Does Actifert gel help to conceive a child and how to apply it?


Stress, ecology, eating habits, formed over the years, significantly reduce the chances of couples to conceive an heir. Sometimes the factors that prevent conception, in male fertility problems, and sometimes - in women. In the first and second cases, the pair may be useful intimate gel conception "Aktifert".

Whether he helps how to apply it will be discussed in this material.

Composition and properties

Spermatozoa that enter the vagina have a difficult and long journey to the fallopian tubes, where the egg that came out of the follicle on the day of ovulation is located.

Even if sperm has excellent performance and impressive medical characteristics, no more than 20% of live and active sperm will reach the goal. The rest will die in the acidic environment of the vagina, in the viscous lubricant of the cervical canal, in the uterus, on the way to the mouths of the fallopian tubes and in the tubes themselves, before they reach the egg.

"Aktifert" is a gel that is applied by the intravaginal method (injection into the vagina). It significantly increases the viability of sperm cells by partially neutralizing the acidity of the vagina.

According to the manufacturers, with the use of Aktifert, the chances of becoming pregnant increase up to 25-30% against 10-11% in a natural act without the use of such means.

The main active ingredient of the drug is arabinogalactan. This is a natural polysaccharide, which enters the natural shell of acid-resistant mycobacteria. In Russia, the substance is authorized for use as a food additive and has been assigned the code E409.

When it enters the female genital tract, the substance reduces the acidity, eliminates the fair sex from the symptoms of cytolytic vaginosis. Enveloping the sperm, the substance makes them more resistant to acidic environments, which increases the likelihood that more male gametes will get to the uterus, and hence the chances of conceiving a child will be higher.

The drug belongs to the pharmacological group “Other miscellaneous products” along with compression garments, antiseptic wipes and some bioimplants. The drug is not. Lubricant is often regarded as an adjunct in the complex treatment of infertility.

Who to apply?

One desire to apply the gel is not enough, be sure to consult with a gynecologist and a urologist. If the cause of infertility lies in the obstruction of the tubes or endocrine pathologies, then “Aktifert” will change little for a couple planning to conceive.

It is important that the doctor confirms the presence of increased acidity of the vaginal secretions or minor violations in the partner's spermogram - light forms of asthenozoospermia, oligozoospermia.

If the sperm morphology is violated and other more complex violations of the quantity and quality of the ejaculate, the gel will also have no effect. And also, the drug can be recommended as part of the complex treatment of infertility with an undetected cause, the so-called idiopathic infertility.

Instructions for use

It is recommended to apply lubricant in days, favorable for conception.There are three such days in the female cycle - the day before ovulation, the ovulation itself and the day after it.

To be sure of the onset of the fertile period, it is not forbidden to trust the method of changing the basal temperature, use the tests for ovulation, which are available on the shelves of pharmacies. A more accurate method - ultrasound. Ultrasound scanning will help determine ovulation with great accuracy.

If you are accustomed to use the calendar method, you should focus on the middle of the menstrual cycle.

Usually in women with a cycle of 28 days, ovulation occurs on day 14 (you need to count from the first day of the last menstruation). If a woman has a cycle time of 30 days, ovulation should be expected on day 16.

These days, and should be hard to engage in unprotected sex, after applying the gel "Aktifert". It is quite simple to use it - you need to remove the seal from the tube, lie on your back, bend your knees, and insert the removable tip into the vagina to the end. Dosing does not need anything, the whole tube is squeezed out completely.

A woman should do all these manipulations with clean hands after hygienic procedures of the external genital organs. When washing before an injection, you should not use soap - an alkaline environment "dries" the delicate skin of the genital organs. To enter the gel should be a quarter of an hour before sexual intercourse. One pack of "Aktiferta" should be enough for a month.

The drug is sold in packs of 2 tubes with a capacity of 5 ml each, 5 ml - this is a single dose.

Side effects

Arabinogalactan does not usually cause any side effects. Its effect is quite mild. Only rarely can symptoms of individual intolerance to this high-molecular compound.

Usually they are manifested by local allergies. There is itching in the vagina, there may be redness, unusual discharge.

To prevent such a reaction, a woman who first uses a lubricant, you must first do an allergy test. To do this, a small amount of gel with a cotton swab can be applied to the mucous membranes of the vagina and observe their condition and well-being.

If after 2-3 hours there was no itching and burning, there was no swelling of the vagina (the finger is free), you can use the drug. During breastfeeding, the drug is not prohibited, it does not pass into breast milk and does not harm the baby, does not have a systemic effect.


The active substance "Aktifert" has no analogues. There are drugs whose action is similar to the action of a gel based on arabinogalactan.

First of all you need to call the gel "Ginofit". It is a lubricant for the vagina, which facilitates sexual intercourse and moisturizes the mucous membranes. Thanks to anisic acid in its composition, the gel helps to change the acidity level of the vaginal environment for a short time, but this time is enough for sexual intercourse. Unlike Aktifert, Pituitary does not have a protective acid-resistant effect on male sex cells and does not increase their viability.

To reduce the acidity of the vagina, some women use douche with soda solution and chamomile decoction. But such methods gynecologists are skeptical.

Reducing the acidity of the vagina, soda solution "dries" the mucous membranes, and also makes the genital tract more vulnerable to intestinal bacteria, viruses and other "uninvited guests." Instead of a cherished pregnancy, you can get a serious inflammation of the reproductive organs, which obviously will not contribute to conception.


There are a lot of positive reviews about the Aktifert gel on the Internet in the thematic forums - this gel and belief in the best helped the many on the recommendation of the doctors. Often women note that the nature of the discharge changes the day after the administration of the drug - they become thick, white, cheesy and quite abundant. You should not be afraid of it.This is the therapeutic effect of the lubricant in cytolytic vaginosis.

If after the first use such symptoms appear, it is worth prolonging the treatment for up to three days to eliminate vaginosis as the cause of high acidity of the vaginal secretions.

How fast the drug works is hard to say. No clinical trials have been planned. According to reviews, many have a long-awaited pregnancy occurs after 2-3 months of using a lubricant in each cycle.

Among the drawbacks, women point to the rather high cost of Aktifert. As of May 2018 in Russian pharmacies, the tool costs on average from 780 to 860 rubles per pack of two tubes. Among the advantages is the convenience of use - in each package there is a convenient small cap, which makes it much easier for a woman to use the product.

The drug is sold without a prescription, the shelf life is 3 years. You need to store the packaging with the gel in a dark and cool place, you can in the home first-aid kit if the air temperature in the apartment does not rise above 25 degrees above zero, or in the refrigerator.

There is another important point that proves the importance of prior consultation with a doctor. Nature arranged that a weak sperm cell should die, since it, after fertilizing an egg cell, can lead to the birth of a sick, weak and non-viable offspring. According to doctors, “Aktifert” slightly “helps” sperm to reach the target, and therefore increases the risk that not the healthiest sperm may not die, but still penetrate into the oocyte, causing the formation of an embryo with genetic abnormalities and severe malformations.

This risk is slightly higher than the baseline, and therefore it is important to find out if the doctor is consulting with the morphological properties of her husband’s spermatozoa in consultation with the doctor.

How to prepare for pregnancy, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


