Ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​for children


In childhood, colds and viral infections of the respiratory tract are the most common diseases. Therefore, the questions of their treatment concern every mother.

When a daughter or son has a runny nose, cough, or another worrying symptom, you always want to help your child with effective and safe means. These include various herbal preparations with anti-inflammatory, expectorant and bronchodilator effects.

Most often, children are given such products in the form of a syrup, but there are also medicines in the form of an ointment, for example, Dr. Mom Phyto. When is this drug prescribed to babies? What symptoms can he relieve a sick child? How to apply this medicine and what can it be replaced with?

Release form

Dr. Mom in the form of an ointment is produced in jars of synthetic polymer. Inside each can is 20 grams of white translucent substance that smells of menthol and camphor.


The main active ingredients in the ointment Dr. Mom are levomenthol and camphor. They are supplemented with such active substances as eucalyptus oil, nutmeg oil, thymol and turpentine oil. Auxiliary component of the drug is soft white paraffin. Other chemicals in the product is not contained.

Operating principle

Ointment Dr. Mohm is classified as a herbal remedy with a local irritant and distracting effect. The therapeutic effect is manifested due to the absorption of the ointment, and when it is inhaled into the body when the child inhales the drug particles.

  • Due to the presence of menthol in the preparation, the blood vessels of the treated skin dilate, and the nerve receptors are activated. This ingredient also has a pain reliever and a slight cooling effect, as a result of which the child is distracted from the uncomfortable symptoms of the disease.
  • Camphor there are also properties to influence the nerve endings and skin vessels, due to which such a component of the ointment helps to get rid of pains and chills.
  • Thymol possesses antiseptitic, antibacterial and antifungal effects. Such effects of this ingredient are valuable in viral nasopharyngeal lesions.
  • The presence in the preparation of turpentine oil causes the warming effect of the ointment. This component quickly penetrates the skin and affects the painful area, activating metabolic processes and helping to get rid of toxins.
  • Eucalyptus oil also warms, but still has a disinfecting and antibacterial effect. For such properties it is often used in aromatherapy. It gives the ointment a pleasant smell, helps eliminate swelling of the nasopharynx, headache and cough.
  • Nutmeg oil note the ability to reduce the activity of the inflammatory process. This is due to its influence on the production of prostaglandins.

It is also important to note that when applied to the skin, the drug does not enter the general circulation, but acts only locally, so its ingredients do not cause negative systemic effects.


Ointment is prescribed for acute respiratory viral infections as a symptomatic treatment of nasal congestion, cough or runny nose. Also, this medication is in demand for headaches, painful sensations in the back or in the muscles.

At what age is it allowed to take?

Ointment Dr. Mom does not recommend treating children under three years old. This age limit is noted in the annotation to the drug. If the child is 3 years old, it is necessary to use the drug with care to prevent an allergic reaction. For this, the first application should be on a limited area of ​​skin.


Ointment is not used if the small patient has a hypersensitivity to camphor or other components of the medicine. Treatment with this tool should also not be carried out in case of bronchial asthma.

Since it is permissible to apply the drug only on clean skin, Dr. Moom’s contraindications to this form of treatment are skin diseases and skin damage, such as bruises, cuts, dermatitis, eczema, or burns.

Side effects

Since the composition of the drug includes natural substances, treatment with ointment can cause allergies, for example, urticaria, itching at the site of application, redness of the treated area of ​​skin, excessive dryness or angioedema. The vapors of the drug in the respiratory tract of the child after application to the chest in case of allergies may result in tearing or bronchospasm. If, after lubricating the skin, such negative effects appear, rinse the preparation immediately with water and no longer use it.

But what Dr. Komarovsky thinks about the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia in children.

Instructions for use and dosage

Ointment Dr. Mom is used exclusively externally. The drug is applied to the skin, and then lightly rub the lubricated area and easily massage the treatment area.

  • If a child nasal plug or eat rhinitis, drug advise to lubricate the wings of the nose.
  • With sore throat or cough the drug should be applied to the chest, trying not to touch the heart area. Usually a thin layer of ointment is rubbed into the region of the sternum, as well as into the upper back. Next, the child is advised to be put in bed and warmly sheltered.
  • If ointment is used with pain in the back, then with this tool they treat the back and cover it with a warm bandage.
  • With the defeat of the bronchi Lubrication of the foot area is also recommended.
  • For muscle pain the drug is treated with a painful area, and then wrapped it.
  • If the child is worried headache, The medicine can be applied in small amounts on the scalp in the temples.

Pediatricians advise no more than 3 times a day to rub the skin of the child with medication. Usually assigned twice use, and sometimes just one application per day is enough. If symptoms persist after treatment, it is necessary to consult a specialist and select another treatment.

The drug should not be applied to the mucous membranes, so you need to make sure that the ointment does not fall into the oral cavity, inside the nasal passages or on the conjunctiva. If this happens by accident, it is necessary to immediately wash the mucous with clean water in large quantities.

Overdose and drug interactions

The manufacturer does not mention cases of the negative effect of a large dose of the drug, as well as the incompatibility of the ointment with other drugs. If a child accidentally swallows this medicine, you should immediately show the baby to the doctor.

Terms of sale

Like the others drugs under the brand Dr. MomThe ointment is sold as a non-prescription drug. The average price of one jar in most pharmacies is 140 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

A jar of ointment should be kept away from sunlight in a place where the drug will be inaccessible to small children. The optimal temperature conditions for storing this drug is the range from +15 to +25 degrees Celsius. The shelf life of this form is 3 years. If it has expired, and the ointment in the jar is not over yet, it should be discarded. It is unacceptable to put on the skin of a child a drug that has expired.


Moms talk about the use of ointment Dr. Mom from their children mostly positive.They confirm the effectiveness of such a medicine in the fight against the common cold and runny nose, especially if the treatment begins at the first symptoms. The main advantage of the drug is the presence of natural oils and medicinal plants.


If for any reason you cannot use Doctor Mom as an ointment to treat a child, you need to consult a pediatrician and choose a similar drug that has the same properties. It may be:

  • Ointment Pulmeks baby. This tool is advised to smear the upper back and chest of children with bronchitis, laryngitis and other diseases that manifest cough. The drug is permissible to use in the treatment of children older than 6 months. It is based on rosemary and eucalyptus essential oils, as well as Peruvian balsam.
  • Ointment Dr. Tayss Evkalipt. Such a medicine containing camphor, eucalyptus oil and pine needle needles is prescribed for coughing with ARVI and bronchitis. Treatment of this skin with the skin of the chest and back is allowed in children over three years old. In addition, the drug is used for inhalation.
  • Ointment Vicks Active Balm. Its main components are eucalyptus oil and levomenthol. Such substances are supplemented with camphor, turpentine oil, thymol and cedar oil. Rubbing of this ointment is recommended at the age of 2 years. They are prescribed for a cold, sore throat, stuffy nose, or cough.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


