Is it possible to plan the conception of a child of a certain sex by the date of ovulation?


For some, the sex of the unborn child is of great importance. For example, for couples who are already raising two or three same-sex children. But even those who decide to go after their first child want to know how to increase the likelihood of having a child of a particular sex - a boy or a girl. Many have heard about sex planning for ovulation. Let's look at what this method is, what are its disadvantages and pros.

The essence of the method

The method of planning the sex of an unborn child before conception by the date of ovulation is positioned on the Internet as effective and efficient. At the same time, its accuracy by unknown authors is estimated at 98%. It is even called scientifically sound. But let's see if this is true.

The essence of the method lies in the fact that all women, without exception, always have only one set of sex chromosomes - X. And spermatozoa are of two types - some carry the X chromosome set, and the other Y. cage men. And from what it will be - X or Y - depends on what kind of sex the baby will have.

When the sperm X is merged with the egg cell, the XX chromosome set is obtained, and a girl is born. When the female cell is fertilized by the sperm Y, the chromosome set looks like XY, and a boy is born. There is no contradiction with science and medicine in this, this information is completely untrue.

The life of an egg ready for fertilization is 24 hours. Sperm live an average of 3-4 days. And this is also true. Thus, conception is possible only on the day of ovulation, but sexual intercourse should not necessarily have been held on that date.

If unprotected sex was three days before ovulation, the probability of conception is also very, very high, because the live and motile spermatozoa are already in the wide part of the fallopian tubes and await the release of the egg.

If sexual intercourse takes place on the day of ovulation, sperm takes about half an hour to get to the wide part of the fallopian tubes, where they no longer have to wait. They themselves will wait out from the follicle and ready to merge the egg.

In the people it is believed that sperm X is more tenacious, but less mobile. To conceive a girl, you need to have sexual intercourse 2-3 days before ovulation, and then protect yourself so that the faster and more mobile sperm Y will not enter the genital tract.

To conceive a boy, on the contrary, it is necessary to refrain from sexual intercourse before ovulation, and directly on this day to begin a pleasant and useful love-making. Male reproductive cells Y, according to the method, get to the egg faster and ensure the conception of the baby of the stronger sex. Also for the conception of the boy are suitable the first day after ovulation, while the female sex cell still retains the ability to be fertilized.

What does medical science think about this?

In the seminal fluid of men there is always a part of motile and active, less motile and generally immobile sperm. The composition of sperm is heterogeneous.However, sedentary germ cells from the point of view of official medicine have almost no chance at all to get to the fallopian tubes. They, not having the proper speed, simply die in the vagina in a medium of high acidity, since they simply cannot quickly overcome this path and enter the uterine cavity.

Only active motile and motile sperm cells (cells of groups A and B according to the results of spermogram) can fertilize an egg cell. At the same time, microscopic examination and genetic analyzes of spermatozoa did not show a definite pattern in their belonging to the X or Y chromosome carriers. In other words, in group A (the most mobile and fast sperm cells) there are both carriers of X and carriers of Y in equal proportion. In group B (active, but slightly slower sperm cells), the predominance of cells with chromosome X was also not detected.

Based on these data, it cannot be argued that spermatozoa, which can fertilize an egg cell with a probability of conceiving a boy at 100 percent, are faster than spermatozoa, which are hoping to become parents of a girl.

Regarding the longevity of the germ cells, in this matter, doctors are fairly unanimous - sperm live for about 3-4 days regardless of what sex chromosome they carry in themselves. This means that the method of planning a baby’s ovulation sex can have only one accuracy - 50X50. With the same success, you can not plan the sex of the baby at all, because in any case there are only two types of sperm cells “win” for the right to continue the race and give rise to a new life - only X or Y.

In terms of traditional medicine and science There is only one effective way to find out the sex of the child before conception - this is the selection of embryos of a particular sex during IVF. This procedure has to go to people who can not have children of a certain sex because of fear of giving them some genetic diseases associated with a certain gender. So, a woman who carries the hemophilia gene has the right to conceive through assistive technologies with the guarantee that she will give birth to only a girl, because girls do not get hemophilia, unfavorable heredity is not dangerous for her.

In all other cases, the sex of the child is a mystery behind seven seals and God's work, even very experienced doctors and investigative researchers cannot interfere with it. But for those who wish to try the ovulation planning method, no one forbids trying their luck and introducing the game element into the sacrament of conception.

How to prepare for conception?

To use this method, a woman must know exactly when she is ovulating. Usually with a standard 28-day menstrual cycle, the follicle breaks and the mature egg leaves on day 14 after the first day of the last period. If the cycle is longer, for example, it is 30 days, then ovulation, as a rule, occurs on the 15th day. With a shorter cycle, ovulation also occurs in the middle.

The most difficult to calculate ovulation with an irregular cycle. Here doctors should come to the aid of the woman, who can track down the process of follicle maturation and its rupture by ultrasound scanning. You can also try to use special pharmacy tests for ovulation. According to the test errors occur quite rarely.

If the cycle is regular and the monthly periods are never more than 1-2 days late, you can calculate the time suitable for conception using a special calendar or an online calculator. The program will mark the most favorable days for conception, some of which even mark the child of what sex, according to the ovulation planning method, can be conceived on this particular day.

A woman, after carefully observing her body, can determine the approach of ovulation and the characteristic symptoms: changing mood, increased sexual appetite, increased moisture in the perineum, the discharge becomes viscous, transparent, reminiscent of raw egg white, breast becomes more sensitive, sex in anticipation ovulation and the day of ovulation usually gives women more pleasure than on other days. Some people note pain at the right or left side when the egg is released (it all depends on which side of the follicle ruptures).

Once the desired day is determined, you can start planning an intimate life. The probability of fertilization as a whole (regardless of gender) increases, if, before decisive sexual intercourse, to abstain from sex for 2-3 days, not more.

Prolonged abstinence affects the quality and quantity of seminal fluid, reducing the fertility of a man.

Feedback on the method

On one well-known women's website, an unknown girl expressed the essence of the reviews on planning for ovulation in a very accurate phrase: "This is one of the best methods, but many people fail." It is usually not difficult to calculate ovulation. For most young and inexperienced girls, 3-4 months of observation of their state of health is enough to determine favorable days for conception with great precision.

However, the method very often does not meet the expectations of the planners. And at the end of the first trimester on the ultrasound is determined by a completely different sex of the child. Often, women are not limited to only one day of ovulation, but are additionally checked against the Chinese table, blood update table, and also try to follow a special diet. But even their expectations are met only in half of the cases.

They try to find out the gender of the alleged child according to national signs, according to the lunar calendar, do the calculation on the last day of the month, use meditation and signs of fate. However, the sex of the child is poorly mathematically miscalculated, although exactly in half of the cases, the undertaking succeeds.

If you really want, you can try, but all this will remain only at the level of an interesting pastime.

On that, whether it is possible by the date of ovulation and plan the sex of the child, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


