Etiquette for primary school students: the rules and principles of behavior


School is a place whose visit lays the foundation for knowledge about everything around and the rules of behavior in society, but at the same time it is a system where certain rules already exist. Some parents believe that the child should be taught absolutely everything at school, but the student should come there, even if they are already aware of the basic rules of behavior in public places.

This base should be laid exactly parents otherwise, for a poorly educated primary school student, attending an educational institution can turn into continuous problems with teachers and classmates.

How to come?

For first-graders in the school, everything will be absolutely new - even the right way to go there. Adults do not think about the fact that this still needs to be learned, but the kid should be given a few simple tips.

  • The first thing you should always remember is neatness of their own appearance. They meet a person by their clothes, but this does not mean that it is enough to dress up once - the opinion of others can always change for the worse. Of course, the choice of clothes for visiting lessons is hardly in the competence of younger schoolchildren, but it is necessary to teach the kid that he is absolutely responsible for the cleanliness and tidiness of his appearance.
  • Come to school better in advance - before the call should be at least 10-15 minutes. This is both a guarantee that there will be no problems due to being late, and respect among people who interact in a team. This rule is probably useful for children in adult life. Hurrying to school is also necessary because in many institutions in recent years it is necessary to wear removable shoes. In winter, a compulsory procedure before the start of the lesson also includes a visit to the locker room.
  • In the locker room should behave politely do not push and play outdoor games. You can also demonstrate courtesy by lifting someone else's clothes that fell, not even your fault, from a hanger.

How to behave in the classroom?

The main part of schoolwork is the lessons, and it is there that the child is required to emphasize etiquette in behavior. It is logical that you need to attend classes in order to become smarter and grow up to be a successful person, however, the rules do not end there.

  • Being late for a lesson, the student interferes with the teacher and his classmates, and also provokes the teacher to certain unpleasant measures. In life, there are different situations, because of which you can be late, but if it happened through your own fault, you should think hard that this should not happen again.
  • With a call to the lesson you need not just to be in the classroom, but to be fully ready for the start of classes. All the necessary things should be laid out on the desk even at the break, in order not to look for a pen, ruler, or even a textbook in the depths of the portfolio, disturbing everyone.
  • The lesson is needed in order to receive knowledge from a teacher, and not from friends, classmates or a smartphone. All that the baby dreams of can be achieved in adult life, if you study hard and do not ignore useful information.
  • Discipline during the lesson plays a decisive role. It is impossible to make noise even if the teacher asked a question and you know the answer to it. As a rule, a teacher who teaches a class every day, and so generally knows the capabilities of each individual student, but he must give everyone a chance.

It would be very impolite to interrupt your friend if he answers, or shout out if such a classmate was confused with the answer.

  • When a teacher calls a student, he must answer clearly and clearly. Maybe someone from the comrades for any reason missed the explanation of the teacher, and now a classmate can become a little smarter simply because you have more attentive near him.
  • Workbooks must be kept with due diligence, try to write them carefully and allow as little blots as possible. A teacher who checks homework must, in any case, read what is written in the notebook, but if there is something incomprehensible written there, he will have problems with reading, which is why he may even find the task unfulfilled.
  • It is impossible to eat and drink in the classroom, but even chewing gum is a clear sign of disrespect for others.
  • Write off - wrong. The teacher will surely find suspicious similarities in the responses of people sitting next to each other, and in the future there may be an extremely shameful situation where there is still no knowledge in my head, and there is nobody to write off either. In order not to fall into such stories, you must diligently study, as a last resort, you can always ask the person from whom you are writing off, to explain an incomprehensible topic.

The real end of the lesson should not be considered a call for a break, but the teacher's farewell. It is unlikely that he would delay the class for the entire recess, but letting him finish the thought would be not only polite, but also useful for the student himself.

Principles of behavior on change

Although children go to school for lessons, change is of tremendous social significance. From the outside, this may seem to be relaxation without any additional functions, but in fact, right now, the principles of communication with friends and strangers are laid in the child’s head. It is during recession that children often master the concept of authority and leadership, learn to make friends and keep up a conversation. Therefore, to change the baby also need to prepare.

  • At school, always (and especially at recess) you need to remember that there are a lot of people around. One should not show oneself to them from the worst side - in particular, one should not shout, or, especially, use harsh words. There is no need to fight in school, as in the absolute majority of life situations - a conflict or an argument can be resolved by peaceful means.
  • Active games and entertainment in childhood are welcome, but the school corridor is not the best place for such fun. There are quite a lot of different people there, so it is likely to accidentally swoop down on someone, hurt yourself or hit yourself.
  • The courtesy of students towards elders is a characteristic of the school level. Adults should be greeted, even if you do not know them, it is also recommended to let them in at the door at the meeting.

Do not turn the school into ruins or a barn, because you go there every day. It is much better to be in clean and tidy rooms, so do not spoil the school property. A remark to a person who violates order and cleanliness will be quite appropriate.

How to eat in the dining room?

Dining room is another public place in the school, where you will have to interact with a large number of people. It has its own features.

  • If the school has a schedule for visiting the canteen for classes, it should be carefully followed. Even if there is none, and you can come to any change, you should behave properly in the queue - to observe it, without pushing it forward.
  • At the table in the school cafeteria, you should behave just like at any other table. Sit should be smooth, without disturbing the neighbors. Talking with a mouthful is not only a sign of ignorance, but also a threat to choke.
  • You should show respect for people who take care that you are not hungry. Even if the dishes served do not like it, it is not necessary to declare it publicly.After the meal, you need to take the dishes and the remnants of the bread to the special washing window.

You can learn more about the rules of behavior in the dining room in the following video.

Features of etiquette in the library

Even if the reading of the child is not particularly attractive, it will be necessary to visit the school library at least a few times, and some recommendations should also be followed there. They are simple and logical.

  • Even if you are bored, someone else came here to learn something new and interesting. Talking or making noise, you will surely stop them. In the reading room to speak is not worth even a whisper.
  • Books taken in the library must be returned on time - what if they are already needed by someone else. Handle them carefully, returning the same as he took.

To consolidate the above rules, we recommend watching the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


