What does sperm aggregation mean, and when is treatment necessary?


To reduce the ability of conception in men can lead a variety of reasons. One of them is the pathological aggregation of spermatozoa.

What it is?

Sperm aggregation is called a pathological condition in which they begin to form among themselves clusters. The presence of such peculiar clots greatly affects the ability of a man to conceive a child.

This is due to the fact that spermatozoa in this state are simply not able to fully move. They can not reach the egg, which contributes to the impossibility of natural fertilization.

Doctors say that such violations in our days are quite common. There are numerous reasons for their development in men.

In some cases, this can lead not only to sexual problems, but also to psychological ones, because the continuation of the species is an important biological program, inherent in nature.

During aggregation, the spermatozoa form clots due to their strong adhesion to various particles of mucus. They can also connect with cellular debris (components of dead cells) and other biological substrates. The male reproductive cells themselves do not die.

To identify such violations from the norm allows spermogram. This study is becoming increasingly popular and widespread every year. To carry out a laboratory test, biological material is needed, which is sperm.

Why does it appear?

The most common cause of this condition is increased mucus formation. If its formation significantly exceeds the norm, then it leads to the fact that it begins to accumulate in the body in large quantities.

Excessive mucus contributes to the active gluing of male germ cells among themselves. This situation leads to the appearance of sufficiently large clumps of mucus. Spermatozoa trapped in them, begin to lose their properties.

For all men, the composition of the ejaculate is individual: there are more substances in it, others less. This medicine is called a physiological feature. However, all clinical parameters are normal and clearly linked. If the balance in the chemical composition of sperm is disturbed, pathologies develop.

Excessive mucus formation in the body can be caused by various diseases. One of the most common are inflammatory diseases of the intimate organs.

The causes of their development can be various viral or bacterial infections. It often happens that negative symptoms appear after a few months or even years from the moment of infection:

  • Chronic prostatitis - One of the common causes leading to the development of increased aggregation of sperm. Unfortunately, this disease has become increasingly recorded. This pathology can also be accompanied by a decrease in sexual function.
  • Chronic vesiculitis - Another reason for these violations. Very often, this pathology proceeds "hidden", without the development of any significant adverse symptoms. The disease is characterized by impaired formation of a specific prostate secretion. This pathology leads to increased mucus formation.Detected this disease is, as a rule, quite late.
  • Excessive mucus formation can also cause sexually transmitted diseases. Their danger lies in the fact that they do not appear for quite a long time. Delayed treatment of sexually transmitted diseases contributes to the development of pathological aggregation and agglutination of male germ cells.
  • Excessive mucus formation also contributes effects of various injuries of intimate organs. The testicles and seminiferous tubules are most vulnerable to such effects. If these anatomical areas are damaged, anatomical defects of the genital organs can form. Some of them are accompanied by even inflammatory processes. Prolonged inflammation in the reproductive organs contributes to the formation of various pathologies.

Urologists note that alcohol abuse also leads to a change in the chemical properties of the ejaculate. Ethyl alcohol contributes to a change in the main indicators of sperm: it becomes more dense, its viscosity increases.

In such conditions, sperm begin to lose their biological properties. Male reproductive cells begin to actively stick together with mucus. This leads to the fact that couples have difficulty conceiving babies.

Smoking is also an addiction that does not improve spermatogenesis (the process of sperm production). Chemicals contained in cigarettes can have a detrimental effect on the epithelium. This contributes to the pathological aggregation of sperm.

Even a disorder in maintaining a healthy lifestyle can lead to the development of this pathological condition. Modern fast life rhythm is not at all conducive to maintaining men's health.

Fertility indicators (ability to conceive) are significantly reduced with regular lack of sleep, excessive stress at work, constant psycho-emotional effects. A man who is day and night in conditions of debilitating stress can pay with his health.

How does it manifest itself?

If a man's ejaculate is healthy and there are no pathological changes in it, then this condition is called “normozoospermia”. In this case, the probability of the natural conception of a baby (in the absence of other aggravating factors) is quite high.

The severity of sperm aggregation is estimated in the pros. They are labeled as a result of tests as (+). The more advantages, the more pronounced the pathological process. So, if sperm aggregation is one plus, then these violations are minor. Aggregation in 1 plus is also called weak.

This means that with properly selected therapy, reproductive function, as a rule, is restored. A woman in such a pair can become pregnant.


It is impossible to suspect a slight aggregation of sperm cells only by external signs. As a rule, small violations can only visually be revealed. In this case, the man is required to visit the laboratory and pass the semen.

In some cases, the representatives of the stronger sex discover the signs of this pathological condition in themselves and independently:

  • Guards the appearance of white seals or lumps in the semen during ejaculation.
  • May change and ejaculate itself. Sperm becomes more viscous, dense in consistency.

Detection of such clinical signs is an immediate reason for going to a doctor. In such a situation, an extended complex of diagnostics and the obligatory performance of spermograms are required.

The doctor may also recommend a complete blood and urine test, and, if necessary, bakposevy from the urethra. This is necessary so that the specialist can more fully understand the causes of the violations.

When is the treatment given?

Therapy of this condition is carried out only after determining the severity of functional disorders. This also takes into account the reason that influenced their development.

If any diseases of the reproductive organs of a bacterial nature have led to the formation of a pathological aggregation, the course antibacterial drugs are prescribed. The choice of the drug is carried out taking into account the microorganisms that caused such violations.

Currently enough agents with a wide spectrum of action are often prescribed. The course of antibiotic therapy may be different in duration. After the course, the effectiveness is necessarily evaluated. To do this, the doctor prescribes repeated blood tests, urine and semen.

It is very important not to rush to re-study. In some cases, it takes several months to normalize spermatogenesis. During this time, the male body will gradually recover, and its reproductive functions will improve.

Treatment of functional disorders arising is often complex. To improve the performance of men's health, multivitamin complexes are also needed. They allow you to compensate for the necessary vitamins and trace elements. Such drugs are usually prescribed for long-term use.

If a man has signs of a reduced and insufficiently effective immune system, then he may need immunostimulating agents. Taking these drugs helps to normalize the indicators of immunity.

Such drugs are prescribed by an immunologist. For the year may require one or more courses of such therapy. Normalization of immunity will significantly improve the performance of men's health.

In addition to drug therapy, various physiotherapeutic methods may also be prescribed. As a rule, they complement each other.

Such procedures are prescribed for course treatment. They help reduce chronic inflammation in the intimate organs, improve local blood flow, and also have a positive effect on reproductive function in men.

An important component of the normalization of the state is proper nutrition. It is very important to limit fast food in your diet, as well as food rich in saturated fats. The use of such products adversely affects the work of the whole organism, including the reproductive organs.

Often, men limit their diet in fruits and vegetables. This leads to the fact that they do not receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Fresh fruits and berries will help improve reproductive health. In winter, you can additionally use multivitamin complexes.

In order to improve reproductive function, you should stop smoking and taking alcoholic beverages. Regular sex life also improves the functioning of the genital organs, helping to prevent stagnant changes in the prostate gland.

To improve the viscosity of semen, it is very important for men to observe the drinking regime. The best drink is plain water. Per day you need to drink at least 1.8 -2 liters of water.

During treatment, it is better to abandon the strong thermal effects. Visiting the sauna and bath should be postponed until the normalization of semen indicators. Severe overheating is often the cause of the development of disorders of the reproductive functions of the male body.

During the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases may require contraception. Drug therapy is carried out, as a rule, in both partners. If a woman is healthy and the man is sick, then she will receive preventive therapy.

It is important to remember that self-treatment attempts often remain ineffective. Selection of therapy should be done with the doctor. It is better to choose a specialist with sufficient experience. In most cases, sperm aggregation is not a conception of conception.

For more information on what spermazoids mean, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


