What is polyspermy and how does it affect conception?


According to some studies, about 40-45% of married couples face problems conceiving babies because of male infertility. There are many different reasons for this condition, including polyspermy.

What it is?

The concept of "polyspermy" for many years quite often used in reproductive medicine. The literal translation of this medical term means the following - "an increase in the number of spermatozoa" ("poly" - a lot, "sperm" - the number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate). It would seem that “a lot” means good, but in this case it is not at all so.

Reproductive doctors use this word to designate several clinical conditions.

  • The first one is increase in the number of male germ cells in the ejaculate. However, their number may be equal to 300 million per 1 ml of semen. Doctors also call such a condition “multisemia”. It is detected by conducting a special laboratory test, which is called a spermogram.
  • The second variant of this term applies when total volume of ejaculate exceeds 10 ml. Some experts argue that in this case it is more correct to use the term "multipolarization". Both of these situations can be extremely unfavorable, and also cause difficulties with the possible implementation of fertilization.

It is important to remember that A large number of male germ cells in the semen is still not a “quality guarantee”. To merge with the female egg, that is, the onset of conception, the male sperm must have a number of unique properties, and the percentage of prostatic secretion in sperm, depending on the number of sperm, must be normal.

Violation of the functions or structure of sperm, their abnormal number reduces the ability of men to become a father in a natural way, without resorting to modern methods of artificial insemination.

Causes of development

Most often, an increase in the number of sperm in the semen is caused by too active work of the male genital organs - the gonads. At the same time, a ripe sperm cell may lose its ability for active movement or even be insufficiently mobile. The process of spermatogenesis itself (the formation of male germ cells) can remain physiological.

An insufficient amount of substances activating the movement of sperm cells can also become a provoking cause of the development of this unfavorable clinical condition. These particular substances are secreted by the prostate. It is under their influence that inactive sperm cells become more mobile.

The prostatic secretion secreted by the prostate is mixed with sperm, causing its full chemical composition. Moreover, this prostatic secret is up to 40% in the composition of sperm. This ratio allows a man to "be ready" to conceive.

The secret (a special fluid that the prostate secretes) also performs a number of other equally important functions in the male body. In addition to the activation of spermatozoa, it also protects them from the negative effects of environmental factors.The prostate secretion contains ATP, a complex of amino acids and other important nutritional components necessary to maintain the viability and functionality of sperm.

Polyspermy is not accompanied by a change in the amount of prostatic secretion. However, its quantity in comparison with the content of male germ cells in semen is insufficient. The ratio between them changes, which leads to a decrease in the possibility of fertilization.

Doctors do not single out any single reason for the development of this clinical condition. It can contribute to many different reasons. Among the possible factors for the development of this state are the following:

  • various diseases of the prostate, accompanied by a violation of its full work;
  • genetic pathologies that cause hyperstimulation of the testicular tubules;
  • persistent inflammatory process of the seminal vesicles, leading to the development of catarrhal vesiculitis;
  • chronic inflammation of the testicles, flowing into the epididymitis;
  • various tumor-like processes in the testicles, accompanied by irritation of the delicate tissue of the seminiferous tubules.

It is important to remember that only some of these conditions are congenital. Most factors are still acquired. This means that with timely diagnosis and well-chosen treatment, negative changes can be reduced. For this, it is very important to contact a competent specialist.


In most cases, no complaints in men with this pathological condition does not occur. The absence of adverse symptoms and contributes to a sufficiently late diagnosis of this pathology.

Polyspermy is usually not accompanied by any violations in the sexual life and does not affect the habitual lifestyle of a man. Most men also lack any manifestations in the area of ​​intimate organs. A polyspermy is detected, as a rule, when a couple contacts a reproductive physician after several unsuccessful attempts to conceive a baby.

If this adverse condition was caused by some inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, then the man may develop adverse symptoms. As a rule, these are nagging pains in the lower abdomen and in the scrotum, the appearance of abnormal discharge from the urethra, as well as a strong change in the smell of ejaculate.

In this case, do not hesitate to contact the andrologist.


An important diagnostic method for detecting this pathological condition is the spermogram. For the delivery of this simple laboratory research will require ejaculate. Assigned to the study after a clinical examination by a doctor.

To determine the polyspermy, the total sperm count in the estimated sperm volume is estimated. Diagnostic criterion - an increase in the number of male germ cells above 250-300 million units per 1 ml of ejaculate.

Multiplication, as a rule, is accompanied by an increase in the volume of collected sperm above 10 ml with a sufficiently high content of mature spermatozoa.

If the test gives a dubious result, the doctor may recommend a retest. It is better to rent it in a few days from the moment of the first. The remaining indicators of the studied ejaculate, as a rule, do not change. The color of sperm in the overwhelming number of cases remains normal.

Consultation with a doctor is very important. During the reception, the doctor necessarily evaluates the general condition of the patient, identifies signs of pathology, and also collects anamnesis. Such a comprehensive diagnosis allows the doctor to determine the possible cause that contributed to the development of this pathology. Andrologists and fertility specialists are engaged in "intimate" questions of men.

For proper diagnosis may require a variety of instrumental and laboratory studies. So, a doctor may order a man to undergo an ultrasound of the scrotum of the prostate.

In a number of pathologies, an evaluation of prostatic secretions, as well as testicular biopsy, may be required. These studies are prescribed individually and for strict medical reasons.


The main principle of treatment of this pathological condition is the normalization of the lost balance between prostatic secretion and the number of spermatozoa. Selection of the treatment regimen is carried out strictly individually, taking into account the reason that influenced the development of this pathology.

Polyspermy therapy may require prescription of medical drugs. In some cases - even hormonal. These funds are directed to act on the level of testosterone in the blood, leading it to normal. Prescribes hormones usually endocrinologist.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are usually prescribed to treat inflammatory changes in the intimate male organs. They reduce inflammation, normalize local immunity, and also have a positive effect on the functions performed by the sex organs.

If the pathology was caused by pathogenic microflora, then the doctor may prescribe antibiotics, the prescription of which takes into account the alleged microorganisms that caused the development of this pathological condition.

A course of antibiotic therapy is usually prescribed for several days or weeks. After the meeting, an evaluation of the effectiveness is necessarily carried out. In some cases, if the course of treatment with antibiotics was not effective enough, the treatment can be repeated, but with the replacement of the drug.

Vitamin complexes are an integral part of a comprehensive treatment program. They help to normalize the work of not only the genitals, but also the whole body of the man as a whole.

In the treatment of certain chronic diseases of the prostate, physiotherapy techniques are used. Usually they are prescribed in combination with drugs.

For information on how to prepare a man for an analysis of ejaculant research, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


