Green stools in infants breastfeeding


A baby chair is able to tell about how its gastrointestinal tract works. Having assessed the feces, parents and doctors can identify digestive problems and eliminate them at an early stage. The most common concern is the greenish color of the baby’s feces. What can testify to such a color of a stool in a baby breastfeeding?

When is the norm?

A green stool in an infant can be the norm. This is especially true for newly born babies, since in the first days after birth the child gives off meconium, the color of which is often dark green. This chair has a viscous consistency and lack of smell.

The color of feces of a child who receives only breast milk is often yellow, but may have a greenish or mustard shade, as well as impurities. The consistency of the stool of such a child is normally similar to gruel or thick cream. It is possible and liquid consistency, feces can be frothy and with a sour smell.

The color of the feces of a nursing baby may be affected by such factors:

  • the physiological immaturity of the digestive tract and the lack of production of enzymes;
  • the content of hormones in my mother's milk;
  • stool oxidation when exposed to air;
  • taking crumbs or mom drugs;
  • mother's food.

Nutritional Effect of Nursing Mom

The baby’s chair can turn green and become liquid if there are drastic changes in the mother’s diet. Mom should introduce new foods into her menu very carefully. Eat should be full, paying attention to the process of cooking. Spicy, fried and fatty foods in the mom's diet can affect the baby's breastfeeding stools. Nursing mother protein should be obtained from lean meat, dairy products, poultry and fish. Do not consume cow's milk (whole) in large quantities, as it is an allergenic product.

Mommy's diet should include dietary fiber from vegetables and fruits. At the same time, fruits of red and orange are recommended to be avoided. Nursing mothers should not eat exotic fruits.

Excessive amounts in the mother's diet of foods that cause fermentation, causes frothy stools in crumbs. That is why a nursing woman should eat less sugary drinks, grapes, and confectionery.

Symptoms for anxiety

Be sure to pay attention and go with the baby to the doctor if any of the following symptoms join the green color of the chair:

  • Temperature rise;
  • Vomiting;
  • Blood and a significant amount of mucus in the feces - we advise you to read an article about green baby stool with mucus;
  • The frequency of emptying more than 12 per day;
  • Unpleasant (sour or putrid) smell of feces;
  • Rash.
Green stool in infancy with blood
If there is blood in the stool, immediately go to the doctor
Green stool in infants with mucus
For green feces with mucus, consult a doctor

Possible reasons


This is not a disease, but a violation of the composition of the flora inside the intestines of the baby. The number of bacteria, which are normally in the intestine should be less, increases, and, accordingly, the number of bacteria, which should prevail in the norm, decreases.

In babies receiving only breast milk, dysbacteriosis may appear as a result of supplementation. Although in those children who are not given additional water, a state of dysbacteriosis is possible, since the intestine of an infant is immature and its flora only forms after birth.

Lactase deficiency

With such a pathology, the baby’s stool is frothy and green in color. The diagnosis of deficiency of this enzyme is quite rare. More often, a stool of such color and consistency indicates the nutrition of the crumbs, mainly by the front (watery and liquid) milk.

If the baby’s stool was green before, but suddenly began to smell sharply sour and frothy, this may be evidence of malnutrition of milk from the back of the breast. Such milk is not only more calorie and contains more fat, but is also a source of enzymes for the digestion of lactose. The baby can receive less this milk if the mother too quickly changed her breasts during sucking when the pussy began to worry.

What to do?

If, in addition to changing the color of the chair, the baby is all right (sleep, mood and appetite are normal), just monitor the condition of the baby and, with the first warning signs, take the baby to the pediatrician.

In order for the baby to get milk from the back of the breast chamber, let's give the baby a breast on demand and don’t drink it in order not to reduce the baby’s desire to suck. It is also important to ensure that the position of the baby when sucking the breast is correct.

If there are suspicions that the greens in the diaper are provoked by some products in the mom's menu, you should try to exclude them from the mother's diet.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.