What pills contribute to conception?


Women who are planning a pregnancy, but face setbacks, often ask the omniscient Internet about which pills can contribute to conception. A lot of drugs, and information about them, too, lacking. But the question itself was posed incorrectly and not there. It’s not a worldwide network to ask about drugs, but a gynecologist. This specialist, after a thorough examination and tests carried out, will be able to find the reason for the decline in fertility and, if necessary, prescribe medicines that will help in a particular situation.

In this article, we will give a brief overview of drugs that may occur in the treatment of infertility or at the planning stage of pregnancy in certain situations.

How to treat infertility?

Much depends on why the long-awaited conception does not occur. The problem may lie not in a woman, but in a man. And in 40% of cases, this is exactly what happens.

The forms of male infertility are varied, but almost all are amenable to therapy. The main thing - to persuade a man to visit the urologist-andrologist and donate sperm for sperm. According to the results of this analysis, the cause will be established with great accuracy.

If the factor of infertility is still female, then again there can be many reasons. Here are some:

  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle, hormonal disorders, lack of sex hormones;
  • overweight, obesity, or underweight;
  • inflammatory diseases of the endometrium;
  • inflammatory and adhesive processes in the fallopian tubes;
  • ovarian dysfunction, lack of ovulation;
  • chronic stress;
  • infectious diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases.

Each of these situations requires its own treatment. Thus, in case of hormonal infertility, hormonal preparations are used to level the background and create favorable conditions for conception and subsequent pregnancy. In the case of the infectious nature of infertility, antibiotics are prescribed, and in case of inflammation anti-inflammatory drugs.

In this case, the choice of means can be carried out only after the exact causative agent of the disease is known.

With endocrine disorders in women, it is recommended to first reduce weight, normalize nutrition, and only then - conceive a child. In most cases, the pills for such infertility does not exist at all, but it is enough to reduce body weight by only 5% and get pregnant. Tube and cervical infertility, when the sperm either cannot get into the uterine cavity, or the movement of sperm cells and the fertilized egg through pipes to the implantation site is difficult, sometimes, in general, require surgical intervention.

There is also an immune factor when a woman's body perceives the fetus or sperm of a man as an alien protein and rejects them. Such infertility requires treatment with immunosuppressive drugs that suppress the activity of the immune system.

A large proportion of female infertility accounts for the so-called idiopathic factor, when the true cause cannot be established. All tests are within normal limits, but pregnancy does not occur. How to treat this condition, science is not yet clear.In most cases assisted reproductive technologies, such as IVF, help solve the problem.

Psychogenic infertility associated with stress, panic internal fear of childbirth, requires the use of sedatives and the correction of the condition is not without the help of an experienced psychotherapist. As you can see, there can be as many medicines as there are reasons. That is why it is important to establish why conception does not occur. This will help the doctor.

general characteristics

All means conducive to conception, one way or another, associated with the impact on the reproductive system of women and men. Most drugs act as regulators of the gonads. There are drugs in the form of tablets, ointments and gels, vaginal suppositories, and injections. Without understanding the reason why conception does not occur, it is extremely difficult to determine the group of drugs.

According to their pharmacological action, all drugs that can help against infertility can be divided into two large groups:

  • drugs (hormonal, anti-inflammatory, antibiotics, antiviral, etc.);
  • Dietary supplements and vitamins (products that are recommended as auxiliary in the complex treatment to increase fertility).

If medicines without medical indications and prescriptions are at best useless, and at worst (most likely) harmful, then biologically active supplements and vitamin complexes can be taken independently. Valid - does not mean that it is recommended. But if time suffers and I don’t want to go to the doctor about infertility, you can try out some products from the second group. We will talk about them in more detail.

Remedies for men

Preparations for men from the category of dietary supplements and vitamin preparations are intended to establish the process of spermatogenesis. This process is quite long - it lasts about 3 months, so the exchange rate of such funds is designed exactly for 3-6 months. The composition of such funds contains the necessary for male fertility zinc, selenium, iron, calcium, as well as vitamins E, A, C, group B. Sometimes plant substances are added that increase potency, make the sperm composition more qualitative, active and viable.

Male preparations always contain vitamin D, which is necessary for increasing sexual desire, for sperm motility. Here are some effective tools for a man who plans to conceive a child:

  • "The Alphabet for Men";
  • Viardo Forte;
  • "Complivit";
  • Proffertil;
  • "Sperm Active";
  • Spermastrong;
  • Selzinc Plus.

By themselves, the drugs from this list may be ineffective if the violations of spermatogenesis are serious, deviations in the spermogram are significant. But treatment of male infertility always begins with such drugs. If there is no effect for half a year, a decision may be made in favor of hormonal agents, anti-inflammatory or surgical treatment. In the most extreme case, it is possible to conduct IVF with ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection into the egg under a microscope).

If the representative of the stronger sex in the process of preparing for conception will only drink pills or capsules, the result may not be at all.

Preparation will require men to give up bad habits (to improve the morphology and increase the viability of sperm), healthy and full-fledged protein nutrition (to improve the process of spermatogenesis), a good night's sleep and a normal psychological state without stress and worries.

Drugs for women

Preparations for women have a mild effect on the work of the ovaries and hormones, and therefore the cycle is normalized.

For ovulation, a balanced combination of sex hormones is important: if there is a "bias", ovulation may not occur.

Funds for the fair sex, conducive to conception, sometimes contain phytoestrogens - vegetable analogues of female sex hormones.

It is mandatory for a woman to quickly conceive vitamin complexes with the indispensable presence in their composition of folic acid, vitamins E and A. At the same time, a woman needs much more vitamins than a man, because she has little to improve the quality of oocytes, you still need to bear and give birth to a long-awaited child. This requires a solid supply of nutrients "for the future."

Therefore, the composition of women's drugs include a high content of calcium, magnesium. The presence of vitamin K is required. With vitamin A, which is so welcome in male preparations, a woman needs to be more careful, since an overdose of retinol often leads to fetal malformations. A woman also needs zinc, vitamins of group B, especially vitamins B6 and B12.

Drugs that help a woman conceive should start taking about 2 months before the intended conception date.

What drugs can be useful:

  • Elevit Pronatal;
  • Vitrum Prenatal;
  • "Alphabet Mom";
  • "Materna";
  • "Complivit Mom";
  • "Pregnavit";
  • Aktifert (gel);
  • Ovariamin;
  • boron uterus;
  • sage.

The best results can be achieved if a woman takes medications simultaneously with a man. Too quick results should not be expected, all drugs have a cumulative effect. A woman should also give up bad habits, lead an active and healthy lifestyle, eat a sufficient amount of healthy foods rich in proteins (meat, fish, dairy products), solve the problem with overweight, if any.

Reception tips and reviews

Each drug has its own indications and contraindications, its own regimen, which must be indicated in the instructions for use attached to it. But the general rules for taking dietary supplements and vitamins for men and women are as follows.

  • Do not drink vitamins on an empty stomach, it is better to do it after a meal and at the same time with a meal.
  • A lot does not mean good, so you should not combine several drugs at once, this will cause an overdose of vitamins and a violation of the absorption of certain minerals.
  • If necessary, take antibiotics, hormones, anticonvulsant or psychotropic drugs, the use of fertility stimulating agents should be stopped for a while and return to the course taking of such drugs only after the end of the treatment of the disease.
  • Remember that stress is a common cause of reciprocal family infertility, and therefore during the planning of pregnancy, do everything possible so that the microclimate in the family is favorable, benevolent. You should also avoid stressful situations outside the home.

Women who are interested in whether preparations for conceiving twins are always baffled by pharmacists in pharmacies. Drugs do not affect the probability of having twins. An exception is hormonal drugs, which are used in certain forms of endocrine sterility, which stimulate hyperovulation with the maturation of not one, but two or even three eggs at once. Such drugs for self-use are strictly contraindicated, they are used only with a doctor's prescription in the IVF treatment cycle or for women to correct the natural cycle with synthetic sex hormones.

According to women, in the desire to get pregnant, many are ready to go for any experiments with their health. They try traditional medicine, drink decoctions of herbs, make them douching. If traditional methods do not help, women become interested in dietary supplements and vitamins. The most positive reviews about "Ovariamin", the pine uterus and the preparation "Materna".

Male preparations, which, according to women, helped to put semen in order, these are “SpermAktiv” and “Spermastrong”.There are reviews that none of the “first-line” drugs had any effect. When referring to a doctor after this, as a rule, the cause of infertility was detected, far from metabolic disorders and vitamin deficiency.

When choosing tablets or capsules for joint use, spouses must be especially careful, since the market for drugs that promote conception is overflowing with homeopathic remedies, whose effectiveness has not been proven.

It’s not worth waiting for a result from them, it’s true, they cannot do any harm either, because they contain extremely small doses of the active substance.

For more information on how spouses prepare for conceiving a long-awaited child, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


