How to get pregnant quickly the first time: useful tips


Conception is a truly unique mystery of nature. Not all couples can conceive a baby the first time. Quite a lot of people are faced with the problems of long-awaited pregnancy.

The reasons

Chances to conceive a baby are different. Women's health is a very individual indicator. It is quite simple for one woman to conceive a child, and the other faces a huge number of different obstacles on her way to motherhood. Unfortunately, a large number of women are now familiar with the frightening diagnosis of "infertility".

Problems with the conception of the baby are quite common. The reasons that can contribute to the reduction of female fertility (biological ability to continue the race) can be very diverse.

It often happens that a woman who has difficulty with natural conception has several reasons at once that act simultaneously. In such a situation, the probability of the natural conception of a baby, of course, decreases many times.

Doctors believe that a woman’s fertility largely depends on her age. Scientists believe that a woman in 20-25 years is much easier to get pregnant from the first time than in 40-45 years. This feature is largely due to the functional changes that occur in the female body over time. In order for fertilization to be successful, a mature, finally formed egg cell must be encountered with the sperm. Such a “meeting” occurs on the day of ovulation, which approximately falls on the date corresponding to the middle of the menstrual cycle.

In women under 35 years old, who lack certain gynecological pathologies, the number of ovulatory cycles is quite significant. This means that in this case, almost every menstrual cycle in the ovaries, the dominant follicle matures, and then the mature egg cell is ready to conceive from it. However, with age, the number of such ovulatory cycles in women decreases, and anovulatory ones increasingly appear, in which the necessary maturation of the egg does not occur.

Another factor contributing to a decrease in female fertility is the presence of diseases of the reproductive organs. Chronic diseases of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries are quite common. The inflammatory process, which develops with such diseases, leads to disruption of the physiological functioning of the female genital organs.

Unfortunately, gynecological diseases in women are quite common. Increasingly, gynecologists identify in their patients endometriosis and myoma. These pathologies of the uterus are quite insidious - they can develop in both birthless women and those who already have one or even several babies.

Endometriosis and fibroids can cause the development of secondary infertility, in which a woman who already has several babies cannot become pregnant again.

The difficulties with the conception of the baby from the first time can also lead hormonal disorders. Typically, such changes appear in various pathologies of the ovaries.Polycystic and ovarian cysts are common causes that lead to problems for a woman with a natural conception. Without treatment, to achieve a long-awaited pregnancy in such cases, as a rule, is extremely difficult. The probability of conception from the first time with polycystic ovaries, as a rule, is small.

Another reason that can lead to difficulties with the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy is the woman has adhesions or scars in the pelvic area. Pronounced cicatricial changes usually appear in the female body due to past surgical interventions. Women who have a history of abortion or curettage of the uterus may experience problems with the onset of natural conception immediately after one unprotected intercourse.

Female fertility is an individual indicator. There are situations when a woman does not have any serious diseases of internal organs and is even quite healthy, but she cannot get pregnant the first time. It should be noted that this situation occurs in most cases.

The onset of pregnancy after the first unprotected intercourse is an extremely rare case. To do this, different factors should work:

  • unprotected intercourse occurred on the date of ovulation or on any of several days after it;
  • the woman has no significant problems in the state of women's health;
  • partner sperm has good performance - motile and active sperm, capable of conception.

Natural fertilization is a kind of "lottery". Even with the correct calculation, the success of the first attempt is impossible to predict.

Absolutely to influence the outcome of natural conception from the first time is impossible. However, using certain tips, you can significantly increase the probability of conceiving a baby.

The success of conception depends not only on the state of health of the woman, but also on the man. In order for fertilization to occur, both male and female reproductive cells will be required. If there is an insufficient number of sperm capable of conception in the male sperm, then the probability of natural fertilization is reduced several times.

That is why tips and advice should be used by both partners. In this case, the probability of conceiving a baby for a couple increases many times.

Recommendations for women

    Currently, there are many different tips on how to quickly conceive a child. Almost everyone knows about the effective conception of children - from grandmothers living in the same staircase to close friends who already have their little ones and actively share their observations. When choosing such tips, it is important to remember that you can listen to them, but you shouldn't do it thoughtlessly.

    Some recommendations may be completely stupid. To speed up conception, you can use various methods, selecting the most convenient for implementation.

    If any of the methods is not suitable (or there are any difficulties with the implementation), you should abandon it and choose another one. It is important to remember that in each case not all help, but only some tips.

    Special calendar

    Many women are often interested in the question of how to get pregnant quickly: immediately after menstruation. This can help calendar method for determining the date of ovulation. Approximately this date falls in the middle of the menstrual cycle. The average duration of the menstrual cycle is 28-30 days (according to statistics). Most often, ovulation occurs at 14-15 days. A woman who plans to soon become a mother, should plan unprotected sexual intercourse to this date.

    During ovulation, a fully mature egg leaves the ovary to meet with sperm. Ovulation is the best time to conceive a baby.Note that 100% guarantee of successful conception of the baby, even on the day of ovulation, none of the doctors can not give.

    Unfortunately, not always the calendar method helps to accurately determine this point. A simple calculation may coincide with the anovulatory cycle. In this case, the woman hopes for fertilization on the first attempt, but it does not occur (for obvious reasons).


    Unfortunately, not all women can use the calendar method of determining ovulation. For women who have certain hormonal disorders or ovarian pathologies, this method, unfortunately, may simply not help. To determine ovulation in this case can be an alternative method. For this purpose, special test strips are used, which are currently sold in almost any pharmacy and even in large supermarkets.

    The pharmaceutical market offers a wide variety of test systems. The essence of the work of such strips for the diagnosis of ovulation at home is the same: determining the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine. The concentration of this hormone increases in the female body at a certain phase of the menstrual cycle. Increasing the level of LH contributes to the fact that it can be determined using test strips.

    Determining ovulation with this method is quite simple. For this test strip should be placed in the urine. Special indicator element allows you to determine the level of LH in the urine.

    Plan unprotected intercourse should be on the day of ovulation. In this case, the likelihood of a long-awaited pregnancy increases significantly.

    Modern technologies

    Use the calendar method should not be women who have irregular menstruation. The more pronounced such violations, the more difficult it is to determine the date of ovulation through a simple mathematical calculation. To accurately determine its date, you may need a special ultrasound examination, which is appointed by gynecologists. It is called "folliculometry."

    During such an examination, the doctor determines which follicle in the ovary is dominant, how quickly it matures. Using this ultrasound, you can fairly accurately calculate the date of ovulation. If unprotected intercourse is necessary for this time, then the probability of conceiving a baby increases several times.

    "Grandma's Method"

    Grandmothers, as a rule, know exactly how to influence the conception of a baby. Ways that increase the likelihood of conception, while based on the use of various folk remedies. The most commonly used herbal medicine. To increase the likelihood of fertilization, grandmothers usually advise the use of various herbs, herbal preparations.

    Combinations of medicinal plants are different. One of the commonly used herbs that are used in traditional medicine to increase the likelihood of conceiving a child from the first time is sage.

    To date, you can find a huge variety of recipes for therapeutic drinks, which you can prepare from sage in order to bring the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy.

    Herbalists say that sage does have a certain effect on the female body. This plant contains natural estrogens that can affect the overall hormones in a woman’s body. Increased hormone levels can have a beneficial effect on ovarian function, and in some cases even normalize the menstrual cycle. In this case, the probability of the natural conception of the baby increases slightly.

    To bring the onset of the long-awaited pregnancy, a few months before planning to conceive a woman who dreams of motherhood should use sage infusion.To prepare this medicinal drink, 1 tablespoon of minced raw material is poured with a glass of boiling water. Insist means should be within half an hour. For one reception, 2 tbsp is enough. spoons of drink. Drink a decoction should be 2 times a day.

    Doctors say that this drink is not suitable for all women. There are a number of contraindications. Such a drink should not be consumed if there is an individual immunity of the organism to herbs, and also it will not suit people suffering from allergies.

    Before the use of this medical broth, it is better to consult with your doctor beforehand.

    Ancient secrets

    Problems with the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy have been familiar since antiquity. In ancient Greece, for example, great importance was attached to women's health. Fertility in women was an important feature. If a woman was barren, a very sad fate could wait for her.

    In the Roman civilization, conception problems were given special attention. People who dream of soon replenishing the family even worshiped the goddess of conception. At that time, people believed that the successful conception of a baby was most likely during the full moon.

    More interesting is that scientists tried to verify this fact and modeled the conception of the baby during the full moon. The results were astounding: Scientists were forced to note that during a full moon, the chances of conceiving a baby are quite high. As a reason to promote conception in this way, they cite magnetic attraction, which increases during the full moon phase.

    It should be noted that not all scientists share the opinion about the influence of the phase of the moon in some way on the probability of conception. However, no one has yet decided to completely eliminate this possibility. That is why the influence of the phases of the moon on conception remains so far only one of the theories.

    Opinion of doctors

    In some cases, the methods of traditional medicine or the phases of the moon do not contribute to the long-awaited pregnancy. In this case, the woman is forced to seek help from a doctor. As a rule, after a missed abortion, miscarriage or a recent laparoscopy, it is impossible to conceive a child on the first attempt. Difficulties with conceiving a baby from the first time can also occur in a woman with one fallopian tube.

    Despair in this situation is not worth it. In order for fertilization to take place, it takes only time, as well as the necessary treatment, which is prescribed by the doctor.

    Some women who already have a baby may also face infertility - they cannot conceive a second or subsequent child. In such a situation, doctors prescribe them various medications, vitamins and even physiotherapy. This complex therapy contributes to the long-awaited re-pregnancy.

    In medical practice, there are often cases where the pregnancy from the first time occurred unexpectedly. This usually occurs after the withdrawal of contraceptives, their long-term use or removal of the helix. The cancellation of contraceptives can contribute to the fact that hormonal changes in the female body. If unprotected sexual intercourse occurs at this time, the probability of fertilization of the egg is quite high. Doctors recommend using contraceptives correctly, as this affects the onset of pregnancy.

    A woman who has problems with the work of the reproductive organs should be required to regularly visit a gynecologist. If she is planning a pregnancy, then she needs to warn her doctor about it.

    Preliminary preparation and examination will help increase the likelihood of conception from the first time.

    Tips for men

    Many couples mistakenly believe that even a single motile spermatozoon is enough for fertilization to occur successfully. However, it is not. It takes several sperm cells to fertilize an egg.

    Their heads contain a special chemical that affects the outer shell of the egg, increasing its permeability. This is necessary so that one of the spermatozoa can get inside, and fertilization takes place. So it becomes clear that for successful conception requires high-quality sperm. By "quality" of an ejaculate, doctors imply the presence in it of motile and active spermatozoa, ready to conceive. Male germ cells should have a normal structure and sufficient viability.

    After ejaculation in the process of sexual intercourse sperm enter the female reproductive tract. If the spermatozoa are damaged, then, once in such adverse conditions for them, they can simply quickly die. In this case, fertilization does not occur.

    Often, various pathologies of the reproductive system, as well as the maintenance of a wrong lifestyle, lead to such a disorder in men. To increase the likelihood of conceiving a baby, a man should pay attention to the recommendations described below.

    A visit to the andrologist

    Unfortunately, men who have problems with conception usually turn to specialists rather late. This leads to the fact that the treatment they are appointed out of time and often does not lead to a positive result (or takes a lot of time). It should be noted that men rarely come to the reception to specialists involved in the treatment of pathologies of the genital organs.

    To increase the likelihood of conception, you must first identify the problem that contributes to the emergence of difficulties with natural fertilization. To assess the "quality" of sperm, doctors prescribe a special study - spermogram. This simple laboratory test allows you to quite accurately determine how active and mobile sperm in a particular ejaculate. Through spermograms and other examinations, the doctor may, with a high degree of probability, determine the prognosis of the onset of natural conception.

    After a comprehensive study, the doctor also draws up the scheme of necessary therapy, which should improve the situation. Such treatment includes, as a rule, drugs, as well as various methods of physiotherapy.

    Quite often, to achieve a positive effect requires several courses of intensive treatment.

    Rejection of bad habits

    Doctors say that men who lead a healthy lifestyle are much less likely to have problems with conception. Smoking and drinking are real enemies for men's health. It has been scientifically proven that even 30 ml of ethyl alcohol has a toxic effect on spermatogenesis.

    Young, but for a long time, smoking men may have difficulty conceiving. Nicotine, which is contained in cigarettes, has a negative impact on the entire male body, including the reproductive organs.

    The more often and regularly a man smokes, the higher the chance of developing erectile dysfunction and the appearance of problems with conception.

    Rare trips to the bath

    Many men like to go to the sauna or bath - there they can relax from the everyday hustle and have a good time. However, not always such trips can have a beneficial effect on the male body.

    High temperature in the steam room can lead to impaired physiological functioning of the male genital organs. In some men, frequent trips to the bath or sauna can even lead to the development of functional disorders in the reproductive organs, which may result in problems with conception. That is why doctors recommend the male sex not to abuse with visits to the bath and sauna.

    If a man has any diseases of internal organs or pathology of the reproductive system, then he should definitely consult with his doctor about the possibility of visiting such institutions.

    Poses for conception

    Discussions about how best to conceive a child continue to this day. Every day there are all the new data that some posture increases the likelihood of conception. However, gynecologists do not adhere to this belief. Most doctors believe that each pair has its own posture, which is optimal for conceiving a child. Her choice depends on many reasons.

    Doctors nevertheless note that during sexual intercourse special attention should be paid to women who have certain diseases of the reproductive organs.

    It is considered, for example, that the best posture for women who have a bend of the uterus is the one where the man is in the back. In this case, the penetration of the penis into the female genital tract is quite deep, which with this pathology increases the likelihood of conception.

    The classic pose in which the probability of fertilization is also high is considered “missionary”. Some women who really want an early addition in the family, after ejaculation, raise their legs up, make a "birch", or put a pillow under their backs. Such measures, in their opinion, increase the likelihood of deeper penetration of sperm into the genital tract. In some cases, such actions really increase the likelihood of a long-awaited pregnancy.

    Many couples are too diligent about the process of conception - this is not worth doing. Strong concentration on the process and the desire to do everything correctly (and in some cases - by the minute) - this is far from a guarantee of success.

    The process of conception is a natural sacrament. The calmer and more natural the sexual intercourse, the higher the chance that in the future a pregnancy test will show two long-awaited stripes.

    For tips on how to get pregnant the first time quickly, see the next video.

    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


