Glycerin candles for newborn
Parents are often faced with such a problem of digestion in young children, like constipation. And in an effort to help the little one, they are ready to try various means, including glycerin candles. Is it possible to use such candles for constipation in young children and how exactly do this correctly?
These candles have the following advantages:
- They are not absorbed in the intestines.
- These candles are not addictive.
- They are safe in childhood.
- They can be purchased without a prescription.
- The price of this tool is affordable.

- Using glycerin suppositories for a long time can cause a loss of sensitivity of the rectal receptors. As a result, the baby will not be able to empty themselves.
- In case of overdose, the child has a burning sensation in the rectum, because of which the baby begins to cry. Mom may decide that the crumb shows discomfort because of constipation, but the decision to put another candle is wrong.
- With excessive use of glycerin suppositories, you can achieve the opposite effect - diarrhea.
- Glycerol suppositories may cause an allergic reaction.
Candles are not able to eliminate the cause of constipation, they only help to remove the symptom. And if constipation manifests any serious illness, the use of suppositories can be harmful.
Before you put a candle on the baby, you should make sure that the baby really has constipation. Normally, babies who receive only mother's milk, can not crap up to 5 days. If the crumb is cheerful, calm and feeling good, and his stomach is not tense, there is no need to run to buy candles.
Why help?
A glycerin candle dissolved in the rectum is an irritant to the mucous membrane, which stimulates defecation. Also, the dissolved candle makes fecal mass more liquid. Usually, the effect can be noted after 15-30 minutes after the injection of the candle.
When are they applied?
The main indication for the use of candles, based on glycerin, is constipation. Such candles are recommended in the absence of a bowel movement for several days if it causes discomfort to the child. Candles with glycerin are also prescribed. newborn with hernia, if the baby can not be strained.
It is best to buy babies for babies. glycerol candles, but in cases where candles for children are not available, you can buy an adult dosage. It is important to carefully read the instructions and follow its instructions.
At what age can they be used?
The instructions to the children's tool indicated that they are allowed to use in babies after three months. Nevertheless, such candles are also used for newborns, preferably after consulting with a pediatrician.
- It is important to remember that a glycerin suppository is not a remedy for constipation.
- Also, these candles can not serve as a prevention of difficulty emptying. So you can not use them as a preventive drug.
- If problems with emptying recur regularly, the best solution is to contact your pediatrician.
Instructions for use
Glycerin candles intended for newborns are not produced. In pharmacies, you can buy either children's candles (0.75 g) or adults (1.5 g). Their composition is the same.
For a newborn, a baby glycerin candle should be divided into two parts, and an adult should be divided into quarters.
How to set?
An adult should wash his hands, remove the candle from the package and divide it if necessary.
Putting the crumb on his back (you can also on the flank), his legs should be bent at the knees and bring them to the stomach.
To make the candle easier to slide, you can soak it in warm water. Also, to facilitate the introduction of the anus, the baby can be lubricated with baby oil or cream.
Next, carefully candle (efforts do not need) is introduced deep into the anus of the baby. After that, the baby’s buttocks should be squeezed and briefly held so that the candle does not immediately come out of the anus.
How often can they be used?
The newborn is recommended to introduce a glycerin candle every 3 days. Although this remedy is safe, but it is often advised not to put such candles in order not to provoke diarrhea.
Moms who used glycerin candles for newborn babies speak positively about this tool. Children tolerate the drug well, and the effect of the candles is quite fast.
It should be noted that the use of glycerin suppositories is an emergency measure that fights only a symptom, and does not help to eliminate the cause of constipation.
Before using a glycerin suppository, try alternative methods to help the baby:
- A nursing mother should add beets and prunes to her menu.
- An artificial child should try to change the mixture.
- Baby can be massaged tummy (movements should be in a circle, slow and not strong).
- Take care of the tiny gymnastics (this will stimulate peristalsis).
- Try to cause a bowel movement by inserting the tip of a syringe or a vapor tube into the anus of a baby. Sometimes this is enough to stimulate the emptying of the baby.