Karmolis for children: instructions for use


Herbal preparations Karmolis have proven to be an effective and safe means, so many good reviews are found on their use in adults. But is it possible to use such herbal remedies in childhood and how do they act on the child's body?

Release form and composition

Karmolis is produced in the following forms:

  • Drops. This liquid medicine contains essential oils from mint, sage, lavender, clove, lemon and other plants. Since the solution is water-alcohol, it is contraindicated at the age of 18 years.
  • Lollipops. Their composition also includes essential oils of various medicinal plants. At the same time, they are assigned to children, since there are children's candy with natural honey in the Karmolis line of candies that contain vitamin C. They can be given from the age of 6. In addition, candies are available with the flavors of cherry, orange and lemon balm.
  • Phytogel The basis of this tool for children are oils from mint, sage, cloves and chamomile. Added to them propolis tincture, and the sweet taste of the drug is provided with xylitol. One tube includes 20 g of gel, and its average price in pharmacies is 300 rubles.
  • Liquid and gel for local use. Such forms of Karmolis for external treatment are appointed from 12 years. Their composition includes oils of pine, eucalyptus, nutmeg, thyme, peppermint and other plants, as well as menthol, methyl salicylate and camphor.
  • Cooling spray. Such mint oil-based Karmolis can be used for local skin treatment at any age.

How does it work and when is it applied?

  • Karmolis children's candy has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Also, such sweet herbal medicine has antiviral and a slight sedative effect. Such effects are in demand for flu, colds and ARVI. The drug is used not only to treat these diseases, but also as a preventive measure during the cold season.
  • Phytogel Karmolis is intended for treating teeth and gums of babies when teething milk teeth. It has a soothing and cooling effect. However, it does not harm the enamel and does not provoke the development of caries.
  • Spray is used for injuries, swelling and hematomas, as well as after insect bites. This tool reduces pain, reduces swelling, soothes itching and helps in combating the inflammatory reaction of the skin.
  • Such external forms as gel and liquid have a warming effect. After treating the injured or inflamed area, they increase microcirculation and exhibit a local anesthetic effect. They are used for muscle and joint pain, neuralgia, as well as for injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Liquid is also used for massage, therapeutic baths and other physiotherapy.


Karmolis can not be used in case of hypersensitivity to any of the components of the selected form of medication. Local remedies are not used for bleeding and open wounds, as well as for skin diseases. In addition, local forms of Karmolis are contraindicated in violation of the work of the kidneys, and lozenges should not be given in violation of carbohydrate metabolism. The use of the gel in asthma requires caution.

Side effects

An allergic reaction in the form of an itch or reddening of the skin may occur at the site of application of the liquid or gel. Lollipops and phytogel due to the content of plant components can also provoke allergies.

Instructions for use

  • Children's fitogel gently rubbed into the reddened and irritated gums. For one treatment, use a strip of gel with a length of 2-3 cm. The procedure can be repeated up to three times a day with an interval of 30 minutes. It is best to rub the drug at bedtime, and during the day processing is carried out after meals.
  • Gel or liquid Karmolis treated painful area up to five times a day. After applying the product rubbed massage movements. Duration of use is up to 3 weeks.
  • Spray spray from a distance of at least 15 centimeters from 1 to 3 times per day.
  • Lollipops are given to children over 6 years old, like for acute respiratory viral infections or colds, and for prophylaxis, offering to dissolve them in 1 piece in the mouth. The maximum allowable amount of lollipops per day for a child of 6-7 years old is 4 pieces, for children of 7-11 years old - 5 pieces, and for adolescents over 12 years old - 6 pieces. The recommended duration of use of such an additive is 2 weeks.


The use of Karmolis drugs in children speak mostly positively. Moms like that the basis of such funds are natural oils and herbs. Spray is praised for its rapid cooling effect and ease of use; the parents of babies call phytogel as an effective aid for cutting teeth, and candy canes are often used to prevent colds in schoolchildren. The disadvantages of such additives include only the high risk of allergies and high cost.

You will learn more about this tool in the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


