How to take a child on the train?
Traveling with a child can be turned into a real adventure, which will be remembered by the kid. If you have a long journey on the train, make sure that the child does not miss. It is advisable to take the little that does not take up much space, not bulky, but quite functional.
Fun depending on the age of the child
It will be much easier for a baby to go through a long road if you carefully plan all his leisure time in a train car. It is important to take into account age features and game preferences.
1-2 years
- Small xylophone. A lot of places such a toy does not take, but will allow to entertain the baby and interest him.
- Coloring, album and markers allow the crumbs to spend time with benefits and give parents a few tens of minutes of silence.
- Favorite toy. A bunny, a teddy bear or a robot with which the baby most often plays at home must accompany the child on the journey. With her karapuzu it will be easier to sleep.
- Educational games. You should not take along a bunch of boxes with “povvaykami”, you can get by with several elements with holes that need to be strung on a string. A good option - colored plastic clips, which are conveniently connected to each other. It is important not to trust the small details to the child, let him deal with them with the mandatory participation of adults.
- Plasticine. Perfectly develops fine motor skills. In addition, joint modeling improves psychological contact with the child, which, as a rule, parents do not have enough time in everyday life. To plasticine be sure to take a plate for sculpting and wet wipes to clean the baby's handles.

- Amazing figures. Do not be lazy and in advance, at home, cut different geometric figures from colored paper or colored cardboard. Glue stick and several album sheets will help to create all kinds of applications from them.
- Children's puzzles. You can take large puzzles for children from 1 year, and you can make them yourself, just cut the picture into several large parts. Small puzzles for children of this age are not suitable, their collection will tire the crumbs, it is still too difficult for him.
- Cardboard box. If you have a small box, you can take in the appendage to it large buttons and other non-dangerous items that the baby can fold and the box. Usually this simple task is very fun for the crumbs.
- Pyramid on a stick. Famous for many generations of people famous toy does not lose relevance.
In the following video, the best games for a long journey in a train, by plane or by car are presented to your attention.
2-3 years
If a child at this age is given several toys, then he will probably not be bored, but here it is important to participate in his that he can quickly understand the basic questions: big-small, hard-soft, flexible and not very.
- Children's books. On the road, you can take books with stickers that need to be combined with the appropriate picture. By purchasing a book with almost the same in general, but different in detail drawings, you can practice the attention and memory of the baby, and if there is no such book, simply by collecting several items, first show them all, and then remove something and allow the kid to determine what there is not enough.
- Constructor. He will allow the child for a long time to do an important children's work - the creation of everything that prompts fantasy.But avoid designers with lots of details, so you don’t look for them all over the car.

- Album for drawing. In it, you can try to draw a whole group of men, consisting of only rounders, from triangles or squares.
- Board games. If the kid already knows how to play checkers, grab them with you. Excellent desktop quest quests, in which you need to roll a die and make a chip the indicated number of moves ahead.
- What do the clouds look like? Ask the child to describe what the clouds look like outside the carriage window. Take the most active part in this, whoever comes up with more comparisons wins this game.
- Cartoons. Show your child favorite cartoons on tablet or parents' smartphone on the train, of course, is possible, but not for long, no more than 15 minutes a day. From small screens, the baby’s eyes get tired very quickly, even if he himself is not aware of this. Prolonged viewing of the cartoon on the monitor of the smartphone can even cause a headache and disrupt the child’s sleep.
4-5 years
At this age, children continue to develop very quickly and ask many questions, among which the most popular is “Why?”. Here it is very important to have patience and answer all the questions why the most fully and vividly, while keeping an eye on the child so that he is not distracted.
- Poems and fairy tales. Take on the road a book with your favorite poems and fairy tales of a child. You can also learn a rhyme or patter and compete who will tell it faster.
- Hide and seek. To play hide and seek in the train, it is not at all necessary to run and hide throughout the carriage and lock yourself in the toilet. It is enough to stipulate more modest conditions of the game: you can hide either toys or some objects and not go beyond the limits of the compartment. One hides, the second is looking for.
- Board games. Checkers, "corners", tag perfectly train memory, logical thinking, perseverance.
- A book with drawings "Find ten differences" will help to train attention.
- Sea battle You can take it as ready in the box or play with the child, as they did before - with paper and two pencils.
- Creator's Kit. The child will love not only albums and pencils, but also ready-made kits for creating sand paintings, sequins, pre-fabricated models of aircraft-craft-machines for boys, sets of bright fabric appliqués for girls.
6-7 years
Modern children have an incredible lack of full communication, and electronic gadgets have played a significant role in this. And children, like a century ago and before, need to learn to express their thoughts and feelings competently and logically. Make sure that the games on the train during the trip for the preschooler and the younger student are directed to exactly this.
- "The Wizard of Oz". This game may be of interest not only to your child, but also to fellow travelers, if any, traveling with you in the same compartment. Players need to combine efforts to achieve victory.
- Board game "Imaginarium Childhood" is aimed at active communication between players. In the game you need to guess the pictures. According to the rules, each player is dealt several cards. The presenter comes up with a confusing description for any of his pictures and puts it face down on the table, while the others, despite the presenter’s convoluted explanations, must choose a card from their arsenal that has a drawing that best fits this description. The task of the players is to confuse others and win as many picture cards as possible. This game has a lot of options - adult, road with spare parts, and others. The themes are as diverse.
Older child
How to occupy a child older than 7 years on the road depends largely on the interests of the child himself. Some children at this age love to read, others - to draw, others are not averse to playing with their parents in the “cities”, “edible-inedible” and so on. Most likely, the child will take care of all the entertainments that will be interesting to him on the way.
Perfectly combined are prefabricated models of equipment and vehicles that a student can patiently assemble piece by piece, embroidery kits with ready-made schemes, if you have a girl.
Think of travel as a great chance to improve relationships with your child. Even if you think that you have a great relationship, there is no limit to perfection.
For quite a long time you will be in the same space, not being distracted by work, washing dishes and other household chores. Let these hours and days be remembered by the child as one of the best and most interesting.
In the next video, an experienced mom will tell you how to take a child on a long journey and how to pass his leisure time.