What tests for hormones need to pass when planning a pregnancy?


Doctors advise future parents to approach the conception of a child very responsibly. For this, a couple in love should definitely carry out several tests. This article will help you figure out what kind of laboratory hormone tests are required to pass when planning a pregnancy.

What is it for?

Hormones - biologically active substances that have a huge impact on the internal organs. Of course, hormonal substances also have a very strong effect on the reproductive system. If it works optimally, the probability of conceiving a baby is very high.

Hormonal background is very labile. Concentrations of hormones change in the blood every minute. In the morning, the level of hormonal substances may differ significantly from the evening indicators.

Preparing to conceive a baby is a very crucial period. In order for the sperm and egg to merge, certain hormones are required. In the future, in each of the trimesters of pregnancy, the hormonal background will constantly change.

The importance of hormone testing cannot be overemphasized. With different pathologies present in a man or a woman, the level of hormones in the blood may vary. This leads to the fact that the couple becomes quite difficult to conceive a baby.

However, if the spermatozoon and egg cell merge nevertheless occurred, then with a decrease in the blood concentration of the level of certain hormones, various disturbances can occur later in the prenatal development of the baby.

The endocrine system is a complex harmonious mechanism. Synthesis of hormones occurs simultaneously in several organs, which are located in different parts of the body. Hormonal substances are synthesized in the brain, adrenal glands, the thyroid gland, as well as in the testes (in men) and the ovaries (in women).

There is no fixed time when such a comprehensive study is required. Doctors advise to undergo such examination at least 6-8 months before the planned conception. baby. This term is not chosen by chance. If during the course of a complex of studies, some of the couples will be identified with any hormonal disorders, then there is enough time to correct them.

In such a situation often requires the intervention of several specialists. The leading one is, as a rule, an endocrinologist. If the problem is caused by an imbalance in the sex hormones, then the specialist will treat and monitor this situation. For men, this is the urologist-andrologist, and for women, the gynecologist.

Research list

The list of laboratory tests may be different. It largely depends on what diseases are present in future parents.

If a man and a woman consider themselves to be completely healthy, then in such a situation the doctor will prescribe basic research complex. With their help, a comprehensive health assessment will be made. After that, the doctor will be able to make the full recommendations necessary for the conception of the baby to happen as it should.Male and female physiology differ significantly from each other. This feature and leads to the fact that the list of studies for men and women will be different.

A woman

Women's health is very important when planning a child. The stronger it is, the better the baby will develop during his stay in his mother's tummy all the 9 months of his intrauterine development. Hormonal background in a woman is very complex. Numerous hormones affect his condition. It varies significantly in the days of the menstrual cycle. Thus, the norms of concentration of sex hormones before ovulation differ significantly from those in the postovulatory period.

With the help of hormonal examinations, many dangerous pathologies can be identified, such as infertility, dyshormonal disorders, diseases of the reproductive organs.

Doctors also identify several individual decreed groups, which include women who need to undergo this diagnostic test. Complete complex hormonal examination should be done if:

  • a woman has persistent irregular menstruation;
  • the age of the future mother at the time of conception is over 35 years old;
  • she has chronic diseases of internal organs, which significantly violate the state of health;
  • burdened gynecological history (prior abortion or miscarriage);
  • a woman suffers from hyperandrogenism, that is, she has a high concentration of male sex hormones in the blood:
  • There are serious difficulties in conceiving a baby.


LH is one of the most important hormonal substances needed in pregnancy planning. He is involved in conceiving a baby. With the help of this hormone in the female body begins to produce prolactin.

It is very important that a woman donates blood to determine this hormone at a certain time. Doctors recommend taking this study for 2-4 days from the start of menstruation.

The normal values ​​of this hormone in the first phase of the menstrual cycle (from the beginning of the month until the day of ovulation) are 1.69-15 mMED / ml. In the middle of the monthly cycle, the level of this hormone normally reaches the values ​​of 21.9-56.6 mMED / ml. After ovulation, its concentration in the blood reaches 0.61-16.3 mMED / ml.


FSH is an equally important indicator. Under its influence occurs regular maturation of female germ cells - follicles. The concentration of estrogen in the blood also significantly depends on the indicators of FSH.

The level of this substance in the blood also significantly depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. In its first half, its concentration in the blood is 1.37–9.9 mMED / ml. During ovulation, the level of this hormone in the blood reaches 6.18-17.2 mMED / ml. In the postovulatory period of the menstrual cycle, the concentration in the blood is 1.09-9.2 mMED / ml.


Better known as a specific pregnancy hormone. Indeed, after conceiving a baby, the level of this hormonal substance begins to increase. With the help of it further implantation of the fetus to the wall of the uterus will occur.

Donate blood for the hormone substance should be in the second half of the menstrual cycle. A woman can go to the laboratory for the analysis on the 22-24 day after menstruation.

As with many sex hormones, in different periods of the menstrual cycle, progesterone concentrations are different. Thus, in its first half, the level of 0.3-2.2 nmol / l is considered the norm. During ovulation, the concentration of hormone in the blood is 0.5-9.4 nmol / l. In the final period of the menstrual cycle, the level reaches 7-55.6 nmol / l.

If a woman has a change in the concentration of this hormone before the onset of pregnancy, then this may be evidence of the presence of various pathologies. Quite often the cause of this condition are some diseases of the kidneys, liver and reproductive genital organs. It is also important to remember that Elevated levels of progesterone in the blood can also be the case if the woman is already pregnant.


This hormonal substance is necessary in order for the uterine mucosa to function optimally. This physiological response contributes to the regular renewal of uterine epithelial cells.

Doctors recommend to determine the concentration in the blood of this hormone 2-4 days after the start of menstruation. An increase in this clinical indicator may indicate a variety of pathologies. In this way, neoplasms and ovarian tumors, as well as dishormonal disorders, can manifest.

The normal concentration of this hormone in the first phase of the menstrual cycle is 68-1269 pmol / l. In the ovulatory period, its level is 130-1655 pmol / l. In the luteal phase, this clinical indicator reaches 91-862 pmol / l.


This hormonal substance is synthesized (formed) in a special part of the brain - the pituitary gland. It is necessary so that a very important process takes place every month in the female body - ovulation.

Also, this hormone has a strong effect on the mammary glands. He prepares them for a very important process - lactation. The normal concentration of this hormone in the blood is an indicator in the range of 109-558 mU / ml.

A variety of pathologies can lead to a change in the level of a given substance in the blood. Its concentration increases in certain diseases of the thyroid gland. Reducing the level is possible with pathologies of the liver, kidneys, as well as dangerous eating disorders (anorexia).

In order to get reliable results, it is very important to have some rest before taking blood. It takes about ½ hour to do this. Immediately donate blood should not be. It is better to sit for about 20-25 minutes in the corridor before entering the treatment room. In this case, the performance of the analysis will be more reliable.


AMH is a specific hormonal substances that are formed in the female genital organs (ovaries). They are synthesized before menopause.

Normally, the concentration of the hormone substance is 1.0-2.5 ng / ml. If a woman has a hormone antimüller, then she should undergo additional research. They are appointed by the gynecologist, who observes her.



LH is formed not only in the female body. This substance also appears in the blood and in men. With it, testosterone, the basic male hormone, appears in the bloodstream in men.

Normal blood levels of this substance leads to activation of spermatozoa. A decrease in its concentration will result in infertility may occur. The normal level is 1.15-8.76 mMED / ml.


AMG can also be tested in men. In the male body, this substance is no less important. Using it, it is possible to determine various pathologies associated with impaired spermatogenesis. A persistent change in blood concentration of this hormone can even lead to the development of male infertility.

In the body of a man, this hormone is formed in special cells - Sertoli. If its concentration in the blood falls, then this may be due to cryptorchidism, inguinal hernia, various reproductive disorders.

Doctors recommend not to carry out a hormonal examination immediately after suffering a viral or bacterial infection. Also donate blood for analysis should not be after an intensive physical exercise.


This hormone has a very important effect on spermatogenesis. Under his influence, male sex cells become active and mobile. Such properties are necessary for the conception of the baby to occur.

In men aged 19-50 years, the rate of this clinical indicator is 8.9-42 nmol / l.A significant decrease in the level of the hormone in the blood can lead to male infertility and other diseases of the reproductive organs.


It is also a very important clinical criterion. This hormone is formed in the pituitary gland. Under its direct influence, the work of the thyroid gland occurs, as well as the production of its main thyroid hormones.

Both for the future mother and for the father, the concentration in the blood of this substance should normally be 0.4–4 mU / l. If this indicator changes significantly, then this can lead to various difficulties in conceiving a baby.

To compensate for the resulting violations will require drugs. They are appointed by the endocrinologist after the establishment of the main diagnosis. For the purpose of additional diagnostics, the doctor may also prescribe an additional ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

How to donate blood?

To determine the level of hormones in the blood are biochemical studies. To do this, donate venous blood. She surrenders in the morning. It is better to go to the laboratory immediately after waking up.

Breakfast before donating blood is impossible. You can drink some water. Also, 2-3 days before the study, it is very important to carefully monitor the diet. Fatty and fried foods should be completely excluded from your menu.

Dinner on the eve of the study should be as light as possible, but nutritious. Drinking regime does not need to be limited. This is necessary so that the blood was sufficiently liquid.

2 days before the hormonal studies it is very important to stop smoking and not to drink alcohol. Violation of this may lead to the fact that the obtained indicators of the analysis performed may be unreliable. In this case, they will need to be rechecked.

To obtain reliable results necessarily require the exclusion of intense physical exertion. Fans of the fitness center or professional athletes should definitely reduce the intensity of training.

Receiving certain medications also influences the results. Oral contraceptive women must discuss with your doctor the possibility of their cancellation at the time of delivery of the hormonal complex examination. It is possible that the doctor will recommend an alternative method of contraception, if necessary.

How to prepare for pregnancy? What tests need to pass? You can find out about this and many other things by watching the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


