, and for traveling with the baby on public transport.
The main advantage of the cradle-carrying is the presence of five-point belts that ensure the baby complete safety. If necessary, the cradle can be put in the stroller and continue to ride in it. This option of carrying is also suitable for discharge from the hospital and for the very first non-durable walks with a newborn.
Such carrying differs from the cradle by its lower weight, the presence of the shoulder belt and the lower price. It is represented by a bag with sufficiently strong handles that can be placed in a pram and then removed from it with the child.
Bag-carrying is often used for visits to the clinic. The baby sleeps quietly in the carrying inside the stroller to the end point of the trip. And then the mother pulls the bag without interfering with the sleep of the newborn, and carries the baby to where it is needed.
Such carry-overs are intended for use in automobiles. They have a special mount, as well as a convenient handle. After removing the chair, the baby in it can be transferred to the house without disturbing the baby's sleep.
This option of carrying looks original and is quite rare. It is a small basket with a hard bottom and foam foam frame. The bottom of the product is made of coconut fiber, for washing the basket the bottom is removed. The basket has a mattress, a pillow and a blanket.
In such a carrying, the newborn is protected from the sun and gusts of wind. The advantages of the product are low weight and attractive appearance. Such a basket is used for discharge from the hospital, a walk in the park, for visits to visit or to the clinic. It is also a good option for christening.
Carriers, located on the mother
Sling Scarf
This type of carrying is represented by a soft and very plastic tissue cut. Mom wraps the baby with this cloth, then pulls the newborn to her own body. Ensuring the contact of the mother's skin with the skin of the baby helps in stimulating lactation, and also gives the baby a sense of security.
A child in this sling is physiologically located, and the carrying itself is considered to be the most ergonomic, since it takes into account the nuances of constitution and crumbs, and mothers. The length of this type of sling is 2.5-6 meters, and the width is 60-80 centimeters. There are more than ten ways to carry a baby in such a carrying, while its use is possible from the first day after birth.
Sling with rings
It is a type of tissue carrying, to one end of which special rings are sewn. The length of such a sling is usually 2 meters. Throwing a piece of fabric over the shoulder, pass the free end through the rings and get a kind of sling.
It is convenient to use such a sling in situations where the child must often be removed from the carrier. Such a thing is soft and plastic, its use is possible in the first days of life, and the baby inside the sling is in a physiological position.
The use of such backpacks for moving with a child these days is becoming increasingly rare. For the manufacture of such carrying use rigid materials, and design features make the "kangaroo" ergonomically unprofitable neither for the crumbs, nor for the mother. The baby cannot be fixed inside such a backpack, its body is not supported from the sides, and the main load falls on the crotch.
It is especially dangerous to carry in a “kangaroo” children who do not yet hold their heads, therefore, use in newborns is contraindicated. Although there are horizontal models of such carrying, they are still not suitable for use in infants during the first months of life because of a poorly damped, stiff backrest. Experts advise to sit the baby in the "kangaroo" not earlier than 6 months of age.
Ergo backpack
This option is a carrying backpack with a special pocket for the child. The advantage of the product is the presence of a wide belt, thanks to which the load on the mother's body is distributed evenly, as when using a sling scarf. Among the shortcomings of ergo-backpacks, it is noted that the design is too soft, as well as the inability to provide the baby with a physiological position, which is why the use of this type of carrier is recommended not earlier than 4 months of age.

Can it be used in the car?
It is permissible to transport the crumb in motor transport only in special ones like armchairs and cradles. In these devices the baby will be protected from shaking and possible emergencies. Such protection will be provided to your child by seat belts, which are present in these options for carrying.
Thanks to the use of carrying, adults can transport a baby in a vehicle or carry it in their hands or on their body over considerable distances. The baby is dressed according to the weather and placed inside the carrier, after which it fixes all protective devices, if any.
Such a thing allows you to go with the child out of town, go to the clinic or visit. In addition, carrying in the form of a basket, cradle or chair can be used to sleep the baby on the balcony in bad weather. In public transport, the mother can put the carrier on her lap, ensuring the restful sleep during the trip.
At home, such a thing is also useful, especially for those who live in large apartments and private houses. Putting the newborn in the carrier, the mother can carry it with him to another room and carry it to the veranda.As a result, the crumb will always be supervised, and mom will have the opportunity to do household chores.
Doctors recommend using carrying bags only when necessary, and you need to follow safety rules. See the next video for more details.
Model overview
Such carriers for newborn babies are most in demand:
Cradle from Bebeton. The model is used from 0 to 18 months to carry babies weighing less than 13 kg in a car. The undoubted advantages of such carrying are high safety (there are five-point belts and side protection), beautiful design, low weight (only 2.7 kg). Additional pluses consider the presence of a removable cover, a special hood and an adjustable handle.
Cradle from Globex. Such a cocoon carrier is used for movements with a newborn weighing less than 7,700 g. The model features lightness (the product weighs 1.3 kg), the possibility of using it in a stroller, the presence of special durable handles, a detachable hood and a hard bottom.
Cradle Brevi Smart Silverline. This is a car seat for the smallest babies weighing less than 13 kg. The carrying weighs only 3 kg, can be installed in the car, and thanks to the convenient handle, this cradle can be taken with you on a journey and to any public place. Positive characteristics of the product are the presence of an anatomical cushion, visor, five-point seat belts, frontal protection and a removable cover.
Tips for choosing
- The baby carrier must be made of safe materials. It is good if there is a natural fabric lining inside that will contact with the body of the newborn.
- When buying a carrier, consider the growth of the baby and its weight, since in some models these parameters are limited. It is important to note what the allowable load for the selected carry. And buying a bag-carrying in the form of an additional accessory to the wheelchair, in the configuration of which there is no such thing, be sure to measure the sleeping place.
- The weight of the carrying is worth knowing only when buying a bag, as her mother will carry it in her hands, in other cases a stroller is used, and for backpacks and slings the weight is not important.
- When choosing a bag or cradle for carrying a baby, make sure that the bottom of the product is even and firm. This will help move the baby without changing the position of the baby’s body. It is also convenient if this bottom is removed to be able to wash the product.
- If the carrying handles are provided, they must be strong and sturdy. Some products have only two short handles, and some bags are additionally equipped with a long handle, which allows hanging the carrier on the shoulder. Conveniently, if the handles can be combined into one with a special velcro. When buying a carry, take it in handles and lower it down - the bag should not reach the floor.
- When choosing a cradle and bags, consider the season of use, as there are warmed models. In addition, for the winter period, a more voluminous product is required to fit a child in a jumpsuit or in a blanket.
- Notice whether there is a hood in the cradle or carrying bag. It will protect the baby from the rays of the sun and the weather. It is desirable that such a hood comes off.
- Choosing a carrying in the form of a backpack, pay attention to the width of the straps, as well as the presence of additional belts and the reliability of their zippers. If there is a choice between an ergo backpack and a "kangaroo", it is better to give preference to the first option, since it has more advantages.
- Be sure to check the seams of the product, carefully inspecting the purchased carrier in the store. Check that there are no defects on the selected item.
On the choice of slings and backpacks, carry in the transfer of Dr. Komarovsky.