Licorice preparations for children


The question of choosing an effective drug against cough is very relevant for parents, since respiratory system diseases are common in children. If we are talking about the treatment of the child, then among the many tools that help relieve cough and improve the excretion of sputum, herbal medicines are in the greatest demand.

They contain herbs and plant extracts, therefore, are considered safer for the child's body. One of these remedies is licorice-based drugs. What they are and how they act on the patient?

Useful properties of licorice

The roots of this plant of the legume genus, which is also called licorice, contain many active substances. It is due to isoflavonoids, essential oils, gricyrrhizin, flavone glycosides, polysaccharides and glycyrrhizic acid preparations that contain extract from licorice roots:

  • stimulate the secretory function of the bronchi;
  • eliminate spasm of the muscles of the bronchial tree;
  • activate the respiratory tract epithelium;
  • help thin the mucus in the bronchi.

Licorice has not only an expectorant effect, but also has some anti-inflammatory effects, affects microbes (mainly staphylococci) and viruses in the respiratory system, accelerates the healing of the mucous membrane and stimulates the body's defenses (useful for strengthening the immune system). The active substances of this plant also have laxative, diuretic, anti-ulcer and anti-tumor properties.

Forms of release

Preparations in which the active substances from licorice are the main active ingredient are presented:

  • Powdered licorice rootpackaged in packs of 35, 40, 50, 75 and 100 grams of vegetable raw materials. Some manufacturers offer shredded roots in filter bags of 1.5 or 2 grams, packed in boxes of 10-20 pieces. In crushed licorice, a grayish-yellow color and a peculiar smell are noted, and after brewing with water a sweetish liquid is formed. The use of this drug in children is allowed from 1 year.
  • Licorice root syrup. It is sold in glass bottles containing 100 grams of brown syrupy sweet liquid. One bottle contains 4 grams of thick extract of licorice root, supplemented with ethyl alcohol and sugar syrup. Citric acid, glycerin, preservatives and other compounds may also be present in products of some manufacturers.

Such syrups are also allowed for children older than a year, but because of the alcohol component in the medication, it is recommended to give medicine to a child under 12 years old only by doctor's prescription.

In addition, licorice extract is included in various dietary supplements and multi-component drugs with expectorant action. These include such funds:

  • "Linkas". Such a preparation includes extracts from several plants, among which there are marshmallows, violet, zizifus, alpinia, licorice and others. It comes in the form of syrup and is used in children older than 6 months.
  • «Chest collection №2». In such a plant remedy, plantain leaves and coltsfoot are added to the licorice roots. This collection is brewed with boiling water and allowed to drink to children over 12 years old.
  • Amtersol. This syrup has an expectorant effect due to extracts from thermopsis and licorice, as well as ammonium chloride, sodium benzonate and potassium bromide. It is prescribed to children older than 3 years.
  • «Breast Elixir». In the composition of this tool to the thick extract of licorice added anise oil and ammonia solution. At children's age it is used with care and only according to the instruction of the pediatrician.
  • "Dr. Mom." This syrup includes extracts from ten medicinal plants and levomenthol. He has not only expectorant, but also bronchodilator effect. For children, this drug is prescribed from the age of three.
  • "Codelak Fito." The basis of this drug in the form of an elixir is codeine, supplemented with plant extracts (in addition to licorice, the medicine includes thyme and thermopsis). The drug is in demand when coughing from 2 years of age.
  • "Dry cough mixture for children". Such a medicine is produced in bags or bottles, inside of which there are dry extracts of arteic and licorice roots, as well as anise oil, ammonium chloride and some other components. A doctor can prescribe this medicine at any age.
  • Suprima-Broncho. This syrup helps to cough thanks to the active substances from turmeric, basil, adatody, nightshade, licorice, ginger and other medicinal plants. Children are discharged from the age of three.


Drugs containing licorice are most in demand when coughing is wet, when the secret produced by the bronchial cells is too thick and viscous, which prevents its normal coughing. The drug is used for laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia and other diseases of the respiratory system. In addition, extract of licorice roots may be prescribed for hyperacid gastritis and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.


All drugs with licorice can not be given with hypersensitivity, exacerbation of gastritis, arrhythmias, bronchial asthma, increased pressure, kidney disease or serious liver disease.

Syrup based on licorice extract should not be used in children with diabetes.

Side effect

Some patients respond to drugs with licorice nausea, redness, diarrhea, itching, rashes or other signs of intolerance, which requires discontinuation of the drug. Excessive treatment with extracts from licorice roots or overdose of such agents can provoke edema and increased blood pressure.

Instructions for use

If vegetable raw materials are used, then an infusion should be made from it. The cooking method is usually indicated on the box. To make the decoction correctly, 8-10 g of chopped roots or one filter package are taken for 200 ml of boiled water. Covering boiled water over the roots, they are left for 30-60 minutes. Strain the finished drink or squeeze the bag, you need to pour water to the total amount of tincture was 200 ml.

It is necessary to accept such means from two to four times a day, and it is worth checking a single dosage at the doctor. Usually, a one-year-old child is given a teaspoonful infusion, a small patient over 3 years old - a dessert spoon, and from the age of 12 - a tablespoon. The duration of treatment with this drug is often 2-3 weeks.

Made from licorice root syrup is given to children after a meal, diluted with unheated boiled water. The medicine bottle is shaken and then the required dose of syrup is dripped into a spoon or a glass of water, after which it is offered to the patient. A child 1-2 years old at one time give 1-2 drops of the drug, a patient 2-6 years old in a spoonful of water must be diluted 2-10 drops, and from the age of seven medication give 1 / 2-1 teaspoon.

Typically, the reception of such funds is three times, and the average duration of therapy is 7-10 days.

Purchase and storage

Acquisition of shredded licorice roots or syrup prepared from them in a pharmacy does not cause difficulties, since these means are non-prescription drugs. The cost of these drugs is low and depends on both the type of medicine and the manufacturer.On average, for a bottle of syrup, you need to pay 20 rubles, and for 50 g of crushed roots - 30-40 rubles.

Shelf life of plant materials is usually 2-3 years, and the prepared infusion can be stored for 48 hours, placing it in a cool place. Depending on the manufacturer, the syrup is valid for 2 or 3 years from the date of manufacture. While the date marked on the bottle has not passed, the sweet preparation should be kept out of the reach of sunlight at a temperature not higher than 25 degrees Celsius.


The use of drugs on the basis of licorice when coughing in children respond mostly well. The main advantages of these drugs moms include plant base, low price and effective effect on the respiratory system. Syrup is praised for its sweet taste, enveloping effect and convenience of dosing.

The disadvantages of this tool usually include alcohol and sugar in the composition (because of this, many parents prefer to brew shredded root), as well as contraindications. In addition, some children have allergies after using the syrup.


    Instead of drugs based on licorice roots, children may be given other herbal medicines that have a similar effect on the respiratory tract. These include:

    • "Althea syrup";
    • Gedelix;
    • Bronhikum S;
    • "Doctor Theiss";
    • "Prospan";
    • "Bronchipret";
    • Evkabal;
    • Travisil;
    • «HerbionAnd other medicines.

    Such products contain extracts from various plants that help to thin the sputum and facilitate its coughing. However, each of them has its own contraindications (including age restrictions), so you should consult a doctor to choose an analogue. In addition, the doctor may recommend expectorants without a plant base, for example, one of the drugs Ambroxol or Bromhexine.

    In addition, in many cases, only an expectorant is not enough, and other medicines, in particular, antibiotics, are prescribed as a result of the examination of the child. That is why it is undesirable to buy syrup, pastilles, medicine or other medicine for a coughing child without a preliminary examination by a doctor.

    On the beneficial properties of licorice root and contraindications, see the following video.

    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.