Ovariamin when planning pregnancy: instructions for use


When preparing for conception, a woman may be recommended to take vitamins. In some cases, require hormonal drugs to conceive became possible. And quite often recently, the fair sex, dreaming of getting pregnant, receive a recommendation to take Ovariamin. In this material we will tell you what this drug is, how justified its use is and how to take these pills at the planning stage of an “interesting position”.

What it is?

The drug "Ovariamin" is called amazing in its own way by the development of scientists from Russia. The tool produces a company from St. Petersburg, which positions itself as a partner of the Military Medical Academy and the Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology. The tool was originally developed as one of the increase in the duration and quality of human life.

Extend life convincingly failed, but scientists have paid attention to a certain "associated effect" - Ovariamin has a positive effect on the state of female reproductive health.

The facility received state registration, manufacturers took care of voluntary certification. However, the drug Ovariamin was not recognized due to the lack of clinical trials and a convincing evidence base on its effectiveness. therefore The official status of the drug is dietary supplement (biologically active food supplement).

This fact is reflected on the manufacturer's website, the official instructions also indicate that the tool should be used only as a supplement.

Composition and principle of operation

"Ovariamin" belongs to the class of cytamines. Under the common name are combined preparations obtained from tissues and organs of animals, which are complexes of active substances of directional action. In particular, this drug is obtained from the ovaries of female cattle.

Manufacturers claim that the extract from the sex glands of cows is very beneficial effect on the work of the sex glands of women. In particular, the peptide complex helps to maintain the function of the ovaries in both gynecological diseases and functional disorders associated with operations or taking hormones.

The manufacturing company assures that its products help with dysfunction of the gonads, with an irregular cycle, with frequent anovulatory cycles. Destroyed cellular interaction, according to the instructions, is restored thanks to all the same peptides. Since they act exclusively in a certain direction (peptides of the liver - on the diseased liver, peptides of the stomach - on a similar organ), the peptides obtained from the ovaries of cows, the developers say, affect the cells of the ovaries of a woman, strengthening healthy and healing diseased organs.

Is this really so, the story is silent because Evidence-based medicine is not obvious. However, the drug finds its "fans." Each tablet contains 0.01 g of cytamine, as well as vitamins A, B, E, PP and some amino acids.

Indications for use

Manufacturers of the drug do not say anything concrete about the period of pregnancy planning. In any case, the official instructions for dietary supplements indicate that reception "Owariamin" is recommended for:

  • ovarian exhaustion and dysfunction;
  • irregular menstrual cycles;
  • anovulatory cycles;
  • climax;
  • inflammation of the ovaries.

In practice, the supplement is often prescribed in preparation for in vitro fertilization, while it is not used as an independent means, but as part of complex therapy.

Sometimes it is recommended for women who are planning a natural conception, however, provided that at the moment they are not breastfeeding and are not allergic to the natural components of Ovariamin.

Instructions for use

Annotation to the drug, like any description of a dietary supplement, contains many sci-fi theses, and at the same time the specific data on the action, dosage and overdose are minimally presented. Therefore, the appointment of "Owariamin" room for action is large. Manufacturers give a wide range of dosages - from 1 to 9 tablets per day. How many exactly to accept, it is meant that the doctor will prompt. Unfortunately, some ladies who dream of the little one buy this dietary supplement without the knowledge of the medical workers, but only according to the reviews and recommendations on the Internet.

It is very dangerous, because even the “cleanest and safest” dietary supplements can have undesirable consequences. For medical appointments, the bioregulator regimen is usually the same as that of most medicines aimed at improving and stimulating ovulation. Since manufacturers did not indicate the exact period and dose, by default it is considered reasonable to start taking dietary supplements from 5-6 days of the cycle (as the monthly periods expire) and continue until ovulation (until 14-16 days of the menstrual cycle).

In the second half of the cycle there is no reasonable need for the preparation.

Regarding the dosage of a woman who wants to take this supplement, still should consult a doctor. When planning a pregnancy, it is usually recommended to take the drug 2-3 times a day for 1-3 tablets 10 minutes before meals. Manufacturers indicate that the duration of the course is 10-14 days, which roughly corresponds to the duration of the first phase of the menstrual cycle preceding ovulation.

Is it effective?

Many women who are faced with the impossibility of conception, are ready to give any money for any drug that even just promises the opportunity to improve fertility. That is why the graphics sales "Ovariamin" (not at all cheap, by the way), are growing steadily upwards.

The tool is sold, appointed by gynecologists in antenatal clinics, obviously, having a percentage of sales, because drug production is in the hands of a private company, Yes, and the implementation often takes place not only through the pharmacy chain, but also in the company's specialized stores.

Women, for whom dietary supplements are not just pills, but hope for the future, are interested in how effective this tool is. Not this question the producers themselves do not give a specific answer. On their website, they give two certificates that they do not speak about effectiveness, but only indicate the safety of using Ovariamin.

In some sources you can find data on clinical trials of the drug, but such data does not officially exist. Unknown remain the medical institutions that conducted the tests, the number of groups of subjects and the scientifically protected conclusions about the experiment.

In this way, it is impossible to consider the drug effective. But in most cases it does not harm, and it is on this that his entire advertising campaign is built. If a woman believes that peptides will help her, no one bothers to try.

From the point of view of official medicine, the drug is not considered effective if for 3 courses of treatment there is no result.

If a woman has time when planning, she can, in consultation with her doctor, drink Ovariamin. However, if IVF is necessary and time cannot be lost, even the slightest possibility of an allergic reaction to something before embryo transfer cannot be allowed, then experts do not advise spending precious weeks on taking the drug with unproven effectiveness.

Situations when planning a pregnancy can be different. So, many experts in the field of obstetrics and gynecology tend to believe that this dietary supplement will be of no use if the woman’s infertility is associated with adnexitis, myomas, changes in the structures of the mammary glands, changes in the level of female sex hormones.


Women are actively discussing this drug in pregnancy planning forums. At the same time, there are more questions than answers, and this is quite natural, because the manufacturers do not give specific answers to them either in the instructions or on their website.

In search of constructive reviews about "Ovariamin" you can review dozens of sites, most of them come across so-called "paid" reviews, which are purely advertising. They describe how quickly the drug helped to get pregnant, how surprised the doctors were on ultrasound and in consultation, when the functions of the dying ovaries were restored in just 1-2 courses.

Real reviews are not so optimistic. They have more questions than answers, therefore, it is very difficult to reliably find out exactly what influenced the onset of pregnancy in positive cases - this supplement or the rest of the treatment, which it included as one of many components. Many indicate that 2-3 courses of the drug did not bring the desired result.

Many women point out that it is almost impossible to buy “Ovariamin” in pharmacies, official pharmacy chains are reluctant to accept dietary supplements for sale with unproven effectiveness.

Most women emphasize that they had to buy the drug online on the manufacturers website or through company representatives with delivery.

Reviews of doctors about the drug are mixed. In their assessments Doctors try to respond to dietary supplements with caution, and “Ovariamin” is not an exception. Some experts strongly oppose this supplement, citing a lack of data and a clear scientific base on the true effects of the drug.

How the preparation works, look in the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.