Is it possible to deliberately conceive twins naturally?


The birth of twins is always a double joy. Many couples want twins or twins. This article will help to understand whether it is possible to conceive twins in a natural way.

How does conception occur in multiple pregnancies?

Multiple pregnancies may vary. As a result of this pregnancy, twins, twins, triplets, and even fives can be born. Most often of these options are still twins. At the same time, the twins can be either identical or fraternal.


In order to understand how twins appear, you need to understand how the process of fertilization takes place. After the merger of the egg and sperm begins active division, resulting in yet another new organism, which is called a zygote. Further, due to reasons unknown so far to science, the zygote may in some cases be divided. This division contributes to the fact that not one, but two small human bodies are formed.

Scientists spend quite a few experiments that are aimed at establishing the exact mechanism of active division of the zygote and the birth of twins. Modern research proves that the most important criterion is the time of division. So, the more time has passed since the separation of the zygotes, the more likely the formation of isolation in twins.

Scientists have found that if a zygote divides with the formation of two separate microorganisms for 1-3 days from the moment of fertilization, then in the future each of the babies will have their fetal membranes and placenta, but with a later separation the twins will have a common placenta. The formation of Siamese twins (spliced ​​by parts of the body among themselves) occurs, according to scientists' assumptions, at 13–15 days after the beginning of the separation of the zygotes.

Obstetricians and gynecologists identify several variants of multiple pregnancy. The first of these is bihorionic biamniotic. In this case, each of the babies has its own placenta and fetal bladder. As noted, this option is possible if the zygote division occurred approximately 3-5 days after fertilization.

The second variant of multiple pregnancy is called monochorionic biamniotic. It is characterized by the presence of one placenta and two fetal bubbles. It occurs a little later - after 4-8 days from the moment of fertilization of the egg.

The third option is monochorion monoamniotic twins. In this case, the babies have only one placenta and one fetal bladder for two. This option is much less common than the previous two. It most often develops on the 9-10 day after fertilization.

Very often, after birth, identical twins look very similar to each other. In the future, the children actively use this similarity in school during the answers to the lessons, causing the teachers and their classmates to be really confused. It also happens that the identical twins are very similar to each other, not only in appearance but also in character.


Dvuayaytsev twins are usually called twins. They may appear due to the simultaneous fertilization of two eggs.Twins, as a rule, are less similar to each other than identical twins. Children can have different hair and eye color, vary in height and weight. Also, twins, as a rule, differ significantly in character and temperament.

Bearing twins requires a greater responsibility from the woman, because the female body at this time is experiencing a significant burden. It is very important that the pregnancy is desired. In this case, the woman endures all the difficulties of carrying babies quite well.

It is very important that during the pregnancy, the expectant mother strictly complies with all the recommendations of the doctors for her.

To determine the multiple pregnancy only on the basis of clinical signs, unfortunately, is impossible. In the early stages, it is almost the same as singleton pregnancy. It is possible to detect the presence of several babies in the uterus during an ultrasound examination. When conducting research on a certain period of intrauterine life of babies, you can even evaluate the heartbeat of each of them.

What is the probability?

The birth of twins, conceived in a natural way, due to multiple pregnancies is not as common. According to statistics, out of 250 genera, only one ends with the birth of twins. Identical twins are born extremely rarely - in 4 cases out of 100 kinds of twins.

Such a relatively low probability of the birth of twins contributes to the fact that future parents who dream of several babies at the same time, resort to the most different ways of conceiving twins.

It should be noted that most of them still belong to the people. The only official way of deliberately bringing into the world of twins is artificial insemination techniques used in official modern medicine.

Contributing factors

Not every woman is able to conceive twins or triplets, but there is a number of factors that may affect the possibility of developing multiple pregnancies.

  • Age of the future mother. It is believed that after 35 years the opportunity to conceive twins naturally increases. Quite often, twins are born in women who gave birth at the age of 35-45 years.
  • Genetic predisposition. Perhaps this factor is very important. The presence of twins in close relatives significantly increases the likelihood of multiple pregnancies. Scientists have so far not precisely established the gene encoding the development of this predisposition, however, statistics already clearly show this trend.
  • Overweight. Women who have a slight excess of adipose tissue in the body also have a greater chance to conceive several babies at the same time.
  • Race. It is believed that representatives of the Negroid race more often give birth to twins than Asians.
  • Shortened menstrual cycle. If every month menstruation occurs in 20-22 days, then the opportunity to become pregnant with twins increases slightly.
  • Anatomical features. The development of multiple pregnancy can contribute to a special "two-horned" uterus. In this case, there is a small septum in the uterus, which divides it into several sections. Such a pathology, according to statistics, occurs less frequently - on average, only in 5% of cases.
  • Repeated pregnancies. In some cases, conceiving twins can occur even if the couple already have one or more babies. If this also combines other factors contributing to the development of multiple pregnancies, the chances of the birth of twins increase.

Interestingly, withdrawal of oral contraceptives can also contribute to multiple pregnancies. Conception of twins in this case is possible due to an altered ovulation process.The longer was the previous administration of oral contraceptives, the higher the chance of multiple pregnancies. The abolition of drugs in this case potentiates the release of several eggs simultaneously.

Induced (artificially induced) stimulation of several eggs at the same time can also be a possible cause of conceiving twins. To do this, use certain drugs that stimulate the ovaries and regulate ovulation.

Do not take drugs, and then cancel them yourself. Do this only on the advice of a doctor. Oral contraceptives have quite a few undesirable side effects and may be contraindicated in certain diseases, as well as in the presence of individual intolerance.

Geographic living conditions also have an impact on the frequency of twins. In the small village of Kopan ', which is located in the Ukrainian Carpathians, over half a century, 54 pairs of twins were born (with a relatively small population of 3.5 thousand inhabitants). Locals believe that the whole thing in a natural source, which flows there. They even believe that this source has healing properties.

Similar surprising facts of the frequent birth of twins are recorded in the village of Denisovka. This small settlement is located in the Rostov region. It is noted that 38 people from 500 local residents are twins. At the same time, the residents themselves believe that the reason for this frequent birth of twins is largely due to the fruitful soil on which they grow their crops. Locals are so sure of this fact that they invite all couples who dream of the birth of twins to visit them. They are confident that even after a short vacation in their village, the possibility of pregnancy with twins greatly increases.

How to plan the simultaneous birth of several babies?

Note that it is extremely difficult to significantly affect the possibility of natural conception of twins, however, there are a number of tips that can help in the planning of twins.

  • Take folic acid at the planning stage of pregnancy. Data from some scientific studies show that women who take folic acid at the recommended doses before conception increase the probability of twins to the world by 40%.
  • Keep breastfeeding. In some cases, the conception of twins occurs at the stage of lactation. If a woman is still breastfeeding her first baby, but does not resort to contraception, then she is likely to become pregnant with twins. In this case, the release of several ovules from the ovaries simultaneously contributes to a certain hormonal background, which is formed during lactation.
  • Consider the time of year. It is believed that in the warm season the female hormones change. In spring and summer, the chances of conceiving twins are somewhat increased.
  • Try yams. This grain crop grows and is grown mainly in Africa and Latin America. There are suggestions that the high frequency of birth of twins in black women is largely due to the fact that the basis of their nutrition for many years is made up of products prepared from yams.

When planning a multiple pregnancy, it is very important to follow the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle. It is important for future parents to remember that indicators of their health before conceiving a baby are very important. So, long-term smoking or alcohol intake have an extremely adverse effect on germ cells. This contributes to the fact that normal fertilization is hampered.

It is important to remember that Multiple pregnancy is a rather large load on the female body. If a woman is practically healthy, then it is easier for her to carry out several babies at once, but the presence of chronic diseases significantly hampers the development of a normal multiple pregnancy.

In order to conceive healthy babies, doctors recommend that the expectant mother, at least 6 months before conception, begin to lead a healthy lifestyle and get rid of harmful habits.

Is it possible to affect the floor?

Planning the sex of the child is perhaps one of the most important and intriguing questions for future parents. Someone dreams of the birth of a little princess, and someone - about the heir.

Influencing the birth of twin boys or two little girls is almost impossible. At the same time, all the tips and recommendations are only of an auxiliary nature - there are still no 100% guarantees after their implementation. Such recommendations increase the chance of the appearance of twins by only a fraction of a percent, but there are times when such popular recommendations do work.

In planning the floor, special tables are used, but they are advisory in nature, so the risk of conceiving “planned” boys or girls is quite low.

It is believed that a special diet can help conceive a boy. To do this, the expectant mother at the stage of preparation for pregnancy is recommended to use a large number of protein products. These include: meat, poultry, nuts, eggs. The regular inclusion of dishes prepared from these products should contribute to the conception of boys.

The diet for the birth of girls is somewhat different - it is often called milk-vegetable. In this case, the daily food must necessarily include a variety of dairy and fermented milk products, lots of fruits and vegetables, as well as a variety of cereals. At the same time, there is no strong emphasis on meat products.

Some future mothers are trying to plan the sex of the child using the calendar. To do this, they use the date of ovulation and determine the most favorable time for conceiving a boy or a girl. This principle is based on the biological properties of spermatozoa that carry certain genetic information.

For the birth of a boy, a Y-chromosome is needed. To get her baby can only from dad, as in the female body it is simply not there. If the X-chromosome of the mother and the identical X-chromosome from the father are combined, then a girl will be born.

Y-chromosomes are usually more mobile, but less tenacious. They quickly reach the eggs, but if such a meeting for some reason did not happen, they die as quickly. X-chromosomes are less mobile and active, but able to remain viable for a fairly long period of time. Such features are used by future mothers who plan the sex of babies on ovulation.

It turns out that the risk of conceiving a boy is high on the day of ovulation. A few days after ovulation, the likelihood of the birth of a little girl increases. It is important to note that this method is very relative - in practice it is extremely often the case that the use of such a technique ended in the opposite result.. Calculate the sex of the child only by the method of planning for ovulation is extremely difficult.

In the next video you will find even more information about multiple pregnancies.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


