Fish oil during pregnancy: all the pros and cons


Waiting for a child naturally changes the attitude of a woman to her own diet. Each future mother wants to give the baby growing under the heart as much as possible useful and necessary for the growth and development of substances. Therefore, vitamins for pregnant women, nutritional supplements that contain calcium, iron, and basic vitamins are taken without question.

But in this situation it is not quite clear whether it is worth taking pregnant women, of course, very useful and valuable fish oil. In this article we will look at all the features of the use of this product when carrying a baby, and also weigh all the pros and cons.

Beneficial features

With fish oil, many who were born in the 70s, 80s and even a little later, are not the most pleasant memories. This odorous product, which was not pleasant for everyone, was made to be taken in kindergarten, at school, in a maternity clinic, and in a maternity hospital; Indeed, fish oil has been considered an irreplaceable source of vitamin D for a very long time, without which, according to pediatricians of the Soviet period, a child would simply have to have rickets.

Then this product has lost its relevance, because it became possible to get water-soluble vitamin D. Today, to drink this supplement or not, whether to give it to children, parents decide on their own.

Fish oil has a natural origin. It is obtained from the liver of fish cod breeds. The color can be yellow and even reddish, it all depends on what kind of fish belonged to. To obtain fat fish caught in the northern seas. By the way, the first to discover the beneficial properties of the product were the Norwegians in 1862.

The product, indeed, has a peculiar smell, but those who adore herring will even like it. But it's not the color and smell. Fish oil contains not only vitamin D, but also Omega-3 fatty acid. In addition, it is rich in vitamins A and E.

Both fish oil and fish oil can be found on sale. These two products are distinguished by the composition - in fish oil more than Omega-3, and in fish - vitamins.

Can I drink fish oil during pregnancy? Yes it is use in the absence of separate contraindications is quite possible. In addition, there are forms of release, adapted specifically for pregnant women - the product is used in highly purified capsules that mask the unpleasant odor well.

The benefits of the product will be not only for pregnant, but also for the emerging and growing in the womb of the baby:

  • in the first trimester, women taking fish oil helps to tolerate toxicosis easier, of course, if the pregnant woman does not have intolerance to fish and fish smell;
  • systematic use of the product reduces the likelihood of allergies;
  • Omega-3 promotes the production of serotonin - the so-called hormone of pleasure and happiness, due to which the future mother improves mood, decreases the likelihood of the onset of a depressive state;
  • the likelihood of miscarriage and premature birth is slightly reduced due to the presence of vitamin E;
  • despite the fatty base, the product contributes to the regulation of weight - it will definitely not succeed in getting fat when it is regularly taken;
  • the presence of large amounts of vitamin D helps the absorption of calcium from food and supplements, respectively, the condition of the nails, teeth and hair of the woman improves, and the child gets enough calcium to form his own bone skeleton;
  • Glycerides in the composition of the product improve the digestion of a pregnant woman, accelerate the metabolism, are a good prevention of constipation and indigestion;
  • retinol contributes to the development of the child's organs of hearing and vision;
  • Omega-3 has a positive effect on the process of myelination of the cerebral cortex, there is a perception that such children later have a higher intelligence and learning abilities, although scientists disagree (they consider intelligence to be an inherited genetic factor);
  • The composition of fish oil helps prevent the development of diabetes mellitus in the fetus and the inheritance of this serious illness if the expectant mother suffers from it.

Prevention of rickets for a child taking the drug during pregnancy is not considered, although some public sources indicate this. Vitamin D does not accumulate in the body of the fetus during its fetal development.

The benefits of the product when planning pregnancy and carrying a baby, which for many years no doubt, today is called into question by many doctors.

Firstly, the product is not so necessary, because vitamin D is included in the composition of all multivitamin complexes for pregnant women, and when a calcium deficiency is detected in a woman by a biochemical blood test, she is prescribed calcium supplements and vitamin D separately.

Secondly, fish oil may itself be an allergen. In addition, he has his contraindications, although the product is not considered a drug.

Contraindications and harm

The liver in the body of a living creature performs the function of a natural barrier, a filter for cleaning the blood of toxins, harmful substances that can get into the body with food, air and water. If the fish do not smoke and do not take alcohol, this does not mean that their liver is completely healthy and free from all accumulated harmful substances.

Fish live in areas with different environmental conditions. They can live in the waters where they discharged petroleum products, as well as other by-products of society. As a result, the liver of such fish will not be the most useful product.

Extracting fat from the liver affected by toxins and radioactive substances, poisons and chemicals is a matter of manufacturers' conscience. Since the product is not a medicine, it is not subject to mandatory certification and quality control. And this is a great loophole for manufacturers who are no different to honesty.

It is quite difficult to choose fish oil, and therefore it is possible that a woman will acquire exactly the product that is contraindicated in all respects in an “interesting position”.

The product is contraindicated in all pregnant women who are not given consent by the attending physician. That is, the unauthorized taking of food supplements is excluded. You can not take the tool and at the end of the third trimester. At this period, the aging of the placenta is rapidly. But they can accelerate even more due to the presence in fish oil of quite a large amount of vitamin A.

The product is contraindicated in women with tuberculosis, urolithiasis and renal failure, liver and thyroid ailments. If a woman has high levels of calcium (hypercalcemia) or elevated cholesterol, supplementation is also contraindicated.

If the composition of vitamins that a pregnant woman takes, vitamin D is presented in a daily dosage adapted for pregnant women, you should also not take fish or fish oil separately to prevent the development of an overdose of this vitamin.

Definitely worth in the period of carrying a baby to abandon the idea to drink fish oil for women who at least once in their life had signs of allergy to fish or other seafood.

Doctors strongly do not advise taking the product to pregnant women who have diseases of the cardiovascular system and exacerbation of gastrointestinal ailmentsespecially pancreatitis and gallstone disease.

The undesirable side effects of fish oil on the body of a pregnant woman include the occurrence of diarrhea, the development of headaches, increased blood pressure, decreased appetite and in some cases nausea.

It is believed that in the earliest terms the product can reduce blood viscosity, and therefore can lead to miscarriage or the development of bleeding in women with prerequisites. In large and unreasonable quantities, the product has a teratogenic effect, an excess of vitamin A can lead not only to the aging of the placenta ahead of time, but also to the formation of fetal malformations.

Rules of application

It is undesirable to take fish oil without special evidence. In certain situations, it can help expectant mothers who have been diagnosed with delayed fetal development. The exceptions are cases of fetal malnutrition in the 3 trimester. If the pregnancy is nearing its natural end, it is dangerous to take the product. for the condition of the placenta.

But in the early stages at a slow pace of development of the crumbs, the doctor himself can give recommendations to drink fish oil. If a woman bears a baby in the winter season and at the same time refuses to take multivitamins for future mothers, then fish oil will be very useful.

The main thing to remember is that a pregnant woman cannot drink this supplement constantly and systematically. Fish oil can be drunk only in courses. Their duration is determined by the doctor. Self-prescribing and self-administered dosage can be harmful.

It is better to take fish oil to pregnant women in gelatin capsules that mask the odor and unpleasant taste of the substance as much as possible. Some manufacturers make flavored capsules, and they may well smell not the liver of mackerel or herring, but strawberries or cherries, the main thing is not to overdo it with flavors that are also unsafe for future mothers.

As part of the course is usually taken a scheme of double daily intake, not more than 1-2 capsules recommended at a time. If a woman gladly takes an additive in liquid form with all its fish flavors and tastes, thenand time should not take more than 1 teaspoon.

The tool can not be drunk on an empty stomach, before eating, it can cause gastric upset. The dosage of the agent for an adult is usually calculated from the knowledge of its own weight - for each kilogram it should be no more than 30 mg of product per day.

During the course of taking a pregnant woman, it is desirable to reduce the amount of fatty foods in her diet. Replace fatty sea fish with more dry or boiled chicken meat, remove vegetable and butter from the diet or reduce their consumption to the minimum values.


    Women in an “interesting position” are puzzled by the use of fish oil mainly because the annotation to the packaging of this product indicates that it is contraindicated in pregnancy. Manufacturers are required to make such records, as there is no proven laboratory and clinical trials and recorded data on the effects of the additive components on the mother’s body and the fetus.

    The rest of the reviews are quite positive. Expectant mothers emphasize that skin and hair have become much better, digestion has also improved and constipation has receded..

    Among the disadvantages is the cost of capsules for pregnant women - this form is many times more expensive than any other, including children's capsules with cherry and strawberry flavors.

    Side effects occur, but, according to reviews, not so often.

    The benefits and dangers of fish oil for pregnant women - in the video below.

    Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


