Antiviral agents for children 5 years


At the age of five, children are quite vulnerable. The still weak immunity of the child is not able to give an adequate response to numerous threats from the outside. To this is added the psychological burden - the kid begins to prepare for school, many children in 5 years attend schools of early development. Many factors put together, cause frequent colds, viral infections. Modern antiviral drugs help parents and doctors to defend the five-year plan.

Mechanism of action

Antiviral drugs are synthetic and herbal. Their classification is based on the difference in the principle of exposure to the virus.

Drugs of direct action destroy viruses, do not allow them to freely leave the affected cell and spread further. Immunomodulators and immunostimulants induce the child’s immunity to produce antibodies at a faster rate and give an immune response to a viral attack. Interferon preparations contain interferon protein, which is one of the main defensive reactions in the body. Antivirals of homeopathic origin are affected by small particles of active ingredients, many of which are identical to the viruses themselves.

And in the next video, the pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky will tell you all about children's antiviral and how to use them.


Clinically proven effectiveness of the hundreds of names of antiviral drugs can only boast a few. This segment of drugs is not well understood, and there is no reliable evidence that even an expensive antiviral agent has a 100% effect.

With regard to homeopathic pills and drops, everything is even more complicated. It is practically impossible to study their effectiveness due to the fact that the active substances in them are presented in negligibly small dosages. Official medicine does not recognize the effectiveness of homeopathy, many doctors claim that the desired effect when taking homeopathic medicines can be achieved only due to the placebo effect.


We already know that anti-virus drugs differ in their mechanisms of action. Medicines that directly attack viruses have a negative effect on the entire children's body as a whole. Interferons, the composition of which is caused by proteins obtained in the laboratory from donor blood when exposed to viruses, have a lot of side effects. Immunostimulants and immunomodulators for children 5 years old are the most acceptable option. But their frequent admission can cause immune instability, when the child’s own immunity “splits”, stops resisting bacteria and viruses, and the baby starts to hurt often and hard.

Homeopathic remedies are a matter of taste. They have no contraindications and side effects, but the effectiveness of their reception is also a big question.

When choosing an antiviral agent, it is necessary to consult a doctor. It is very important to take into account the age characteristics of the child, the presence of concomitant diseases, including chronic ones.

Another useful video of Dr. Komarovsky about children's antiviral.

More preferable drugs in convenient dosage forms for children: syrups, drops, suspensions, solutions, rectal candles, ointments and gels, sprays. Children at 5 years old can start giving pills if the child has already learned to swallow them.Capsules "five" are contraindicated.

Treatment and Prevention

Antiviral drugs should not be given to your five-year-old child for any reason. Such antiviral medication will only complicate the situation, worsen the state of health and endanger the baby’s immune defenses.

  • For the treatment of influenza and SARS. Medications give in the first hours after the onset of signs of infection (rapidly increasing body temperature, respiratory symptoms — runny nose, cough, headache, pain in the joints and muscles, pain in the eyes, tearing). If you have not started taking the drug in the first 36 hours, then there is no point in it. At a temperature of 37.0-37.5 antiviral agents are not needed. One can think about their admission if the child's temperature rises above 38.5.
  • For prevention. Such funds can be taken for preventive purposes. This is true during periods of seasonal growth of infectious diseases, provided that there are already sick people in the child’s environment. Preventive doses are 2 times less than therapeutic ones. It is not recommended to take immunomodulators and immunostimulants more than twice a year.

The list of drugs for children 5 years

Drug name

Drug form

What to treat

How to apply at the age of 5+


Rectal candles, ointment, gel


viral hepatitis

One candle twice a day. Course 5 days.


Nasal drops, nasal spray

Flu and SARS

2 drops in the nostrils 4-5 times a day.

"Anaferon children"

Drops, pills sublingual

Viral pharyngitis, laryngitis, ARVI, influenza virus, chickenpox, herpes, rotavirus infection, enterovirus.

1 tablet every half hour for the first 2 hours of the disease, on the second day - 1 tablet 3 times a day.


Ointment external tablets

Chickenpox, herpes zoster, viral dermatosis, herpes simplex virus, warts.

The maximum daily dose is 3 tablets.


Powder for solution, capsule, syrup

Influenza and SARS in the early stages.

4 ml. solution 3 times a day. The course is 4-5 days. Drink half an hour before meals.


Capsules and powder for suspension

Influenza A and B, ARVI, ORZ

Individual doses, depending on the weight of the child.


Solution and tablets

Immunodeficiency prevention and the earliest stages of influenza.

1 tablet 1-2 times a day. The course is from 1 to 8 weeks.

The solution is 1-3 times a day for 1 ml.



Influenza virus type A initial stages, prevention, strengthening the immune system.

The first day of illness 3 times 30 ml, then 2 times a day, 30 ml, on the fourth day 20 ml 1 time.



Prevention of tick-borne encephalitis, influenza, treatment of influenza at an early stage.

50 mg. 2 times a day.


Tablets, powder for suspension, capsules

Secondary immunodeficiency, viral bronchitis, pneumonia, herpes, prevention and treatment of influenza in the early stages, treatment of rotavirus infection "intestinal flu."

Before the meal 50mg. 1-2 times a day.


Drops, ointment, rectal suppositories

Adenovirus, viral conjunctivitis, herpes zoster, flu, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, viral hepatitis.

The dose is calculated and prescribed by the doctor individually.


Rectal candles

Rubella, chicken pox, measles, otitis media, increased nervousness, acute respiratory infections.

In severe conditions - no more than 6 candles per day, the average rate - 1-3 candles 1-3 times a day.


Rectal candles

Intestinal dysbiosis, intestinal viral infections, chronic laryngitis, bronchitis, viral hepatitis, herpes infection.

The duration of treatment and the individual dose prescribed by the doctor.


External solution and solution for pricks

ARI, ARVI, conjunctivitis caused by viruses, rhinitis, antritis, frostbite, burns, poorly healing wounds, stomatitis.

Rinsing the mouth - an average of 5 times a day.

When eye inflammation - 1-2 drops in each eye 2-4 times a day. Duration - 14 days.

When applied topically - treatment solution 4-5 times a day.


Homeopathic pills

Influenza, acute respiratory infections and their prevention.

Under the tongue 20 minutes before a meal or 60 minutes after a meal. A 5-year-old child needs 1 dose of the drug twice a day.


Tablets, drops

Prevention of complications of influenza and ARVI.

At the age of five doses of 10-15 drops per day or 1-1.5 tablets per day.


Dissolving tablets

Influenza, including swine and avian, chickenpox ophthalmic herpes, shingles, enteroviral meningitis, prevention of complications and secondary infections with influenza.

In the acute phase of the disease, 1 tablet every half hour, on the second day, 1 tablet 3 times a day.

The course of treatment from 1 to 6 months.



Herpetic karate, cytomegalovirus infection, prolonged form of acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, chickenpox, respiratory and urinary tract infections.

The dosage is determined by the doctor individually, the duration of therapy is up to 14 days.

"Oxolinic ointment"

Nasal and external ointment

Prevention of viral diseases, warts, eye diseases caused by viruses.

Ointment in the eye - 1-3 times a day, in the nose - three times a day.

Cost of

When choosing a medicine for a five year old child, many parents are price oriented. In pharmacies today, there are many names of children's medicines against viruses.

All of them are divided into original and so-called "generics", created on the basis of the originals. The first are more expensive. Generics are significantly cheaper. The average cost of the original medicine is from 350 to 600 rudders, the analogue is from 100 to 200 rubles.

At the same time, relatively inexpensive generics proved to be no less effective than the originals. The essence of the question lies in the active substance. Knowing what is the basis of an expensive original medicine, you can easily choose an available replacement drug for it.

General recommendations

  1. If a child at the age of five suffers from a cold more than 6 times a year, this is the reason not to choose effective pills and injections for him, but as soon as possible to see an immunologist. Most likely, the baby will need additional research - an immunogram, which will show why the body is so poorly resistant to microbes and viruses.

  2. If you can refuse to take antiviral drugs, it is better to do it. Immune protection karapuz cope with the infection and "write" information about it in its database. In a subsequent collision with such a pathogen, the threat recognition system will work and antibodies to it will develop faster.

  3. There are situations in which you need to immediately start taking antiviral pills or syrup. The parents usually cannot assess the severity of the disease in a child, and therefore the doctor should trust this. It is important to know that it is better not to drive the baby with suspected viral infection in the clinic, so as not to contribute to the spread of infection. The doctor should be called to the house.

  4. If a child has a viral disease, the parents are obliged to report this to the kindergarten, which is visited by a crumb, and to other groups where it happens (sections, circles, institutions of additional education). Some diseases require the introduction of mandatory strict quarantine.

  5. When taking antiviral medications for a child, it is important to ensure proper drinking regimen with a predominance of warm fortified drink. It can be compotes, broth hips, herbal tea with lemon or black currant. To calculate the amount of water your five-year-old child needs, its weight must be multiplied by 30.


Parents of children aged 5 years and older quite often complain of systematic childhood diseases. Antivirals mothers of such children are used both on the advice of a doctor, and after self-selection. Most often, parents choose homeopathic pills and drops. So, according to moms and dads, good medicine is “Otsillokotsinum”, “Viburkol”.

«Rimantadine"Causes some headaches for some children, parents complain about Interferon, because it also has side effects, and it is rather difficult to calculate the exact dosage of the medicine for flu or cold in a child.

We also offer a view of where the children are represented. inexpensive antiviral.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


