Vitamins and nutrition when planning pregnancy


To prepare the conception of the baby necessary to approach responsibly. In order to fertilize the egg successfully, and the pregnancy was calm, expectant parents should think about their state of health. Vitamins will help them to improve his performance.

The importance of taking vitamins

Vitamins when planning pregnancy are important for both the future father and the expectant mother. Modern lifestyles, poor nutrition and stress contribute to the frequent development of disorders in the balance of vitamins and trace elements in the human body. If you add to this the presence of someone from the future parents of chronic diseases of internal organs, then the development of conditions associated with vitamin deficiency becomes even more likely.

Vitamins are known in medicine and science for many years. Daily conducted hundreds of studies that determine their action in various pathological conditions. According to their chemical structure, vitamins are low molecular weight organic compounds having different chemical nature. Each of them has its own unique mechanism of action, has its own chemical and biological properties and must be used in strict dosage.

Vitamins do not have plastic function, that is, they are not used by the body for energy. These substances are peculiar catalysts of the most important biological reactions. Unfortunately, almost all the vitamins are not synthesized by our body. That is why they should regularly come with food. When an unbalanced diet, doctors resort to the appointment of special vitamin-mineral complexes.

Experts note that almost ¾ women do not receive the required amount of vitamins in everyday life. In some women, this condition helps to reduce the possibility of conception and the desired pregnancy.

Bearing a baby is a very important and quite a long process. For several months, the female body should provide not only its basic biological functions, but also work “for two”. In order for all reactions to proceed physiologically, you need a sufficient amount of vitamins. It is better if the future mother prepares her body in advance, even before the onset of conception.

Male health in planning a pregnancy is also very important. Spermatogenesis - the formation of male germ cells (spermatozoa) can be disrupted by many factors, including unbalanced diet. In this case, the possibility of natural conception is reduced several times. To help improve the situation in this situation will help specially selected vitamins.

The mechanism of action on the body

Vitamins are biologically active components. The list of actions they provide is quite large. Each of the vitamins has a specific role in the body to maintain its vital functions.For people planning to become parents, it is very important that vitamins from different groups regularly enter their bodies.

Water soluble vitamins

They are so named because they can dissolve in water. Almost all of them do not have the ability to accumulate in the body and are fairly easily absorbed from the intestine. Exception - vitamins B12. Since water-soluble vitamins are not able to accumulate in the body, but are necessary, they should be obtained from food every day.

These biologically active substances are contained in both animal and plant products. When metabolic processes are disturbed in the human body, they can persist for a couple of days, but later they are still derived from it.

Water-soluble vitamins can have a combined effect. So, their deficiency may contribute to the fact that some other vitamins become less active and are not able to maximize their action. There is almost no oversupply, as they are easily excreted in the urine through the renal tubular system or metabolized to less active metabolites.

The main function of water-soluble vitamins in the body - catalyst. They are actively involved in the composition of coenzymes of various biologically active substances, thus normalizing metabolism. Also, water-soluble vitamins improve overall health indicators and even reduce the appearance of allergic reactions.

Group B

Presented at once by several vitamins. For the first time were discovered at the beginning of the XX century by the scientist K. Funk. Each of them has its own serial number, as well as a unique name.

The main vitamins of this group, which are necessary at the planning stage of pregnancy, are presented in the table below.


What effects on the body have?

Average daily dosage when planning pregnancy

B1 (Thiamine)

It has a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism.

Needed to complete the work of the nervous system.

1.5-1.9 mg

B2 (Riboflavin)

Plays an active part in the formation of nerve cells.

Favorably affects the transmission of nerve impulses.

1.4 mg

B3 (Niacin)

It improves the processes of "tissue" respiration, ensuring the smooth functioning of the whole organism.

Expands blood vessels, which improves the blood supply to the internal organs.

13-25 mg

B5 (Pantethenic acid)

Normalizes the adrenal glands.

Participates in the metabolism of fats in the body, normalizing lipid metabolism.

Necessary for the synthesis of neurotransmitters and special substances necessary for normal functioning of the nervous system.

4-7 mg

B6 (Pyridoxine)

Provides normal functioning of the central nervous system, reducing the manifestations of anxiety and stress. Improves amino acid balance in the metabolism of proteins at the molecular level.

2.1-2.3 mg

B7 (Biotin)

It has a beneficial effect on the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the intestine, preventing the development of dysbiosis.

It is necessary for the production of keratin, which is part of the hair and nails.

Ensures the activation of vitamin C with food.

300 IU

B12 (Cyanocobalamin)

It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

Participates in the process of blood formation and the formation of new cells in the body.

2-3 mcg

In some cases, doctors are forced to prescribe drugs that contain several vitamins of group B.

One of these drugs is "Angiovit". It contains vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid. The course of treatment with this drug is on average 30 days. He is appointed by the doctor for medical reasons. As a rule, it is necessary to take 1 tablet per day.

Folic acid

Also called vitamin B9 and is one of the most important biologically active substances at the planning stage of pregnancy. Doctors recommend to include folic acid no less than 3-4 months before the intended conception.

Folic acid has a number of positive effects on the body:

  • improves overall health outcomes;
  • normalizes the work of the female genital organs, positively affecting the regularity of the menstrual cycle;
  • participates in the process of blood formation;
  • positive effect on the metabolism of protein molecules;
  • necessary for the synthesis (formation) of the generation of new healthy cells in the body;
  • It has a beneficial effect on the coordinated work of the digestive system organs;
  • positive effect on the nervous system.

The average daily dosage of vitamin B9 is 400 micrograms. In some cases, it can be changed by the attending physician. If necessary, folic acid is prescribed to both spouses before the planned conception.

Vitamin C

One of the most important functions of this biologically active substance is to ensure the excellent functioning of the immune system. At the stage of preparation for pregnancy, prevention of various viral and bacterial infections is very important. Regular intake of ascorbic acid in the body is able to maintain a high level of immunity, protecting against many diseases.

It is believed that vitamin C has a beneficial effect on emotional perception. So, regularly receiving a sufficient number of his people improves mood, increases the ability to withstand stress, and also reduces the risk of developing depressive disorders. Regular intake of vitamin C improves overall blood cholesterol levels and helps normalize blood vessel tone. This property becomes especially important for future parents who are planning to conceive a baby after 40 years.

Doctors say that ascorbic acid is especially necessary for all smokers. It helps to "clean" the blood vessels from the decomposition products of nicotine, while having a positive effect on the processes of intracellular respiration.

Of course, it is better that at the stage of preparation for conception, none of the expectant parents should smoke as much as possible. Nicotine and tar contained in cigarettes have an adverse effect on germ cells.

Fat soluble vitamins

These biologically active substances are also necessary for both men and women during the preparation for conceiving a baby. This group received its name due to its ability to dissolve in fats. These biologically active substances are part of the cell membrane.

Fat-soluble vitamins have another interesting property - they can accumulate in the cells of fatty tissue. Quite a large supply of them is in the liver. Upon the occurrence of relatively unfavorable conditions for the body, this “strategic” stock begins to be spent in its immediate purpose - to provide basic functions for life.

Vitamins of this group are found both in animal and plant foods. An exception to this rule is vitamin K. It can be produced in small amounts in the intestines.

Propensity to accumulate can lead to symptoms inherent in overdose. To avoid this, you should carefully monitor the daily dosage of vitamins consumed.

Vitamin A

Also called retinol. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system and to ensure good resistance to various infections. Retinol has a positive effect on all the mucous membranes of the body. Without this vitamin it is impossible to imagine the good work of the eyes.

Regular intake of retinol in the body is necessary to ensure "twilight" vision.Thanks to this feature, a person can see well in the dark and distinguish separately standing objects. Quite a lot of retinol is found in the liver, egg yolk and fish oil.

The human body has a unique ability. It is able to form active vitamin A from beta-carotene. This substance is found in brightly colored fruits and vegetables, having a predominantly yellow, orange or red color.

So, a lot of beta-carotene is found in carrots, pumpkin, apricots and dried apricots. The daily need for vitamin A at the planning stage of pregnancy is about 3000 IU.

Proper diet and optimally compiled menu will allow people planning to become parents to do without taking an additional dosage form of vitamin A. To do this, you need to properly think through each of the meals during the day.

In some cases, for medical reasons can be prescribed and dosage forms of this vitamin. In this situation, the duration of administration and dosage is determined by the attending physician individually.

Vitamin D

This group of substances combines a lot of different types. They have truly unique effects on the body. So vitamin D is necessary to maintain optimal calcium and phosphorus metabolism, maintaining the necessary strength and structure of bones and teeth.

Its regular receipt is necessary for the active work of the immune system. Without vitamin D3, the menstrual cycle is disturbed in women, various hormonal disruptions in the endocrine system occur. During the period of increased loads on the body, the need for this vitamin in the body increases several times.

A deficiency in the production of vitamin D is often experienced by people living in northern countries, because its metabolism occurs under the active influence of ultraviolet rays. In the summer solar time, as a rule, problems with the synthesis of this vitamin does not occur. If the weather becomes unfavorable and constantly overcast, and the sun is not there for a long time, then the vitamin D deficiency in the body can gradually appear.

Reviews of many women indicate that during the planning period of pregnancy, doctors prescribed them various medications containing vitamin D in their composition. They note that after such a reception they feel better and their overall condition of the skin and nails has normalized.

A large amount of vitamin D is found in fish - cod, herring, halibut and others. At the same time, fish contains quite a lot of useful omega-3 - an equally important substance when planning pregnancy.

Inclusion in the diet of these healthy foods normalize the endocrine, nervous and reproductive systems, which has a positive effect on the possibility of conception. The average daily need for vitamin D during preparation for conception is 400 IU.

Vitamin E

It is one of the most important biologically active substances at the planning stage of pregnancy. Vitamin E (tocopherol) is necessary to prepare the female body for the upcoming conception of the baby.

Regular intake of vitamin E helps to prevent the possible "fading" of pregnancy, the development of various intrauterine pathologies in the fetus, as well as spontaneous miscarriages.

Tocopherol has a lot of favorable actions on the body at the stage of responsible preparation for the moment of conception of the baby:

  • normalizes the ovaries, leading to optimal production of progesterone - one of the most important pregnancy hormones;
  • normalizes the menstrual cycle and ovulation;
  • reduces the likelihood of the development of inflammatory diseases of intimate female organs;
  • participates in ensuring the maintenance of the elasticity of the uterus necessary for the forthcoming pregnancy;
  • positive effect on the tone of blood vessels, providing adequate blood supply to the pelvic organs;
  • increases the ability to withstand the effects of daily stressors of the external environment, increasing the stress resistance of the body.

Selection of the daily required dosage of vitamin E is carried out strictly individually. The dose can be from 100 to 400 IU per day, taking into account individual characteristics. If a woman has a burdened obstetric history of developing pathologies in previous births or cases of miscarriage, then in this case she is usually given a higher dosage - 300-400 IU per day. In other cases, the daily dose of tocopherol is usually 100-200 IU.

Doctors, as a rule, recommend to divide the intake of vitamin E during the day. It is recommended to take half the daily dose in the morning and another in the evening. Independently select the dosage of tocopherol is not worth it.

In order to avoid improper dose selection and, consequently, undesirable symptoms of overdose, you should still consult a doctor.

Vitamin K

Participates in ensuring the normal function of blood formation. It is necessary for the maintenance of the musculoskeletal system, as well as the kidneys. Vitamin K provides normal blood clotting, positively affecting the number of red blood plates (platelets) in the peripheral bloodstream. The daily need for this biologically active substance is about 1 mg.

Are all vitamins necessary?

It is very important that all the vitamins enter the body. Imagine the functioning of the internal organs without any one important component can not be. Balanced intake of vitamins in the body ensures its smooth operation and improves fertility (the ability to implement conception).

For future dads

Doctors advise men to start specific vitamin therapy, no less than 3.5 months before the intended conception. There are scientific explanations for this. It is believed that 90 days are necessary for the formation of a new generation of sperm. Against the background of the intake of vitamins, new high-quality male sex cells are formed, having better properties than their predecessors.

Such sperm cells are usually more mobile. Their ability to fertilize eggs increases several times. It is believed that a full-fledged complex of vitamin therapy in men contributes to the fact that conception has already happened with 1-2 attempts, taking into account the correctly chosen date of the menstrual cycle.

The following vitamins improve the quality of semen.

  • Folic acid. Helps spermatozoa to have the correct form and mobility, sufficient for fertilization of eggs. Regular intake of folic acid for several months significantly increases male fertility.
  • Vitamin E. Protects sperm from the effects of negative environmental factors. Thanks to tocopherol, male sex cells remain quite mobile and active. The viability of sperm cells also increases.
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Necessary for the normal course of the process of spermatogenesis, as well as the formation of specific male sex hormones. Vitamin C, acting as a powerful antioxidant, improves the mechanism of formation of testosterone. Ascorbic acid also protects sperm from the effects of environmental factors.

All listed vitamins are essential for men's health. It is better that they all regularly enter the male body in the recommended dosages.

If any unforeseen situation develops, when there is no possibility of taking all the vitamins, men should take vitamins C and E, and also not skip folic acid.

In addition to the basic vitamins, for the male body in the period of preparation for conception, microelements are also needed. The most important of them are zinc and selenium.Usually they are not required to take them separately, as they are part of many vitamin-mineral complexes.

Zinc is necessary in the male body for the normal formation of sperm. It also helps to increase libido. Regular intake of zinc helps to improve sexual sensations.

Selenium is a necessary trace element for all men who are planning to become fathers already at a rather mature age. It improves the potency, contributing to the preservation of male fertility over the years.

For future mothers

Vitamin therapy for a woman preparing to become a mother is very important. It helps to bring female health indicators back to normal several months before the onset of conception.

Properly chosen scheme for taking vitamins:

  • necessary for high-quality ovarian work;
  • ensures the regularity of ovulation;
  • helps to prepare the female body for the upcoming 40 weeks of pregnancy.

To determine the available pathologies, the doctor usually prescribes complexes of various tests. Also, as a rule, instrumental studies are required. Such an extended diagnosis allows the doctor to identify all diseases that may interfere with the onset of conception in a woman.

Vitamin B9 is extremely important for all expectant mothers. It is important to note that the intake of this biologically active substance does not stop in the period after the onset of the long-awaited conception of a baby. Folic acid is usually prescribed up to the 12th week of pregnancy.

In addition to B9, vitamin E is also very important for women. It has a beneficial effect on the ovulation process, and also contributes to the “leveling” of the altered hormonal background. Under the influence of tocopherol, the production of female sex hormones is improved. Competently performed vitamin therapy with tocopherol helps to prevent further spontaneous abortion.

Since the future baby will be carrying his mother, then the amount of vitamins needed during preparation for conception is much greater for a woman. In addition to folic acid and vitamin E, vitamins of other groups are also needed: B, C, D, A.

Considering such a significant variety of vitamins necessary for taking vitamins, the best choice would be complex preparations containing vitamins, as well as macro- and microelements.

Multivitamin Complexes

Currently, the pharmaceutical market is ready to offer a huge number of different multivitamins. They differ in chemical composition, cost, country of origin and some other criteria. The choice of the best drug is usually carried out in conjunction with the attending physician who knows the characteristics of a particular organism.

The complex of vitamins allows you to enrich the body with almost all the necessary biologically active substances for its vital activity. The list of drugs can be quite large.

So, the following vitamin and mineral complex remedies are often written out to men:

  • Spermastrong;
  • "Alphabet" (marked "for men");
  • "Duovit" (marked "for men");
  • "Complivit";
  • Proffertil;
  • "Selmevit";
  • Selmevit Intensive;
  • Selzinc Plus;
  • SperAktiv.

Take these drugs should be based on the instructions that are attached to them. Multivitamin complexes that promote ovulation and increase fertility have also been developed for women. Manufacturers use even a kind of rating of such funds.

These funds are chosen, as a rule, by a gynecologist or a reproductive specialist. The following are several medications that are often used to prepare for a planned pregnancy.


In addition to vitamins, this drug is also rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, copper and zinc. The content of folic acid in it is also quite high - 400 micrograms.

It is important to note that there is no iodine in this preparation. His women at the planning stage should be taken separately. The prophylactic dosage of iodine is selected individually and depends on the region of residence. In iodine-deficient regions of such an element, it takes a little more to complete the work of the female body.

Women who took "Elevit" before the onset of pregnancy, mainly note its positive properties. Many say that they have normalized menstrual cycle, improved condition of the skin, hair and nails. The disadvantages include relatively high cost, constipation, a strong increase in appetite.


It is one of the most controversial means of use. It is designed for women from the moment of preparation for conceiving a baby and up to the 12th week of pregnancy.

The preparation contains the following vitamins: B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, B9, PP, C, E and other useful components, including iodine.

The number of positive and negative reviews on it is about 50/50. The advantages can be attributed to a fairly balanced composition. Acceptance of this tool provides the female body with almost all the vitamins necessary for it. Many women who took "Femibion" even before the onset of conception, note that they had practically no adverse symptoms of toxemia in the first half of pregnancy.

The disadvantages are quite high cost. Some women even consider it unjustifiably overpriced. In some cases, as with any remedy, Fembion may cause allergic reactions. At a rather high cost, it also forces women to leave negative feedback.


Also applies to fairly frequently used drugs during preparation for pregnancy. The manufacturer has even developed a special version of this tool for women who are preparing to experience all the delights of motherhood. The name of this drug is “Vitrum Prenatal” or “Vitrum Prenetal Forte”.

Most of the feedback from the reception of this complex is positive. Many women are satisfied with its price and composition. This preparation also contains iodine. This makes its reception more convenient, since it is not necessary to take any iodine-containing agents separately. Vitamin-mineral complex has a positive effect on overall health, normalizes the work of the genital organs, and also improves the condition of the skin and hair.

How long should vitamins be taken?

The regimen is compiled individually. To do this, the doctor must evaluate several factors:

  • the initial state of health of the future father or mother;
  • features of their health and the presence of associated diseases;
  • geographical living conditions and environmental factors (climate, temperature, air pollution indicators, and many others).

On average, doctors recommend taking vitamin complexes for at least 3-4 months before the date of the intended conception of the baby. In some cases, the regimen may be somewhat longer - up to six months or more. Such a relatively long time is necessary for the body to replenish and normalize its physiological functions while taking vitamins.

After the onset of pregnancy, the vitamins do not cancel, but their dosages change. This is due to the increased load on the female body.

In order to compensate for the condition, obstetrician-gynecologists prescribe special multivitamin complexes that are approved for use in pregnant women. Such vitamins are very important, as they are necessary for the full intrauterine development of the baby.

How to take?

Most often, vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed 1-2 times a day. It depends on the specific medication. There is no clear connection with meals. Wash down a pill or capsule should be a small amount of ordinary water.

If the reception has pain in the abdomen, an itchy rash on the body or urticaria, numerous red spots, then in this case you should immediately seek medical help. These symptoms may be a manifestation of an individual allergic reaction to taking certain vitamins.

In this case, the mandatory cancellation of the medicinal product that caused the manifestations of allergies is required.

Products rich in vitamins for conception

Experts note that a properly selected diet is necessary to ensure all vital functions of the body. Properly and balancedly to eat, unfortunately, not many people are currently working out. Residents of cities and large cities, according to statistics, are experiencing a large deficiency of vitamins and trace elements.

In order to compensate for this important shortcoming, it is very important to keep track of the food that is ingested several times a day. In preparation for conceiving a baby, this should be done very carefully. In addition to the main nutrient foods (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), it is very important that a variety of vitamins are present in the daily diet. For this it is necessary to observe the principle of diversity.

In the diet of anyone who wants to become parents, be sure to attend porridge. They provide the body with beneficial microelements, are high in calories and are nutritious, and most importantly, are rich in B vitamins.

Fruits and berries should also be eaten regularly to people who intend to eat well and properly. They contain a lot of vitamin C.

Eating vegetables will “saturate” the body with folic acid and beneficial microelements. The alternation of fruits and vegetables not only diversifies the menu, but also will bring great benefits to the body.

To learn how to eat and what vitamins to take when planning a pregnancy, see the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


