Preparation for spermogram and rules of delivery of the analysis


The average man about the possible delivery of such an analysis as semen, there are two questions - why and how. Despite the fact that medicine has officially proved that approximately 40% of cases of family infertility are the representatives of a strong half of humanity, most men still continue to underestimate their own capabilities and even their absence.

The decision to go to the clinic and hand over semen is often evaluated by them as a real feat when the family needs salvation. In order for the results of the analysis to be reliable, unmistakable, a man must know the rules for preparing and delivering sperm. About this and tell in more detail.

Indications for analysis

Spermogram, which is a thorough laboratory study of quantitative and qualitative indicators of sperm, a man is recommended to pass in the event that the family decided to start planning pregnancy. It was at the planning stage, and not when the couple went to the doctor with complaints about the inability to conceive a child.

Early detection of deviations in the quality and functionality of sperm will help the family save a lot of time, nerves and money, which the couple will spend on unsuccessful attempts to become pregnant in other ways, if the cause of infertility lies in the man.

If the spermogram was not done in advance, it's time to think about the likelihood of such a survey, if during a year a couple with unprotected sex and regular sexual relations cannot conceive a baby.

A couple in whom a woman is over 35 years old or a man over 45 years old are advised to start “beating the bells” if sex without contraception does not lead to pregnancy within six months.

Spermogram is carried out by a man and in case of infertility in a woman.

In that case, if the treatment does not produce the proper result, the pair will be offered modern reproductive assistive methods., such as IVF, ICSI, intrauterine insemination. For all these methods, it is important to have healthy sperm, which can quickly and accurately fertilize an egg with mediation of doctors.

A spermogram can be recommended to a man as a control diagnosis after previous injuries of the genital organs, infections, including those ailments that are sexually transmitted. After treatment, the doctor will give recommendations to check the quality of the seed in the laboratory.

Spermogram is strongly directed to men whose wives have had miscarriages several times in a row or have had missed pregnancies, especially in the early stages.. This may indirectly indicate that the sperm that fertilized the egg, was susceptible to mutations, and therefore a normal healthy pregnancy did not work.

Men must pass a seminal fluid for analysis before becoming a sperm donor. Also, the analysis is sent to those who decided to cryopreservation of their genetic material, in particular, sperm.Freezing “for the future” is a good option to become dads sometime later. Cryopreservation is often chosen by professional soldiers who work in combat, as well as by men whose work activity is connected with dangerous and harmful production, where the likelihood of exposure to toxins and radiation is high.

About the essence of semen

A man's semen sample is subject to thorough research under high-precision modern microscopes, using special instruments - sperm analyzers. During the study, the doctor assesses the number of different parameters:

  • liquids;
  • live and motile sperm;
  • healthy and ideal for fertilization of germ cells.

Each parameter is important - from the counting of living and active cells to the assessment of the morphological qualities of spermatozoa according to Kruger. These criteria allow you to "sort" normal reference cells from spermatozoa that are subject to mutations, have deformities and pathologies in their own structure. Nature does not provide for healthy offspring from such cells.

The analysis gives not only a complete picture of how a man is capable of fertilization, it also reveals some pathologies of the male reproductive system, detecting signs of inflammation or infection in the seminal fluid. Thus, blood impurities, pus may be present in the seminal fluid, pathogenic microorganisms, a large number of leukocytes, macrophage cells, antibodies to spermatozoa in immunological infertility can be detected.

Based on the results of the spermogram, latent infections that a man did not even suspect may reveal, such as mycoplasma, chlamydia, ureaplasma, and others.

Accurate diagnoses will help to establish other tests, in particular blood tests and a smear from the urethra, but suspicions of these ailments that are asymptomatic may occur just after passing through the spermogram. Today it is spermogram is considered the most accurate and informative method to judge the state of male fertility.


For the results to be the most accurate, a man should prepare as thoroughly as possible for the upcoming survey. For this you need to understand what factors may affect the state of the ejaculate:

  • external factors - air temperature, cleanliness of the dishes, which collect material for laboratory research;
  • internal factors - they are much more numerous. The state of health of a man, his state of health, what he eats and drinks, and even the environmental features of the area in which he lives, affects the state of sperm.

To properly take the sperm, you need to perform a few points, which we describe in more detail.


Food that a man eats necessarily reflects on the composition of the ejaculate. Therefore, before delivery of seminal fluid should be about 7-8 days to stop eating spicy - pepper, mustard and other spices.

The abundance of salted and smoked products is also considered undesirable. It should temporarily refuse to accept strong coffee and tea, even if a man does not see the beginning of the working day without a cup of coffee.

You can replace the usual coffee with a drink from chicory - the taste is almost the same, but there is no caffeine affecting the mobility and viability of the germ cells of the sperm. The ban is imposed on all fat, pickled foods and canned food.

To the amount of ejaculate at the time of delivery was sufficient, and the motility of germ cells was at the peak of its activity, a man should be fed a balanced diet for a week or even a little more.

In his diet must be present foods rich in proteins. Low-fat red meat, fish, steamed or baked in an oven, milk porridge, vegetable puree is an example of proper nutrition in front of spermogram.

It will be good if baked or stewed pumpkin, fresh greens, raw vegetables and fruits enter the diet. Be sure to eat cottage cheese, milk, dairy products.

Bad habits

Alcohol makes sperm more liquid, reduces the number of motile and healthy germ cells, and the systematic use of alcoholic beverages causes mutational processes in the structure of spermatozoa, resulting in an increased likelihood of both infertility and conception of a child with severe genetic pathologies, since the sperm cell is the carrier of genetic information.

Narcotic drugs are even more destructive. BUT Nicotine reduces the number of motile sperm, and this is also a fact proven by medicine.

If a man has bad habits, it is advisable to say goodbye to them at the planning stage of pregnancy for at least 3 months. This is the time it takes for the spermatogenesis process to complete, and the germ cells are completely renewed. If this has not been done, then you should refrain from at least 7-9 days from the sperogram of beer and stronger drinks.

In most cases, men cannot quit smoking, but they should reduce the amount of tobacco consumed by at least 2 times, and on the day of the test, refrain from smoking at all.

Sexual activity

About three days before the appointed day, a man should limit his sexual activity - not to perform sexual acts and not masturbate. Otherwise, the number of sperm will be insufficient for the study, and its consistency will be liquid (the number of sperm will be reduced).

Abstinence exceeding 4-5 days is also undesirable., because it leads to thickening of seminal fluid, aggregation, the formation of clots, as well as a decrease in the number of live and healthy sperm.

Medication, treatment

If a man took antibiotics, then at least 3 weeks should elapse between the last day of treatment and the delivery of spermograms. If hormonal treatment was prescribed, then a longer pause should be sustained - at least a month.

Anti-inflammatory drugs of non-hormonal origin, which a man could take recently, as well as painkillers have an effect on sperm composition for about 10 days.

Psychotropic drugs and anticonvulsants are removed from the body for about 7 days. This should be taken into account during preparation for spermogram.

If treatment continues, and there is no possibility of temporarily stopping the medication, the spermogram should be postponed until a later time when the therapy of the underlying disease ends.

If a man goes in for sports and takes some hormonal properties, such as steroids, they should be abandoned in about 2 months before taking the test.

General health

A man within 5-6 days before putting on should be more attentive to his health and body signals. Any acute illness, exacerbation of chronic illnesses will distort the picture of reproductive health. Thus, with influenza or ARVI, a large number of spermatozoa dies due to high temperature.

A spermogram made at the onset of the disease, in its full swing or immediately after recovery, will show deviations in the number of viable germ cells, and a man may be mistakenly diagnosed as infertile.

If it was not possible to avoid infection, and the signs of a viral disease appeared or old “sores” worsened, you should inform your doctor and postpone the spermogram for a later time.

Temperature conditions

Before taking spermograms, you should refuse to visit a bath, sauna, solarium for about 10 days.In these places, male genitals are exposed to heat, which leads to an increase in the number of dead germ cells in the ejaculate.

Even if a man loves to go to the bath and does it every week, another trip should be postponed until better times. It is also not recommended to sunbathe on the beach in the summer and use the car seat heating during the cold season.

Physical activity

In general, the man in the preparation should lead a normal life. However, if his activity is connected with hard physical labor, professional sports, the load on the body should be limited for a week.

It is desirable for this week to give up work on the night shift and be sure to get enough sleep at night. Excessive physical activity can adversely affect the composition of seminal fluid. Therefore, it makes sense to temporarily refuse to visit the gym.

Psychological attitude

Good mood and tranquility largely ensure the normal functioning of the human reproductive system. It is not recommended to be nervous, to be in a depressive or emotionally overexcited state before passing the analysis.

All showdowns with the authorities, as well as skydiving and other activities that can affect the mental state, should be put off until later.

Mechanical effects on the genitals

Before the semen can not practice massage of the prostate and scrotum. Usually these procedures are quite useful, but not before assessing the state of seminal fluid.

The prostate may begin to produce more juice, which will lead to sperm thinning. Also, do not wear tight tight underwear, tight melting.

How is the material for research?

The very process of passing sperm looks quite traditional, a man will not experience any discomfort. There are two ways to collect material for analysis - in the clinic and at home. The Ministry of Health makes certain recommendations on this matter, calling the surrender in the conditions of a medical institution more preferable.

A man is given a sterile container for biomaterials and is left alone in an office with magazines for adults. Through masturbation, he receives a sample of seminal fluid, which should be collected in a container. The material is immediately sent to the laboratory.

A big plus of such a surrender is speed, because The sperm gets to the lab technicians just a few minutes after ejaculation, and the accuracy of the study increases. Minus - in psychological discomfort that a man may feel, forced to masturbate in unfamiliar conditions.

At home, the collection of seminal fluid completely eliminates psychological discomfort, because the man is familiar to him.

If this option is stipulated in the clinic in advance, then a man will be given a sterile container and a special medical condom that does not contain spermatozoa degrading lubricant. In it, a man can conduct a full-fledged sexual intercourse with a partner, after which you need to collect the material in a container and deliver it to the laboratory.

At home, a man can also get material for research through masturbation, including with the participation of his wife. Options for getting sperm abound.

It is important to remember that the jar must be sterile, your hands are clean, and you need to deliver the container to the laboratory no later than in an hour, and better - before.

When transporting, the ambient temperature should be close to the temperature of the human body. You can use special medical thermal containers for the transport of biomaterials, and you can, and this has been tested by generations of men, place a tightly closed container with sperm in the bust of your wife, between the mammary glands, and so, with your wife, deliver it to the laboratory.

Common mistakes

The most common mistake of men who donate spermogram, especially if they take the analysis for the first time, is that they collect sperm in a plastic or glass non-sterile container.

Plastic jars, not intended for biological fluids, may contain toxic impurities that kill germ cells before the semen enters the laboratory. Sometimes men bring sperm for analysis in a condom. The usual, even the best condom, is not suitable for the preservation of sperm, and even more so for its transportation.

If the collection is carried out in a medical condom, it is also impossible to transport sperm in it.

Neglecting the recommendations of doctors, men sometimes believe that it is possible to gather material through interrupted sexual intercourse. Being sure that they will “make it in time”, many actually take the penis out of time and collect material, as a result of which sperm is not completely obtained, it contains impurities of vaginal secretions, blood cells (for example, from the genital tract or cervix women with erosion).

Having received one negative analysis, many men do not rush to retake it and immediately begin treatment.

Experts recommend that you always retake the spermogram 7-10 days after the first analysis in the event that the result of the study was disappointing.

Refusal to pass spermograms is also a common mistake. This "sin" men who already have children in this or previous marriage, but faced with the inability to conceive the next baby.

If the man already has children, this does not mean that with his sperm in the time that has passed since the previous fertilization, nothing has happened that could affect its properties. Toxins, radiation, nervous stress, poor environmental conditions, bad habits do their destructive work with time, and man's fertility may decrease.


Prepare for sperm need all men who have this analysis. Without preparation, you can get wrong, false results, and often these results are false-negative.

The analysis is not carried out in the following cases:

  • A man has inflammatory processes in the body, regardless of where they are dislocated due to high temperature.
  • The man has in the acute stage inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system.
  • The patient is sick with influenza, ARVI or other infections.
  • A man is being treated with antibiotics, hormonal drugs, drugs for the treatment of cancer.
  • The patient has exacerbated chronic diseases.

In all these cases, the survey is postponed to a later time.

The analysis is done from several hours to several days, on average it takes about a day. On the hands of the form is issued with the results made in it without decoding. The interpretation of the sperm is the attending physician.

About what spermogram is and how the analysis is decrypted, see below.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


