Atsipol for a child: instructions for use


A drug called Atsipol refers to probioticswhose main task is to normalize the intestinal microflora. Atsipol eliminates signs of dysbacteriosis and normalizes digestion. Atsipol is relevant for abdominal pain, dysbacteriosis, vomiting, and poisoning. It also makes sense to take it for constipation, for diarrhea. Children with food allergies and atopic dermatitis also need to normalize the intestinal microflora.

Atsipol can help your child with problems with the gastrointestinal tract


The components of the acid are acidophilic lactobacilli. They are in dried form. Also includes specific fungi. Lactobacilli in the preparation of the acipole is alive. How is this achieved? First, they are grown on special media, then dried. With further addition of the liquid medium, the lactobacilli come to life again. Lactobacilli and kefir fungi serve as a good environment for intestinal microflora. As a result, reproduction and increased colonization of the intestine with the correct representatives of the microflora occur.

Lactobacillus Acidophilus - acidophilic lactobacilli

Release form

Atsipol is available only in capsules. In an opaque jar can be 10, 20, 30 capsules. Atsipol was produced in the form of a lyophilizate for the preparation of a suspension. However, the capsule form has several advantages. Inside the capsules contain the same powder, but the delivery of the active substances of the drug is more effective.

The active substances are protected from the effects of gastric juice, the capsule dissolves only when it reaches the intestine. Ie begins work where it is really necessary.

Indications for use

Atsipol appointed:

  • in acute intestinal infections (with rotovirus, salmonellosis, etc.);
  • with diarrhea;
  • with dysbacteriosis;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • in case of intestinal disorders of infectious and non-infectious nature, etc .;

It is necessary to give azipol with prolonged use of antibiotics. It is also recommended to prescribe in the complex therapy of atopic dermatitis and a number of other allergic diseases. Atsipol increases the body's resistance to various diseases. It has a preventive effect, prevents the development of dysbacteriosis in various conditions that can cause it (stress, acute respiratory diseases, nutritional errors, etc.).


Dysbacteriosis is not an independent disease. This is a symptom that occurs on the background of a certain condition or pathology.

In order to bring the intestinal microflora in order, apply probiotics and prebiotics. What is the fundamental difference? The beneficial bacteria themselves belong to the class of probiotics (lactobacilli, bifidobacteria). And prebiotics - this is what is necessary for the growth of these most beneficial bacteria. These are mainly certain carbohydrates (inulin, lactulose). Bifidobacterium was obtained for the first time from a newborn who was under natural (breast) feeding. It was discovered by Henri Tissier. The main idea of ​​his work was that bifidobacteria help stop the development of diarrhea in children. The main mechanism is the replacement of bad bacteria by them.

Dysbacteriosis is a direct indication for the appointment of atsipol. Dysbacteriosis can occur not only in the intestine, but also in the vagina. There may be a lesion of the mucosa of the oropharynx and respiratory tract.Atsipol fixes the intestinal microflora and, accordingly, affects the improvement of the condition of other mucous membranes of the body.

See the release of Dr. Komarovsky’s program on children's dysbacteriosis:

Instructions for use

First of all, you need to check the integrity of the package. The marking with expiry date should be clearly visible. If the packaging is damaged or you can not consider the expiration date, it is best to refrain from buying such a drug.

The drug expired can not be used. In this case, the death of beneficial bacteria occurs and there will be no effect from the use of the drug. The shape of the capsule must be complete, without any strange coloring and inclusions.

Capsules are used whole, not chewed. Wash down with enough liquid. Acipol is combined with other medications prescribed by the doctor for the treatment of the underlying disease.

At what age is it allowed to take?

A monthly baby should be prescribed azipol only by a doctor’s decision. From three months and children up to one year old who cannot swallow capsules on their own, open the capsules and pour the powder into a spoon. Add a little boiled water to get a homogeneous mass. In this form, you need to apply. If the baby refuses, you can mix the sprinkled powder with the expressed milk or the mixture.

The dosage for children from 1 to three is the same:

  • 1 year - 1 capsule;
  • 2 years - 1 capsule;
  • 3 years - 1 capsule;

Reception is carried out with food from two to three times a day.

Children older than 3 years of the drug is prescribed 3-4 times a day, one capsule.

In what dose and how to take azipol for you, the treating doctor decides. The drug is taken at an equal interval. If three times a dose is prescribed, then the acipol is taken approximately 8 hours after the last dose 30 minutes before meals.

Toddlers who do not know how to swallow capsules, take adsenol powder in diluted form

A course of treatment

Treatment with acipol averages 7-8 days. At the beginning of the course after treatment of the underlying pathology, a longer period may be needed. Prolonged treatment with acipol is required for chronic pathology, recurrent course of the disease. Children who are underweight also need longer therapy.

Atsipol is also prescribed for prophylactic purposes. Reception is carried out at any age. Children's preventive course is not much different from an adult. The dose in this case is 1 capsule during the day. This course lasts up to 15 days. In a year there can be up to 3 repetitions of this tactic.

How much is?

30 capsules can be bought for about 300-350r.


Direct contraindications to the appointment does not exist. Candidiasis (thrush) is the only condition that can worsen while taking Acipolum. This fact must be taken into account. Thrush appears when yeast-like fungi grow on the mucous membrane. They are called Candida. In a healthy body, they are also present. With a decrease in immunity, the fungi are activated and provoke the appearance of certain symptoms. Often, the body's resistance decreases if a person has recently been sick or has hormonal disorders. Pregnant women and people with diabetes are also at risk.


Since there are no cases of overdose, negative reviews are rarely heard. They are associated with a lack of expected action. Basically - the return of complaints after taking the drug.


Acipol or Linex - which is better?

The choice is based on the goal of therapy and the causative agent of the disease. Linex also applies to probiotics. Reception is relevant for various forms of intestinal disorders. Eliminates them and leads to the normalization of flora. The capsule contains powder, which consists of lacto-and bifidobacteria. Enterococci are also present. All this represents the normal composition of the intestinal flora.If the infection is a viral etiology, it is more advisable to prescribe acipol.

Hilak forte

Hilak forte refers to antidiarrheal drugs. These are drops that must be taken orally. One of the components is lactic acid. It is contained in a specific biosynthetic form. The normal values ​​of acidity in the intestines of a child are restored due to the buffer salts of this lactic acid.

Stimulation of epithelial cell regeneration occurs due to the presence of short-chain fatty acids. In the presence of Salmonella, their accelerated excretion occurs, since hilak forte creates conditions for the growth of acidophilic flora. It is she who leads to the early removal of salmonella. Adverse reactions when taking hilak forte: in the presence of intolerance to the components may appear itching, constipation, urticaria.


Normobact is produced in powder form. Contains lacto-and bifidobacteria. Indications are the same as in the appointment of other pro-and prebiotics.

Bifidumbacterin forte

It consists of live bifidobacteria, which were immobilized on the sorbent. In other words, colonies of bifidobacteria were created by artificial means. Prescribe bifidumbatrerin forte for normalization of intestinal biocenosis under various conditions (infections, colitis, orvi, pancreatitis, etc.). In pediatrics, Bifidumbacterin is often prescribed (in the treatment of infections, anemia, pneumonia, in allergic reactions, etc.). Caution should be taken this drug, if there is a patient lactase deficiency. Vitamin therapy (in particular vitamins of group B) enhances the effect of bifidumbacterin.


Released bifiform in the form of capsules, drops and powder. In all forms of the drug contain bifidobacteria and enterococci. There is also bifiform Baby. It contains, in addition to beneficial bacteria, a vitamin complex. This development takes into account the needs of the child's body.

There is enough cheap counterparts. However, it must be understood that health issues must be approached seriously and responsibly.

What are probiotics and why they are needed, see the video of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


