Hiccups in newborns and infants: causes and ways to stop


In adulthood, hiccups are a fairly rare occurrence that can be easily managed. But with the appearance of this symptom in the newborn, many parents begin to experience and do not know how to help the baby and eliminate such a condition.

Mechanism of hiccups

A symptom, such as hiccups, appears when the diaphragm shrinks, to which its stimulation and irritation leads. Note that at an early age, this muscle, which separates the abdominal cavity from the chest, is especially sensitive to any irritating factor, therefore the appearance of hiccups in infants is noted quite often.

Hiccups in newborns
Hiccups in newborns - frequent

The reasons

Hiccups can be called completely normal and natural for a newborn baby, because for the first time in many babies it appears during intrauterine development. Such a hiccup often lasts several minutes (not more than an hour) and in most cases does not interfere with the toddler.

To its appearance leads:

  • Air ingestion during feedings.
  • Thirst.
  • Overfeeding the crumbs, causing the stomach to stretch.
  • Fright or strong feelings.
  • Hypothermia

If the hiccups do not stop for a long time, and in addition to this symptom, the crumbs have a cough or regurgitationwhile the baby behaves restlessly, it can be suspected of the disease of the esophagus or stomach.

Hiccups in a newborn
Before you get rid of hiccups, you need to find the causes

What to do: how to stop the hiccups and get rid of it?

If hiccups do not bring the baby any discomfort, nothing is required. In cases where such a symptom causes anxiety in the crumbs and prevents him from falling asleep, parents can struggle with the onset of hiccups by distracting the baby and calming him down.

  1. If hiccups started while feeding, interrupt and stroke the crumbs on the tummy, waiting for the disappearance of this symptom. At the same time keep toddler advised vertically. If the hiccups do not stop within ten minutes, you can give the baby some warm water or briefly apply it to your chest.
  2. If the cause of hiccups was cooling, what you can judge by the temperature of legs, hands and nose of the toddler, cover the baby or put it on, and also hold it on your hands.
  3. When hiccups appear due to baby's fright you need a hug, shake a little on your arms, attach to your chest.


Since there are no effective ways to remove hiccups in newborns (when compared with methods of dealing with this symptom in adults), it is best to prevent its occurrence:

  • Feed the baby in a position where the upper body is raised.
  • Do not put immediately in the crib after feeding.
  • Try not to allow strong hunger in the crumbs.
  • Do not overfeed baby.
  • Correctly pick up the nipple and bottle when artificial feeding.
  • Correct the mom's diet by removing the gas-stimulating products from the menu.
  • Always give crumbs belch after eating.
Mom's baby
The frequency of baby hiccups depends on the mother’s actions

Opinion E. Komarovsky

The well-known pediatrician calls the most frequent causes of hiccups quick swallowing of food, drying of mucous membranes, overeating and delayed release of the intestines (constipation and bloating). He notes that you should go to a doctor with hiccups, which have lasted for three hours, and also in the case of a combination of symptoms such as hiccups and abdominal pain.

As for ways to remove hiccups from babies of the first year of life, Komarovsky advises not to allow overeating, to air and wet the room, or to go for a walk with fresh crumb to the fresh air.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


