Why is there belching in a child and when is it a symptom of the disease?


The body of kids is very different. Many manifestations of its functioning lead parents to real confusion. What to do fathers and mothers when a burp appears in a child, this article will tell.

The reasons

Belch doctors call the return of food out of the mouth after the child has eaten. Each age has its own standard criteria.

Many, even beginning parents know that babies in the first months of life constantly regurgitate food after feeding. This does not mean that the child has any deviations in the state of health. As a rule, this symptom is quite physiological and speaks of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract of a newborn baby.

The appearance of belching in a child at an older age, and especially after eating, should alert the parents. In most cases, this symptom already indicates about the presence of trouble in the health of the baby. If the adverse symptoms of belching persist in the child constantly, then in this case it is not worth to postpone the visit to the doctor.

A variety of causes can belch in babies of different ages. Some of them are quite physiological, while others speak of the presence of any pathology in the children's body.

Currently, doctors distinguish dozens of different diseases in which a child may burp. Many parents believe that only diseases of the gastrointestinal tract contribute to the appearance of this adverse symptom in the baby. However, this is not at all the case.

Belching food in a baby is due to the fact that the stomach is reduced when the esophageal sphincter is unclosed. Such a situation and provoke a refund of food content in the reverse direction and its release from the mouth.

There are several types of belching. In most cases, this is a food form when swallowed food is separated. There is also a burp air. It can develop in both adults and toddlers.

In this case, the food eaten passes from the stomach to the intestines, and air is released from the mouth. This feature allows our body to equalize the disturbed gastric pressure, which changes during digestion. In healthy people, the air is released in such small quantities that they simply do not notice it.

The appearance of belching in babies can lead a variety of reasons. First you need to note - in what situations this manifestation is very physiological. In this case, the parents do not panic, but you just need to pay for the child's eating behavior.

Physiological belching quite often appears in babies, leading active conversations during the meal. The air that gets in a large amount during such a conversation mixes with food particles and goes further into the esophagus. Such a state rather quickly leads to stretching of the hollow organs of the gastrointestinal tract, leading not only to belching, but also to a feeling of fullness in the stomach.

Inadequate food chewing is also a common cause of burping in babies. Incoming lumps cause stretching of the esophagus, and then the stomach, which leads to excessive overflow of these organs.

In order for the food lump to be well crushed, the food needs to be chewed very well.This situation is quite common in infants of the first years of life, who have already “switched” to the common table and eat regular meals with adults.

Haste during meals is also often a provoking cause of belching in babies. Children attending a large number of sports clubs and educational circles often do not pay attention to the culture of behavior at the table.

Eternal haste and an attempt to have time to visit all the scheduled activities often contributes to the fact that the child swallows large pieces of food that they do not swallow thoroughly. Such a frequent situation not only provokes the occurrence of frequent burping in a child, but is also a starting point for the development of chronic diseases of internal organs in the future.

Doctors recommend that all family members not to eat during or immediately after any strong psychological stress. The physiological process of digestion is inextricably linked with a certain innervation. A large number of nerves are suitable for all organs of the gastrointestinal tract, which ensure the correct contraction of their walls (peristalsis).

Medical specialists have long noticed that eating food in a state of emotional arousal leads to the development of belching and other very unfavorable symptoms.

Some foods also contribute to the release of food bolus in the opposite direction. These include: carbonated drinks and kvass, oxygen-containing cocktails, onions, some dairy products (especially whole cow's milk), many types of legumes and cabbage.

Eating such food not only contributes to the burping of the baby after eating, but can also cause severe gas formation.

There are also pathological causes leading to the occurrence of this adverse symptom in a child. In the overwhelming number of cases, these are gastrointestinal pathologies. According to statistics, they are responsible for the development of belching in children in about 90-95% of cases. Other diseases of the internal organs are starting causes much less often.

Among the most common pathologies of the digestive tract are the following: pancreatitis, gastritis, duodenitis, diseases of the liver and gall bladder and many others. In most cases, these diseases occur in babies in a chronic form. Frequent exacerbations only contribute to the persistent maintenance of belching in a child.

Without treatment of the underlying disease, it is almost impossible to eliminate the adverse manifestations of these pathologies.

A common cause of belching in a child is peptic ulcer. This pathology may be associated with the stomach or duodenum.

Improper diet, long breaks between meals and severe stress are frequent causes of the development of this disease in childhood. This pathology manifests itself in a child, as a rule, by the development of a burp. It can be with the release of food and air.

Much less often, various diseases of internal organs can cause a burp in a baby. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system, especially occurring in a rather severe form, lead to a violation of pressure inside the abdominal and chest cavity. This situation contributes to the development of the child expressed symptoms of belching.

Children who are overweight also often have adverse symptoms. A large amount of adipose tissue exerts pressure on the diaphragm, which causes impaired advancement of the food lump in the physiological direction.

The occurrence of belching in obese babies is associated with the development in the child of the relative insufficiency of the esophageal sphincter. Normally, this anatomical formation does not allow food from the stomach to fall back into the esophagus.

Belching can have a very different taste:

  • Sour taste in the oral cavity after the return throw of food may indicate problems in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • If the child feels bitterness in the mouththen, as a rule, in most cases this symptom indicates the presence of problems in the work of the liver, gallbladder or biliary tract in a baby.
  • Fetid smell eaten content - a very unfavorable symptom. It appears mainly when the child has excessive fermentation processes in the stomach or upper intestines.

If the child regurgitates food with air, then this manifestation is called aerophagy. This condition can be both physiological and develop in a variety of pathologies. Errors in the daily diet are also frequent causes of this condition.

Ignore the appearance of belching in a child is not worth it. A long throw of sour or bitter contents into the esophagus can lead to the development of very unfavorable conditions.

Gastroenterologists say that this process becomes a starting cause in the future to the development of dangerous chronic diseases, and in some cases even promotes the growth of tumors.

Belching with a bitter aftertaste can also occur after long-term use of certain medications. This situation is due to the fact that almost all drugs are “processed” through the liver, and only then their active metabolites enter the bloodstream and reach the necessary internal organs.

Doctors say that taking muscle relaxants can lead to a violation of the tone of the sphincters, which causes the child to maintain persistent belching for a long time.

A rather rare cause leading to the appearance of this unfavorable symptom is also surgery. In some cases, burping after such interventions is transient, that is, completely stops with the passage of time.

In case of violation of the operation technique, operative complications may occur, which lead to the appearance in the child of unfavorable symptoms of dyspepsia.

Age features

The appearance of belching at each age requires separate consideration. The reasons contributing to the development of this condition in babies can be very diverse.

Identify the trigger factors that contributed to the emergence of the physiological belching in a child, can every mother. To do this, she should only observe more closely how the baby behaves at the table.

If, in the opinion of the parents, there are no compelling reasons for the development of belching in a child, they should definitely show the baby to the pediatrician. In no case should this unfavorable symptom be left unattended.

A unique diagnosis is required at each age. You can not equate the appearance of belching in an infant and schoolchild.

In newborns and infants

The appearance of belching in a child under one year is quite often the simplest sign that a child simply ate completely. This is quite easily explained by the features of the physiological development of babies of a given age. The digestive tract of a one-year-old baby is constructed in a completely different way from that of older children.

The volume of the stomach of a newborn baby is very tiny. It will increase only with the growth and development of the child. To saturate the baby the first days of life just enough milliliters of breast milk.

At the beginning of lactation, it is quite fatty and has the necessary calories for the development of a newborn baby. The fragile esophageal sphincter and contributes to the fact that the child appears frequent belching.

For the prevention of the development of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pediatricians recommend not to lay the baby in a horizontal position immediately after feeding. Such a simple measure will prevent the return of food content in the opposite direction.

For proper digestion, support the baby in his arms in an upright position until he belches.

Regurgitation several times should not frighten parents, as it can be quite a physiological reaction of the baby.

If the baby-infant is quite emotional or has some diseases of the nervous system, then more favorable situations should be chosen for the feeding.

You should calm the child well beforehand. Some overly emotional babies are perfectly rocked on the hands of their parents. Feed the baby should be in an atmosphere of maximum calm.

In children 2-3 years

The appearance of belching in children of this age is often the cause of disturbed behavior. Children 2-3 years old can already chew food, as they have the necessary number of teeth in the mouth. To prevent a burping in a child from an early age, he should be taught the basics of good eating behavior.

Parents should definitely explain to the baby that all food should be chewed thoroughly. This will reduce the occurrence of adverse symptoms, especially such as belching and heartburn.

At this age, the formation of organs of the gastrointestinal tract is still undergoing formation and development. It is important that babies of 2-3 years receive in the daily diet all the nutrients and microelements necessary for their growth and development.

For optimal digestion, the baby should eat at least 5-6 times a day. Portions must be age-sensitive. Overfeeding a child only contributes to the excessive stretching of the walls of the esophagus, which leads to the appearance of a pronounced belching.

In children from 5 to 7 years

The appearance of belching in babies of this age should be a weighty reason for parents to see a doctor.

Identifying eating disorders in children of this age is quite easy. To do this, just watch your child carefully. Quite often, the kid to the appearance of a burp holds an excessive passion for food while watching cartoons.

The formation of this unfavorable symptom at this age is also quite often caused by various food poisoning and toxicoinfection.

Viruses and bacteria that have entered the children's body emit a large amount of toxic products, which cause a variety of digestive disorders. The most frequent manifestation of them - the appearance of belching fountain or frequent vomiting. Yellow contents in these pathologies indicate involvement in the process of the gallbladder or liver.


If the appearance of belching in newborn babies is quite a physiological phenomenon, then the development of this adverse symptom in a school-age child, as a rule, indicates the presence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract organs.

According to statistics, the most common of these pathologies is gastroesophageal reflux.

In this case, the acidic contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus, causing inflammation and damage to the walls there.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a child may burp even after drinking water. Reverse selection of the eaten content occurs in a child suffering from severe gastritis. In this case, the child's physiological process of digestion is significantly impaired. Adverse symptoms in this situation appear in the baby mainly with errors in the diet.

It should be noted that not only diseases of the gastrointestinal tract contribute to the development of belching in children of school age. An excessive growth of adenoids in the nasal cavity can also lead to its appearance.

Polypoid tissue developed there affects the work of adjacent organs, which contributes to the appearance of various adverse dyspeptic symptoms in a baby.

Frequent consumption of carbonated drinks and dry crackers or chips also leads to various digestive disorders. For proper digestion, a child needs full meals and an optimal drinking regimen.

The use of large quantities of dry foods or snacks is quite often the cause of belching in babies of this age.


The development of belching at this age results in almost all of the same causal factors as in adults.

An important reason that is involved in the development of belching in a teenager is smoking. The toxic effects of nicotine and cigarette smoke irritate receptors and mucous membranes, leading to the development of a wide variety of adverse symptoms.

Snacking on the run is also a fairly common cause of belching and heartburn in adolescents. The abuse of fatty and fried foods not only contributes to the occurrence of this adverse symptom, but also leads to the development of dangerous chronic diseases of internal organs.

For an optimal digestive process, a teenager should eat every 3-3.5 hours. In this case, cooked food should occupy at least 75% of the total consumed per day. As an afternoon snack or snack, it is better to give preference to fermented milk products or fruit, rather than sweet soda with chips.

If belching in a teenager is accompanied by the appearance of heartburn and soreness in the abdomen, then this requires mandatory consultation with a gastroenterologist.

To clarify the correct diagnosis will require a series of laboratory tests, as well as the mandatory appointment of fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS) and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. This will reveal all abnormalities in health at the earliest stages.

About why children of the first year of life burp, see the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


