Brown urine in a child
Since brown is not typical of urine, parents may be very concerned about this color. Is the brown color of urine a symptom of the disease and in what cases does the urine excreted by the child become darker?
Possible reasons
A very common cause of dark urine staining is dehydration. For example, the urine becomes brown if the child has an elevated body temperature or his body is overheated. As soon as the baby begins to drink enough water, the urine again becomes light yellow.
Also, urine can change its color under the influence of drugs, for example, it becomes brown if given to a child. metronidazole, anti-malaria, levodopa, senna-based drugs. As soon as the drugs are canceled, the urine gradually brightens.
Food coloring
The brown tint of the baby’s urine may be due to drinking too many beans, black tea, rhubarb, beef, and other foods. If you notice that the baby's urine has turned brown after any such product, no need to worry. Soon the color will be normal again.
Brown tint may appear when:
- Diseases of the liver, as well as the gallbladder. Brown tint in this case appears due to urinary excretion of bilirubin and other bile pigments.
- Infectious diseases of the kidneys and bladder with the release of blood or pus.
- Glomerulonephritis.
- Urolithiasis (if the stone injures the urinary tract and causes bleeding).
- Tumors of the kidneys or urinary tract.
- Melanoma in the urinary system (extremely rare).

Additional symptoms for anxiety
If the cause of the brown tint of the urine is problems in the liver, the baby will have such unfavorable symptoms as yellow sclera and skin, skin itching, weakness, pain in the stomach on the right, and the baby’s stool will become discolored.
When should I go to the doctor?
You must immediately show the baby to the doctor if:
- Fecal mass of the child became colorless.
- The child has severe itchy skin.
- Baby complains of pain in the abdomen.
- Have you noticed that the skin of the child has a yellow tint.
- You shook the urine container and saw a yellow foam.
- At baby pressure has gone down blood count and decreased heart rate.
- The child has a fever.
- The baby feels discomfort during urination.
- In addition to the modified color, urine had an unusual, odor.
- The child urinates more often than usual.