Which vitamins contribute to successful conception and which vitamin complexes to choose?


Planning for conception and pregnancy is a very crucial period. A lot depends on what kind of lifestyle a man and a woman lead to, how seriously they take their health.

During the life of an adult, toxins accumulate in the body, it is affected by the environment, the food that he eats. And not all of these impacts have a positive effect on reproductive health. That is why future parents are advised to clean up, put in order the metabolism and vitamin-mineral balance, several months before the conception of a baby. About what vitamins are needed planning pregnancy and what drugs to choose, we will tell in this article.

Impact on conception

Vitamins play a huge role in the work of all organs and systems of the human body. The effects of individual vitamins and their combinations on the reproductive functions of men and women have long been proven. A sufficient amount of nutrients and minerals significantly improves the quality and composition of sperm, improves the quality of eggs. The fertility of each spouse increases, which means that the quick conception of the child becomes more likely. Healthy germ cells of the future parents largely determine the health of the baby.

Preparing for conception is usually recommended for six months: normalize food, enrich the diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, give up stressful situations, bad habits. The use of vitamins and special complexes for men and women of reproductive age will also be beneficial.

The composition of the seminal fluid of men is updated every three months. The cycle of spermatogenesis is longer than the cycle of maturation of the egg, which is updated in women every month. And because the minimum time for the restoration of reproductive health for men - from 3 months, for women - from 2 months.

Thus, a couple who wants to become parents, at least three months should take care of the choice of vitamins and dietary supplements to improve the quality of their genetic material.

The best way not to make a mistake in choosing vitamins for conception is to start planning with a visit to the doctor.. A woman should consult an obstetrician-gynecologist, and a man should consult an urologist-andrologist. These specialists will help determine the state of the reproductive health of the spouses and give individual recommendations, including the choice of vitamins that promote quick and successful conception.

Taking any multivitamins when planning pregnancy is not the best tactic. The balance of vitamins and minerals is a delicate and highly individual matter, and an overabundance of vitamins is no less harmful than their lack.

Properly selected complex will help not only increase fertility at the planning stage, but also help avoid hypovitaminosis during pregnancy, it’s no secret that many expectant mothers suffer from brittle nails and hair, and dry skin.

A man's preparation for conception will also bring a lot of benefits: along with improving the quality of sperm, immunity will increase, metabolism will normalize, health and mood will improve, and efficiency will increase.Below we will look at several options for the most effective and popular vitamin preparations that help not only to conceive a child, but to conceive a healthy and strong baby.

For men

For men are needed B vitamins, in particular, vitamin B9 is folic acid. It has a positive effect on spermatogenesis. Representatives of the stronger sex, who plan to become fathers, cannot do without vitamin E. It improves the envelope of spermatozoa, increases the lifespan of germ cells. Under the influence tocopherol (vitamin E) sperm cells become stronger and more enduring, which significantly increases the likelihood of successful conception, even if the spouses do not “fall” directly on the day of ovulation.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) necessary for a man to normalize the level of sex hormones. It is this vitamin that is involved in the synthesis of testosterone - the main male sex hormone.

Not only sexual desire and sexual temperament depend on the concentration of testosterone, but also the rate of production of new young spermatozoa, which, after maturation, will become full-fledged "combat units."

The concentration of optimized testosterone regulates and vitamin D. It promotes the absorption of calcium from food, and is necessary not only for the health of the musculoskeletal and muscular systems. With a lack of this vitamin in men, the concentration of calcium decreases, sexual desire begins to visit it less and less, and spermatozoa become less mobile. The low mobility of the male germ cells makes the conception of the child very, very difficult, because the sperm simply can not get to the egg with a low speed of movement.

Male reproductive health is of paramount importance. zinc and selenium. These substances are involved in the synthesis of sex hormones, indirectly affect the composition of seminal fluid, increasing the concentration of healthy, morphologically unchanged spermatozoa. Zinc and selenium are especially needed for men over 35 years old. With increasing age in the body of a man, less active and healthy sperm are produced, the effect of lack of sleep, alcohol, stress, harmful substances, and work "on wear". Zinc and selenium in the composition of vitamin complexes will improve spermogram indicators within 2-3 months after the start of their intake.

The daily need for each of the vitamins is quite accurately regulated:

  • vitamin b9 (folic acid) - at least 400 mg per day;
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - at least 60-80 mg per day;
  • vitamin E - 300-400 IU per day;
  • vitamin d - 400 IU per day.

If desired, you can take the above vitamins in daily dosages separately, they are all sold in pharmacies and are inexpensive. But men are less obligatory than women can confuse dosages, forget about taking a regular pill or oil solution of vitamin E, and then the preparation cannot be considered complete.

It is much easier to take the drugs combined, which already includes all the necessary substances in the required daily doses. The list of male vitamins and dietary supplements is quite impressive.

  • "The Alphabet for Men". In the complex, in addition to basic vitamins and minerals, there is an extract of Siberian ginseng - a means of improving men's health.
  • "Duovit for men." This complex includes 11 vitamins 7 minerals. The regimen is less convenient for representatives of the stronger sex, because it requires taking two tablets per day (morning and evening).
  • "Viardo Forte". This drug is recommended not to take instead of vitamins, but with them, because it is a dietary supplement. The composition of the additive is best suited to improve the quality of seminal fluid.
  • "Complivit". This is a universal multivitamin preparation, which is additionally enriched with zinc and selenium.If a man does not have a tendency to allergies, then this tool will fully provide him with everything necessary.
  • "Proffert". This dietary supplement has a pronounced effect on the cycle of spermatogenesis. It was developed specifically to improve the quality of sperm.
  • "Spermaktiv". This food supplement increases libido, improves the quality of germ cells. The drug is most effective for men aged 36 years and older.
  • Selzinc Plus. This drug belongs to the group of antioxidants. As the name implies, its basis is zinc and selenium, as well as in its composition there are vitamins E and C. A man can drink away folic acid separately.

For women

Vitamins for the female body, preparing for conception and pregnancy, require much more than the male. The fact is that representatives of the fair sex need not only to fix their metabolism at the current moment, but also to create certain stocks of useful substances for the period of gestation.

Folic acid (vitamin B9) helps to avoid anemia. In addition, folic acid accumulates in the body and, after conception, performs the most important role in laying the fetal neural tube. With a lack of folic acid, a child may develop gross defects of the brain and spinal cord, disorders of the central nervous system. Some of these developmental anomalies are incompatible with life.

Vitamin E it is necessary in order to strengthen the cell walls of the body, the substance also affects the cellular processes that begin to occur immediately after fertilization (for example, the formation of the embryonic membranes). The calcium reserves necessary for the growth and development of fetal bones will help create vitamin D. It allows you to absorb calcium better. Calcium deficiency can cause a woman not only brittle nails and brittle hair, but also convulsive syndrome.

A woman is necessary for successful conception and childbearing, as well as for subsequent births vitamin K. He is involved in the synthesis of proteins that are important for hemostasis and are involved in blood clotting processes. To improve the quality of the egg will benefit Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Retinol improves the state of cell membranes, and vitamin C strengthens cell walls.

In a relationship vitamin a It is necessary to be extremely cautious: its overabundance can cause fetal malformations, the woman should follow the dosage recommended by the doctor.

For reproductive health and female fertility are very important B vitamins, especially B 6 and B 12. During pregnancy it is also important to ensure that these vitamins in the diet are sufficient, because they are necessary to improve the functioning of the nervous system of the woman and the fetus.

Zinc in the body of a woman can accumulate, and therefore it should be taken in advance. After conception, a sufficient amount of this substance will help the correct formation of the chorion and placenta, will reduce the likelihood of the development of their defects. Magnesium stimulates the growth of the baby in the womb, and also prevents spontaneous miscarriage in the early period.

It will be difficult to take such a large amount of necessary vitamins individually; it is better to choose drugs in which all the necessary substances are combined in daily need. By the way, daily dosages for those planning to conceive should be as follows:

  • folic acid - 400 mg per day;
  • Vitamin E - 300 IU per day;
  • Vitamin D - 400 IU per day;
  • Vitamin K - 1 mg per day;
  • Vitamin A - not more than 3000 IU per day;
  • Vitamin C - 60 mg per day.

There are a large number of female vitamins and supplements that help prepare for pregnancy and childbirth in the best possible way.

  • "Elevit Pronatal". As a part of this complex, the most necessary vitamins, including folic acid, are collected in a balanced manner. But as part of no iodine, because a woman is desirable to take "Jodomarin" in parallel. This complex is not considered the most affordable, but it is ideal for those planning to conceive, and for pregnant women. In addition, there is evidence that taking this drug reduces the likelihood of developing early toxicosis of pregnant women.
  • Vitrum Prenatal. This complex contains vitamins, minerals and iodine, besides the content of minerals is higher than in most other vitamin complexes. Due to its enriched mineral composition, the drug has a beneficial effect on the production of female sex hormones. It enhances the ability to conceive.
  • Alphabet Mama. This is a drug related to dietary supplements. The inconvenience of its use is the need to drink tablets every 4 hours. A woman can forget, miss a reception, not be able to take the drug on time if she is traveling or is at work at this time.
  • "Materna". In this complex, the content of iodine and vitamins of group B is increased. In some situations, especially when there is an individual deficiency of such substances, the drug is very useful to eliminate the shortage, but sometimes high concentrations of B-vitamins can cause an allergic reaction.
  • "Compliant Mom." The composition of this tool contains all the substances necessary to improve reproductive health, but the content of vitamins A, E and D is somewhat reduced compared to other complexes. If you plan to take the remedy in the fall and summer, this will be quite enough, and for the winter and spring intake it is better to choose another drug.
  • "Pregnavit". This inexpensive and popular drug, unfortunately, does not contain minerals and iodine. Therefore, they will have to take extra.

Recommendations for admission

Vitamins can not be considered completely harmless and harmless drugs. A visit to the doctor is necessary so that he can determine the specific vitamins and minerals that a particular woman or a certain man needs from a biochemical blood test. After that, it will be possible to choose such a complex that will cover the shortage of the necessary substances and will not cause hypervitaminosis. Therefore, leave the choice of the drug at the discretion of the doctor, do not buy complexes for conception on the basis of reviews on the Internet and the advice of a pharmacist at the pharmacy.

Vitamin complexes will benefit and will certainly contribute to the successful conception of the long-awaited baby only if the spouses take their courses for 20-22 days with breaks per week for 3-6 months. Vitamins are not taken to drink on an empty stomach, it is best to do it with meals. If you experience any symptoms of individual intolerance (rash, eating disorders, itching), stop taking the vitamin complex and consult a doctor.

You may need to assign another tool. It is not necessary to combine several vitamin complexes simultaneously: this will inevitably lead to an imbalance of substances in the body and the appearance of symptoms of hypervitaminosis.

Vitamins will not be useful and the probability of conception will not increase if the spouses during the preparation period take alcoholic beverages, drink a lot of coffee and strong tea. Fertility of women and men depends not only on vitamins. In order to conceive a child faster, you need to put your own weight in order, reduce it, if you have extra pounds, eat right, and lead an active lifestyle.

If during the planning of a pregnancy, one of the spouses gets sick and there is a need for treatment with antibiotics, hormonal drugs, anticonvulsant and psychotropic drugs, there is no need to interrupt the course of vitamin therapy. Most drugs are well combined with vitamin complexes.But just in case, it is worth informing the doctor about what drugs are already taken at the time of appointment, in order to prevent the development of allergies.

Strong stress and living in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions reduce the likelihood of conception for both spouses. That is why, already in the period of preparation for conception, everything possible should be done to ensure that the psychological background in the family is favorable and benevolent. Walk in the park, away from cars, or trips to nature will also be beneficial.

Vitamin complexes do not cancel and proper nutrition. Products rich in animal proteins, greens, fruits, raw vegetables, dairy products, nuts, and natural freshly squeezed juices will help your child conceive as soon as possible.

How to prepare for conception, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


