Is it possible to conceive a child during menstruation, a few days before or after it?


The onset of pregnancy is always a very important event. In order to improve the chances of the birth of a baby, you should know a certain, most favorable time for conception. This article will help to understand whether it is possible to conceive a child during menstruation, a few days before and after it.

Features hormonal background in women

In order to understand at what time it is possible to conceive a baby, it is necessary to touch a little on the biological mechanism of the menstrual cycle.

Menstruation, which occurs every month, is the beginning of a cycle. The last day before the arrival of menstruation - its completion. Thus, the duration of the menstrual cycle in women is determined.

According to statistics, the average duration of the menstrual cycle is 28-30 days. This is averaged data. In practice, it often happens that the cycle lasts more or less than this period. The duration of the menstrual cycle is a rather individual parameter.

Every woman who is attentive to her health should definitely keep a calendar in which she records the dates of all menstruations. In this case, it is quite easy to figure out the definition of the best period for conceiving.

The entire menstrual cycle can be divided into several stages. They consistently replace each other.

  • Follicular phase. Her goal is to prepare an egg for a meeting with spermatozoa for future fertilization. This phase begins with the first day of menstruation and ends with ovulation. In this phase of the cycle, there is an increase in the blood of female sex hormones - estrogen.
  • Ovulation. Occurs around the middle of a cycle. Characterized by the release of a ripe egg into the fallopian tube for possible fertilization.
  • Luteal phase. It successively replaces the follicular one and continues from the middle of the cycle to its end. The main goal of this phase is to maintain the yellow body of the ovary at the site of the released mature egg. In this phase, progesterone in the woman’s blood increases, but estrogens are also stored.

Menstruation is one of the periods of the follicular phase. At this time, under the influence of female sex hormones, the inner epithelial lining of the uterus is rejected. Thus, the female body each month prepares for possible upcoming fertilization.

Rejection of the epithelium is accompanied by bleeding, which is called monthly. Menstruation can last a different number of days. On average, it lasts about 5-7 days. However, these values ​​are averaged. It often happens that menstruation lasts 3 or 4 days.

Menstrual blood is somewhat different in color from that flowing through the blood vessels. This biological feature is due to the presence of certain enzymes.

Monthly - a signal to the body that began the next menstrual cycle. After pregnancy, menstruation stops for the entire period of carrying the baby.

During menstruation, according to the literature, a woman loses about 100 ml of blood. In some cases, there may be quite large blood loss.In such a situation, a woman should consult a gynecologist. This can be both an individual feature and a consequence of pathology. Only a doctor can determine this.

Knowing the features of the development of the phases of the menstrual cycle, it becomes quite simple to determine the most favorable period for the implementation of conception. Also, using the knowledge of the development of the menstrual cycle, you can calculate and dangerous days. At this time, the probability of conceiving a baby is significantly lower.

The best period for conception

Favorable time for fertilization is calculated by almost all couples who dream of a child. Using the definition of the best day to conceive can significantly increase the likelihood of pregnancy.

Based on ideas about the course of the menstrual cycle, it becomes clear that The best day for conceiving a child is directly the day of ovulation. At this time, the egg is already ripe and ready for fertilization.

The calculation of the day of ovulation is currently carried out in various ways:

  • calendar;
  • determination using tests;
  • folliculometry;
  • to measure basal temperature;
  • on clinical grounds;
  • via online calculator.

Each woman chooses for herself the most suitable and convenient option for determining the date of ovulation.

The correct calculation of the date of ovulation also allows you to easily determine the favorable time to plan the conception of the baby.

It is believed that it is possible to quite successfully get pregnant a couple of days before and after ovulation. At this time, the probability of conceiving a baby also remains quite high.

Terms of the most favorable time for conceiving a baby can be different. This is influenced by a huge number of factors:

  • the health of the future mother;
  • the presence of concomitant gynecological diseases;
  • dishormonal disorders;
  • stress;
  • negative impact of the external environment and much more.

Such a negative impact on the body can lead to the fact that the date of ovulation is simply shifted. In this case, pregnancy can occur in 5 or 10 days before menstruation. Reviews of many women indicate that despite the calculation of the date of ovulation and a favorable period, their pregnancy occurred at a completely different time. Such cases are also quite common in medical practice.

Is it possible to conceive a baby during menstruation?

Nature intended that in the period of monthly conception of the baby is not physiological. So, during menstruation in women, pain increases during intercourse. The duration of bleeding at the same time increases. This reaction of the female body is a signal that it is not necessary to have sex during menstruation.

Protected sexual intercourse can also cause infection. During menstruation, the inner epithelial lining is rejected. On such a loose surface, microbes can easily settle, causing infection. Many doctors strongly recommend not practicing sex during menstruation.

For quite a long time, doctors believed that conception during menstruation is completely excluded. Features of the state of the female body and hormonal background significantly impede the possibility of fertilization. It would seem that everything is simple. There is no ripe egg - no pregnancy. From a theoretical point of view, this is true, but in practice it is completely different.

The long-term experience of obstetricians and gynecologists has led them to think about why, after all, during pregnancy and immediately after they can become pregnant. These thoughts of the doctors were brought by the frequent appeals to them of women, who, using the calendar method of contraception, still became pregnant. It turned out that conception during menstruation is still possible. This doctors found a number of explanations.

First, in the body of a woman a pair of ovaries. They must function consistently - first the egg matures in one, then in the other. From the point of view of the theory, that’s all. But in practice there are cases when in one ovary the egg still matures and prepares for ovulation, and in the other - ovulation has already occurred. Such unplanned ovulation is often called spontaneous or sudden. The development of this state can lead a variety of reasons. Predict the occurrence of such spontaneous ovulation is almost impossible.

Causes of possible pregnancy during menstruation

Various factors can provoke a sudden release of an egg from the ovary.

  • One of the most common - various diseases of the reproductive organs. Disorders in the ovaries contribute to dyshormonal disorders. Disrupted hormones can affect the early maturation of the follicle and its release into the fallopian tube before the due date.
  • Another possible reason that contributes to the possibility of conceiving a baby during menstruation is irregular sex life. It is believed that in this case even one sexual intercourse can provoke spontaneous ovulation. During it, quite a lot of different hormones are formed in the female body, which affect the ovary. In this case, if the sexual intercourse was unprotected, then the risk of conception exists. Of course, it is significantly lower than during ovulation and a favorable period, but still there.
  • The third cause of fertilization of the egg is preservation of sperm in the uterus. In this case, pregnancy may occur if unprotected sexual intercourse was a couple of days after menstruation. In this case, the sperm may simply "wait" for the egg. However, it should be noted that the viability of male germ cells is not so long. On average, they can persist for 2–3 days and then die.
  • The ability to get pregnant during menstruation is affected and taking oral contraceptives. As a rule, after their cancellation it is possible to conceive a baby. In this case, the hormonal background of a woman varies greatly, which provokes spontaneous ovulation. After the abolition of long-term use of contraceptives, it is very important not to rush to plan a pregnancy right away. It is better at this time to give the body a little time to compensate for the general condition.
  • It is believed that The risk of conceiving a baby in the first days after menstruation is also quite high among couples who have regular sex life. Having sex with the same partner for a long time contributes to some physiological changes. Thus, spermatozoa are perceived by the female body as “habitual,” which means that a strong change in the vaginal environment does not occur. This contributes to the fact that the viability of sperm remains quite high, and the risk of conception increases.

Dangerous days for planning conception

    The entire period of the menstrual cycle can be divided into several periods. One of them is characterized by a rather high probability of pregnancy and is most favorable for planning the conception of a baby, the other is dangerous, that is, the risk of fertilization is minimal.

    It is believed that about a week before menstruation plan to conceive a child is not worth it. At this time, the risk of pregnancy is rather low. If the conception of a baby is postponed for some reason, then this period is quite favorable for having sex.

    However, it is worth remembering that even despite the low probability of conception, the possibility of pregnancy does exist. If the couple does not plan to soon add to the family, then she should think about choosing the optimal choice of contraception.

    See if you can get pregnant during menstruation in the next video.

    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


