What is pyospermia and how does it affect conception?


Among male diseases there are quite dangerous, threatening the health of not only reproductive. These diseases include and pyospermia. This pathology affects the fertility of men, often it is a signal that there are serious problems in the body. In this article we will tell in more detail about what constitutes this ailment, how to treat it and how it affects the conception and carrying a child.

What it is?

Pyospermia called the appearance of sperm pus. Most often this condition indicates the presence of a purulent inflammatory process in the urogenital system of a man.. The semen changes its texture: it becomes thicker. Its color also changes: seminal fluid becomes greenish, greyish, yellow with gray shades. Also, there is an unpleasant smell characteristic of the purulent process.

Inflammation can be localized in any of the departments of the male urogenital system: in the urethra, prostate gland, seminal vesicles or appendages of the male genital glands - the testes. Pathogenic microorganisms that cause purulent inflammation, and usually these are bacteria, in the course of their vital activity release toxins that adversely affect the germ cells.

Impact on conception

Spermatozoa under the action of bacterial toxins become more "sluggish", sedentary, their morphological structure is disturbed - the number of healthy and full-fledged germ cells is significantly reduced.

All this creates great difficulties with conception: a sedentary spermatozoon is simply not able to reach the egg cell, and faster, but deformed sperm with a modified head can fertilize, but it carries a defective set of chromosomes, which increases the likelihood of miscarriage, missed abortion, pregnancy with chromosomal pathologies.

Therefore, doctors strongly do not recommend planning a pregnancy until the man is completely cured of pyospermia. Fortunately, with timely treatment to the doctor, the pathology can be cured with full preservation of reproductive functions.

Considering that spermatogenesis is a rather long process and it takes about 3 months for a man to update the sperm composition, planning a pregnancy is best started 4-5 months after the man has completely cured.

For the sake of justice, it is worth noting that the pregnancy that started with the wife during the pyospermia of the husband does not necessarily end with spontaneous interruption or birth of a child with chromosomal pathologies. But such a probability still exists and can not be ignored.

Symptoms and signs

Despite the fact that pus in semen is a sign of an inflammatory process, a man may not feel any of his symptoms. Very often, pyospermia occurs in a latent form. If the representative of the stronger sex is not impaired immunity, pyospermia can pass on their own. The body's natural defenses can cope with a little inflammation. But in the modern world there are almost no people with strong immunity, and therefore more and more often men with complaints of pus in the ejaculate turn to doctors.

At the initial stage, pyospermia may show itself with a slight burning sensation during urination, aching pain in the groin.Gradually, as the inflammation develops, the man may experience severe headaches, severe weakness, as well as a feeling of swelling and mild pain in the groin. However, it should be noted that symptomatic picture appears only in 10% of men with pyospermia. The rest can guess about the disease only by the changed type of sperm and its unpleasant smell.


Among the most common causes of pyospermia is testicular or prostate gland tuberculosis. Simpler inflammatory diseases can also lead to a serious purulent inflammatory process, if a man does not give them due attention in a timely manner. Such diseases include urethritis, epididymitis, orchitis. Often, pyospermia is an “echo” of the old vesiculitis, incompletely treated prostatitis and other male diseases.

False pyospermia is an abnormality in which the seminal fluid is mixed with purulent masses already in the process of passing through the vas deferens. True is an anomaly in which the pus is mixed with sperm before.

Testicular tuberculosis


For proper and effective treatment, it is imperative to establish the true reason for which purulent masses enter the ejaculate. To do this, the urologist prescribes a man a comprehensive examination, which is always desirable to start with the sperm. Usually, pyospermia closely coexists with teratozoospermia, asthenospermia and other anomalies, because the quality of spermatozoa in contact with such an aggressive environment as pus is significantly reduced. According to the volume of violations detected in the spermogram, it will be possible to judge how long the inflammatory process in the man has been going on, which is of great importance for prescribing the correct therapy.

It is mandatory for a man to undergo an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, as well as manual examination of the prostate and, if necessary, rectal ultrasound. Blood is donated for genital infections, HIV, syphilis, sexually transmitted diseases. Urinalysis is also considered obligatory - general and unfolded (with backwater). It will determine the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to various kinds of antibiotics.

A smear from the urethra is made, and also the semen of the ejaculate is sown for the identification of pathological microorganisms and sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

You should not be afraid of such an impressive amount of research - if you wish, the whole complex can be handed over in one day.


Treat pyospermia begin only after a specific pathogen of inflammation, the location of the inflammatory process and an accurate diagnosis. Only after this the doctor can pick up the necessary antibiotics (in pills or injections), since in most cases there is still a need to use antibacterial drugs. If the "culprit" of inflammation is established, the prescription of a drug of directed action is preferred. If the true causative agent, despite the examination, remains unknown, the doctor recommends broad-spectrum antibiotics.

The task of treatment is to remove the inflammatory process, to eliminate the root cause. Only then can we talk about the process of restoring the quality of sperm. Antibiotic treatment is combined with the intake of vitamin preparations. And at the end of the course of antibiotic therapy, medicines are prescribed that improve the quality of sperm, affecting the processes of spermatogenesis.

Considering that the man’s own immunity must fight the inflammatory process, immunostimulating preparations are prescribed. Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal agents may also be prescribed.

Despite the apparent complexity of treatment, the prognosis is favorable: after completion of therapy, after a while, the quality of seminal fluid is restored, and a man can easily become a happy father of healthy and strong babies.

Is it possible to use folk remedies?

Treat pyospermia folk remedies are not recommended. Whatever wrote about the benefits of propolis and plantain folk healers and admirers of alternative medicine, purulent inflammatory process - this is not the case in which you need to experiment and lose precious time.

The consequences of running prostatitis can be very sad, and then the treatment will take much longer. It used to be that prostatitis is a disease of age-related men. Now andrologists and urologists are forced to state: the disease is significantly “younger” - today, 20-year-old young men turn to pyospermia due to neglected prostatitis.

Categorically you can not try to apply such people's tips as "hover ailment in the bath" or make a compress on the scrotum with propolis. Such tips can greatly complicate the course of the disease.


A man who is undergoing treatment for pyospermia is not recommended excessive exercise - for a while it is worth leaving the gym, not to lift weights. But light jogging and walking in the fresh air will only benefit. During treatment, it is not recommended to take hot baths, visit the bath and sauna, solarium. In general, any overheating of the scrotum should be avoided: an increase in temperature intensifies the inflammatory process and has a disastrous effect on the viability of sperm.

You should not wear tight underwear, tight pants that interfere with the blood supply of the genitalia and the pelvic area, neither during treatment nor during the recovery period. You should also categorically refuse to take alcohol and drugs, reduce the amount of tobacco consumed, and it is better to quit smoking altogether - this will help to quickly restore the qualitative composition of seminal fluid.

The diet of men must include foods rich in protein: eggs, milk, dairy products, as well as meat, fish, liver, pistachios, fresh greens. Proper diet and lack of stress - half the success on the path to a happy fatherhood. During treatment and for several months after it, you should not engage in painting work, contact with paints, varnishes, pesticides, salts of heavy metals: their impact is detrimental to spermatozoa.

Re-make spermogram should be no earlier than 3 months after the end of treatment. By this time, the young germ cells, which were not affected by pus, will mature.


According to reviews left on the Internet, we can conclude that the treatment of pyospermia is quite successful. However, it can not be called cheap. Women complain that drugs to improve spermatogenesis, which are required for at least three months after the end of antibiotics, cost a fairly round sum. Therefore, the most "inventive" refuse to take "Spermaktin" and buy separately "Carniton" and "L-acetylkarniton." According to reviews, the savings are significant - more than three times.

Another difficulty is to persuade a man to comply with all the recommendations, give up bad habits and take the prescribed medication on time. This requires serious effort and vigilant control by the wives so that all doctor's prescriptions are carried out in strict accordance.

How pyospermia affects conception, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


