The use of "Papaverine" during early pregnancy


The first months of pregnancy do not always go smoothly. Some women from the very first weeks suffer from weakness, nausea, dizziness and other ailments.

One of the most disturbing problems of the first trimester is the increased tone of the uterus. To eliminate it, doctors usually prescribe antispasmodics, for example, Papaverin.

This medication is considered harmless to the fetus, but expectant mothers should not use it without a specialist's prescription.

Drug features

The drug is presented in pharmacies in three types:

  • suppositories;
  • pills;
  • injection form.

Candles are sold without a prescription for 10 pieces in a pack, they are yellowish-white, elongated and should be stored at home at low temperatures. They are most often used at home due to ease of use and quick effect.

Tableted "papaverine" is also a non-prescription drug, sold in blisters of 10 tablets, in which the white color and round shape. Such a medicine can be stored at room temperature and has the most affordable price.

The solution for pricks produced in ampoules of 2 ml. It has a yellowish-greenish hue, but usually this medicine is colorless and transparent. To purchase such “Papaverina”, you must first obtain a prescription from a doctor, and you should keep it at home in a cool place. The solution is injected intravenously, into muscle tissue, or subcutaneously, if a rapid therapeutic effect is required or the patient's condition is severe.

The main ingredient of all forms of the drug is papaverine hydrochloride. It has an antispasmodic effect, due to which smooth muscles relax both in many internal organs (intestines, uterus, gall bladder, bronchial tree, etc.) and in the walls of blood vessels. Due to these effects, the use of "Papaverine" eliminates the pain caused by cramps, and also lowers blood pressure.

Is it used in 1 trimester?

All forms of "Papaverine" are allowed to apply at any stage of pregnancy, including the first trimester, when the most important organs of the baby are laid and formed. Doctors call “Papaverin” a medicine that is harmless to the fetus, because during their many years of practice such an antispasmodic did not provoke malformations and developmental disorders, but on the contrary, helped preserve the pregnancy and successfully endure the child to many women.

However, doctors emphasize that putting candles or drinking pills is permissible only after an examination by a gynecologist, and injections are made only in a medical institution so that the pregnant woman is under the supervision of specialists. The drug should not be used on the advice of girlfriends and pharmacists, because the dose and treatment regimen is determined for each patient individually.

The most common reason for using Papaverine in the first trimester is the threat of miscarriage due to uterus hypertonia. This condition can be caused by progesterone deficiency, exposure to stress, thyroid problems, toxicosis, physical activity, and many other factors. It is dangerous for the embryo, because due to the tense state of the uterus, pregnancy can be interrupted.

When apply?

When a woman who just found out about her position, there are nagging pains in the lower abdomen or in the lumbar region, this should immediately alert and cause the appeal to the gynecologist. This is how the increase in uterine tone manifests itself, which significantly increases the risk of miscarriage, as it interferes with the normal attachment of the embryo to the uterine walls and reduces the flow of nutrients due to compression of blood vessels. The specialist will inspect, make sure there is no ectopic pregnancy and confirm that the discomfort is caused by hypertonus.

If the tone is elevated slightly, the doctor will prescribe suppositories. Usually they are used for 1 candle 2 times a day, but sometimes they are used three times or four times a day (more precisely, the scheme should be clarified with a doctor). The drug is released from the packaging and injected in the supine position in the rectum, after which 10-20 minutes to calmly lie down. In addition, the doctor will advise to observe some time for bed rest and prescribe other necessary medications, for example, hormones or sedatives.

With a high risk of miscarriage, the future mother is hospitalized and given injections. Hospital stay is required to monitor a woman’s condition, which can change at any time. If the pregnant woman is at this time in the hospital, she will receive the necessary medical care and save the baby. The dosage of liquid “Papaverine”, as well as the route of administration, must be determined by a specialist. As noted above, injections are performed only by a health worker. For intravenous injections, droppers are often used, for which the drug is diluted with saline.

The duration of use in each case is set individually. Sometimes, a short course of treatment is sufficient to eliminate hypertonus, and some pregnant women have “Papaverine” prescribed for 7–14 days or longer.

Increasing the tone of the uterine wall - this is not the only indication for the appointment of "Papaverine" women in the position.

The drug can be used in such situations:

  • if the expectant mother suffers from dry cough caused by bronchospasm;
  • if a woman has abdominal pain, and the doctor after the examination determined that spasms in the intestines are the cause;
  • if a pregnant woman complains of headaches caused by spasm of the vessels of the head;
  • if the expectant mother has inflammation in the urogenital system, which caused renal colic or spasms in the bladder area;
  • if a woman is diagnosed with chronic cholecystitis that causes biliary colic;
  • if the pregnant woman became ill with acute respiratory viral infections, which caused her body temperature to rise and peripheral vessels spasm at the same time.

With all these indications, the feasibility of taking “Papaverine” should be determined by the doctor.


The use of "Papaverine" in the early stages without consulting a doctor is not recommended primarily because of certain limitations for such treatment. The drug can not be used for:

  • severe liver disease;
  • glaucoma;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • atrioventricular block.

The use of "Papaverine" requires caution in many other diseases, for example, in glomerulonephritis, diseases of the thyroid gland or the heart. In addition, when prescribing this medication, pregnant women should take other medications, so self-medication is unacceptable.

Side effects

For some expectant mothers, the use of Papaverine causes an allergic reaction, which requires discontinuation. Sometimes the drug causes arrhythmia, drowsiness, hypotension, constipation and other undesirable effects. When they occur, a medical examination is required, who will select an analogue.


Most women who were prescribed "Papaverine" in the first trimester, leave positive feedback about this medicine. They confirm its effectiveness in hypertonus and the absence of a negative effect on the child.Among the main advantages of candles are called ease of use and simple composition. According to the women, their condition began to improve 10-15 minutes after the administration of the suppository.


“Papaverin” is most often replaced by “But-Shpoy”, since it is a no less effective antispasmodic acting on smooth muscles in a similar way. The basis of this drug is drotaverine, which quickly helps relieve spasms and reduce uterine tone. The tool is available in tablet and injectable form. It is allowed to use in pregnant women for any period of gestation, as this drug does not affect the development of babies during gestation.

Its use should be abandoned for hypersensitivity, heart failure, liver problems or impaired renal function. Because of these contraindications, it is not recommended to use women in the position without consulting a doctor.

To replace "No-shpy" can also be used analogues of the active substance, for example, drugs "Spazmonet" or "Spasmol."

More on the uterus tone - the following video.

Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


